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Posts posted by dunefaster

  1. no prob with the help!! i know you guys would of for anyone who needed it! time to set up a poker run or something to help people recoup from that amount of$$$$ loss.. i know i would support that. and again next time i buy a flag im buying from H-TOWN!! that thing didnt even turn black....

  2. hey, I remember that night and the cv! that's funny, all that activity going on and I remember that one thing. guess I'm not so old after all, since I still have my memory. Chris, now that the cigar was mentioned we both know who it was that got him, so you can calm down. We see the little guy again that banged on your door for the starter. :laughoff::dope:

    And by the way you owe me $3 for that tab you welded on that guys hitch! give it to me or I'll bang you on the head with a hammer! :laughing:

    lmfao... phil can you take a payment plan on that tab!!! maybe a buck a month :beercheers:

  3. well i was the vendor right next to phil on Halloween, first i didnt sell a head bolt! my oil is same price, i didnt sell any cv's or lie about them, Phil knows his vw stuff, in fact i dont even sell any of the vw parts i have when he is there.. his parts are not much higher then a in town store, BLM does not allow us to come out to vend for free, its actually rather costly, so of course there is a mark up!! i hate the phrase what else are you gonna do, drive into town!! i know phil, he is just trying to make a living, if he didnt care about what he does, he wouldn't give virtually everyone step by step instructions on how to install the parts he sells!!!! and DOESN'T charge a penny for it. Im not gonna argue with anyone, i just hope that if you are unhappy with the cost of services that phil or me (chris) offer, maybe look at the cost it takes to be a vendor!!

  4. this is chris at adrenaline, i became a vendor this year doing repairs at dumont, and hope if you came by you left happy, i charged half or less then, for welding etc.. ive been a duner, car builder, rider etc for almost 20 yrs here at dumont.

    but i really wanted to say thanks! you guy and gals rock and i look foward to seeing you next season....

  5. people should fly whatever flag they want....... AS LONG AS THERE IS A AMERICAN FLAG ABOVE IT !!!!!!!!!

    if that makes me racist then damn, glad to be racist!!!! this country is a better place because of the men and women that defended it! peps are so proud of there heritage, as they should be, but dont forget OUR FLAG COMES FIRST. :kitty: :pissed::boxer: that is the correct way look it up.

  6. i was camped just south of that little hill all weekend about 100' or so, my kids were riding that all weekend and a small kid about 6years old ramed two of our kids with his quad, i thought it was just a mistake and he was very inexperianced, but it sounds like he did it to others, on monday we were the last camp in that area and that same boy was still riding there, it scares me that peps would let there kid that young ride alone far out of site... :laughoff::beerpint:

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