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Posts posted by offroadryan

  1. thats what i was thinking.. i mean im sure their parents didn't know, and IF they did....we know where the malfunction comes from....

    we had a bad experience with our german shepard attacking one of the neighbor kids (who fully deserved it). we had to put our dog down, even though i had hours of video of that kid and his friends TORMENTING him. i wanted to chase them down in my truck, but hell, it was 2 am, and they walked past my house...i said effe it and went to bed

    yeah, with 15-20 against 1, the .40 cal woulda went with me on that HAD I STEPPED OUT OF THE HOUSE. I should have called the cops, but with response times being DAYS....what really would have hapened?

    This is not rocket science people. All you had to do was turn your front porch lights on shine a flashlight down the street on the kids then sit back and watch them scatter like the running of the bulls. I would be so bent if my neighbor said he saw 15-20 kids in the street armed with toilet paper and his response was "I didn't think much about it"

  2. Calling someone a freak is still a personal attack....even if it's a weak one. :drinkbeer:

    Hey no problem. Ill remember to watch that. I just don't see the need for people to run around and brag about how they would carry a firearm all the time.

    Im just glad I have neighbors that actually look out for each other and would have called attention to the kids and the parties getting TP'ed. If it was me I sure as hell would not sit back and let them TP my neighboors house. Kinda commen sense in you ask me.

  3. last night, my dogs went apeshiz at about 2am.

    I walk to the front of the house, and c*ck the blinds enough to see a PACK of about 15-20 MINORS walking in a group down the street. all of them had what looked like massive amounts of toilet paper.

    i kinda wrote it off, gave my dogs a treat, cause they did what they were supposed to do, and went back to bed.

    I woke up later this morning, walked out side, and.......... :drinkbeer: GOOD GOD .........toilet paper up and down the street as far as the eye could see!. there were two houses that got hit bad. The only thing i had to do was clean up the street in front of my house, but...........................

    If given the opportunity again, would you have confronted them (with a firearm of course), as i feel that nothing positive is happening with a group of minors out after midnight.

    Or should it just be seen as a right of passage?

    i'm all for confrontation, and saving my property from being vandalized/damaged, but my wife sees it the other way.

    what say you?

    EASY TOUGH GUY!! It's toilet paper. It's freaks like you I see on the news. Kid get's shot over Toilet papering. Kids are Kids no need to threaten someone with a gun over that.

  4. I read this thread on another forum where this guy (let's call him private d*ck) proclaimed that whenever he camps he takes pictures of all the rigs and thier lic numbers. Said he uses this information to snitch to the leo's if they don't behave the way he feels appropriate.

    How do you feel about this? I think it's creepy. Guess some people got nothing better to do though.

    I just think it's a comment to get a bunch of pats on the back if you ask me.

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