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Posts posted by callen

  1. My thought and prayers to his family and freinds.

    how did the accident happen? was it at Dumont? Quad or sand rail?

    sorry to hear of your loss :(

    Paul, thanks for the prayers. My buddy left camp, hit the first dune a little too fast and went over the handle bars, landed 25-30ft from the quad. We found him he was in good shape with back pain ( ribs ) thats it. We took him to Purhump hospital and was good with 2 compr. dics. and a broken wrist. They tranfered him to Vegas for a follow up MRI and was OK until sunday when he passed away with what they are saying internal bleeding and a hole in one lung. You would think they would monitor better in ICU in a Trauma Center. Have fun and be safe, Chris

  2. So sorry to hear of your loss. :( It indeed hits you that much harder when it is someone you know or related to. My thoughts are with you and your group.

    Do you know how this happened?

    I am very sorry about your Bud, thoughts and many prayers go out to you and the family. I lost my buddy on Sunday as well from a accident on Thurs at The Dumont... Chris

  3. Sorry for your loss and our prayers are with you also but I amm wondering also on what happened


    First, thank you all for your prayers. The first report from the hospital in Vegas was a punctured lung. Yesterday, the latest report was a small puncture in the lung and some internal bleeding. This was a accident that was not that bad at first, some pain but we thought it was minor and so did he. Its terrible and thiught the 3 days in the trauma center would have cought any problems. Thanks again fellas, Keep it safe. Chris

  4. Just wanted to say hi to you all. This Presidents weekend was my first time to the Dumont. It was a good time until Sunday when we got the news that my friend passed away from a injury he recieved when we were ridding on Thurs. He was in good shape after the crash in the Hospital in Vegas with a couple of compressed discs in his back. He was there for 3 days getting back on his feet while his young son was with me and the rest of the group back at camp riddin and having the best time we could have without our buddy. Then on Sunday am we got the bad news. That Sucked.... Have a good time all and rember be careful out there.. Chris Allen

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