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king kodiak

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Posts posted by king kodiak

  1. I talked to the owner of the car when they got it to the bottom. :crash:

    He was holding a peice of the Rhino body.

    He claimed it was a hit-and-run.


    He was :grin: .

    Yeah, lots of damage there. :2cents:

    The rail driver was an idiot! He seemed really concerned at first, but when the cops got there, he started getting all loud and trying to blame the rhino driver, but they saw the whole thing and after making sure driver and passenger were o.k. the cops sent the rhino back down the hill. The rail driver was lucky he didnt get a beat down, a few other guys were stopping and giving him s#@t for driving like an idiot! Maybe after he gets his P.O.S. fixed he can take a sand driver class or better yet,he should probably get a rhino, it would be safer for him and slower! :pissed:
  2. :thumb:

    I'm glad I decided to head on out this weekend, even tho it was an abbreviated trip for me and the kiddos. It was a bit warm on Saturday, but not intolerable, especially when you're riding. Arrived a little later than I had planned, so after lunch we headed straight to the N. Pole to meet up with the DDR peeps. Finally met barefoot Bob, who was wearing flip-flops, :dunno: That buggy of his is awesome!! Met Randog too, he's a cool guy and the pics don't do justice to his car, either. It was also great to see Kirk, as in Captain out there, and Mike(156) still smilin'! Didn't catch Jackie (DUNESMURF) or Dan-the-man Saturday so we went camp-hopping on Sunday, but no one was home. Got my DDR window stickers though!!! Thanks Pete, I guess we caught you atta good time. :D

    Saturday night at comp was NUTS!! We got there a little after 9:00, apparently just after an accident, saw the rail ambulance flying up to the scene. Lotta close calls on the hill that night. Sometimes rails and quads just DON'T mix! Add alcohol, well, 'nuff said. Heard Rhinos and rails don't mix either, but the Rhino came out ahead (not the driver, however, got his azz beat up from the rail driver). Word has it it turned into one hell of a brawl!

    Blew up 2 quads this weekend, daughter's trailblazer and Davey cooked the Banshee AGAIN. But no bodily injuries, so I'm MORE than thankful!! :D:laughoff::dunno:

    Yeah, rhinos and rails definitely dont mix, but to help clear the air,yes the rhino came out ahead and so did the driver, the dumbarse in the rail started getting loud once the cops showed up,good for him they did, a bunch of people were about to take out their frustrations on him, but sadly, no brawling, the rail driver did piss off quite a few people though. :thumb: But at least no one got hurt :pissed:
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