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Posts posted by throwinrox

  1. And how did you determine Hondas have the BEST motor.Some of the things you guys say are so rediculous.All the my Honda has never lost to a yfz or my yfz has never lost to this or that.You sound like idiots.Maybe you should get out more often.Every bike has its perks and its downsides.All bikes can be MADE to go fast.The YFZ is a bike that is very easy to get to be fast without any internal mods,maybe the easiest.The TRX can be made to go fast also but most likely will need cams,carb etc etc..The EFI bikes are most likely the future of the sport,but for us old schoolers the carb setup suits us well and we understand it.Every bike has different characteristics and shine in certain areas better than others.It all depends on what you want to do.Im a Yamaha guy and always have been so it will always be an easy choice for me.If you arent partial to certain makes your choice is a little harder to make.Every guy that has a Honda thinks his is fastest,prettiest,best riding,and same with the YFZ and LTR owners.It all is just personal preference.Do your homework and research your bikes before you buy it.The worst thing you can do is rely on some of us to make your choice :laughoff: :smoker: :laughoff: Good Luck with what you buy.All the race style 4 strokes these days are pretty nice and you cant really go wrong with any of them.

    :laughoff: Basically what I am trying to say

  2. Cody....WTF ! Is it Kazuma, BANSHEE, YFZ450, Honda.....I recommend your make up your mind cause every dealership is going to be calling your house !!!!! And your mom is on BED REST !!!!!!!

    Don't rule out Kymco, the breakout manufacturer of the year.

    BTW Cody, How old are you?

    'cuz if you are younger than 16 then it is LT80 TRX90 or Raptor80 :smoker:

  3. GET A BANSHEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Here's your sign.

    But seriously, I forgot about the LTR. It is a nice bike. +7hp with $35 in mods. Out of the box with wider arms. Awsome throttle response with the EFI. It gets the jump on my TRX from a dead stop but from a rolling start top of first gear I can pull away til 3rd gear when it catches up and pulls ahead. this is stock for stock and same result with either rider on either bike. On the LTR I felt like I was sitting over the tank and the bars were too low for me stock, but a +1 stem felt better. for me its a toss up but what do I know I was riding a 185s as my main duner 'til I got my TRX 2 seasons ago.

  4. I'd say go sit on them both, or if you can bum a ride that would be even better. See which one feels more comfortable to you, where do you feel like you are sitting? On the Honda it was more like I am sitting in the bike, on the YFZ I felt like I was riding on top of it. The seat is a little harder on the Yam. The TRX is a better all around bike and a more comfy ride IMO. The YFZ is Faster out of the box but I think it is more at home on a MX track or the woods. Both can be easily made into ultimate dune quads for the right amount of $$$. It is all personal preference. Do you like Ford or Chevy? Is that more of the answer you were looking for?

    Oh yeah, BTW it is a scientific fact that red is faster :laughing:

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