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Posts posted by 777duner

  1. So the first video was from Xmas. This one is from new years.

    <object width="400" height="300"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=8548533&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1" /><embed src="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=8548533&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="300"></embed></object><p><a href="

    Years Dumont 1</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user2519241">Mike Geen</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

    Yeah.... that looks much more like New Years.... CHOPPY! The Christmas video looked like a much smoother ride on virgin dunes. Sweet camera... great picture, nice and steady!!

  2. I just started and finished the whole process on Oregon's website... It took me about an hour. I went straight to the chapter quizzes, and if I was unsure about an answer, I reviewed the appropriate page then returned to the quiz. You can't do that on the final exam. I was able to pass the 50 question final exam with an 88%, without studying... Good enough for me. My card is on the way!! Gotta love Big Brother... I feel so much safer ! :pissed:

  3. They recommend diffs front and rear every 15K and trans every 30K. If your doing a lot of towing (1/3rd your total milage or more) I'd recommend 12K on the diffs and 20K on the trans. No such thing as over changing your fluids.

    I think about 1/2 of the 23k miles are towing! I'm takin her in this week to get her ready for Newport Dunes, then Yosemite next month!

    Thank's for the input... :beer_bang:

  4. :beer_bang: So it was a pretty sweet trip... not a whole lot of pics to back it up, but I was too busy having fun to take'em. This was our last multi-day trip till next season. Glad to say that I had some of my best sunset rides of the season, so it was a great way to end it.... plus, no injuries (I can say that now, since we made it home!) Only took the buggy out for a few runs. I spent most of the time on the 450-zuki.

    Just want to add that gas prices and 50 mph headwinds for the drive home SUCK! :beer_bang:

    The pics are boring, but evidence we were there!



  5. Our group has a lot of little ones who ride and we camp at the little dunes mostly... My 2 yr old son, 4 yr old daughter and I play follow the leader in the untracked little dunes all the time... typically no crowds at all. I don't mind the sacrafice for the kids. It just takes an extra 5 minutes to ride over to the big dunes anyway for some Big Boy fun. Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself... see you next year. :laughing:

  6. 23k on my 04 F-250 (V-10)...

    Does anyone have any recomendations on when to change out tranny fluid and rear end fluid...? I was shooting for 25k to change the tranny fluid, but I was wondering if I should do it sooner or more often since I tow a lot. :laughing:

  7. I've found a leaf blower to be very handy! Get out there... unload all the stuff... blow out the trailer and blow off the carpet. Outside carpet gets loaded up with sand... blow it off. Blow off the dogs (my lab loves it) Blow out the seats in the rail. Time to leave... blow everything... including the inside of the truck! Sometimes I get carried away.

  8. We just got back a few hours ago... Great weekend... untracked dunes every moring after the sleepy-time winds. t-shirt and shorts around the fire :dunno: The kids were havin a blast too! They love cruisin in my tracks everywhere thru the little dunes... Went to both poles on Saturday and to Comp a few times in the buggy and the LTR, but didn't run into any DDR folks that I noticed. Couple of guys in some sand cars with "Wicked" painted on the sides. Haulin a$$ around Comp and gettin a little stoopid...

    Almost blew off the road a few times on the way home... normally takes us 3 hrs, but it took us 5 1/2.. Major Headwind... :blury: Got a woppin 5 MPG (barely). Saw a roll over accident (PT Cruiser with paper plates). It looked like the guy was okay, just upside down. Couple of CHP's just got there to help the dude.

    Sucks cuz the camera never comes out on the sick fast rides.. to busy haulin a$$ and having fun! A few pics just playin near camp


    Me... with my awesome riding sandals!


    My daughter Jenna



    That's Jack... he's 2



  9. The race starts Saturday morning and finishes on Sunday in Vegas...at the Hilton. The stretch near Dumont is at the beginging of the race...so I figure they'll all be gone. I come in and out through Baker from So Cal....I've heard some years to be freezin, then other years to be blazin hot... we'll just have to see how it go's I guess... thanks for the input

    Just got back from this last weekend 3-28 through 3-30... warm but nice...and the sand was sick! post-3619-1206944272_thumb.jpg

    Messin around near camp... notice my sweet riding boots!

  10. We're goin out for one last trip to the the "D" and rollin the dice with the heat... :undecided: The Baker to Vegas foot race is on Saturday of that weekend... :moonwalk: Anyone been out during that in years past? What's been your experience? Lots of Gas, water, sunblock and a 45 cal.?

  11. It's obvious that you don't REALLY trust this person... so if he wants to ride he should bring his own stuff.

    That's pretty CS if you need a FRIEND to sign a release... He should know the rules of friendship, if not, then like someone said... he's just an aquaintance.

    OR, dig a really big hole in your camp and throw some sand toys in it... this keeps my kids occupied for days!! :coocoo:

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