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Posts posted by buckytownmx

  1. wtasup buddy, havent heard from you in a while... i jus signed up on this site and found you and wanted to say whatup and i still got that stereo sh*t, and still owe you that money... anyway i hope everythings coo, take care Cole... and hello to the Julie...

  2. well iam up here in FT Lewis washington untill the 26th, iam up here for a class (BNCOC) Basic Noncommissioned Officers Course. its a whole whopping 16 days long. class is from 7am to 5pm everyday. its actually pretty chill and relaxed. but either way its a good time, and i needed this class for the next rank. Eventually ill have my next rank and most likely ill end up going back active duty, only because i have about 8 years left in the military untill i retire...so i figure what the hell...go back active...get stationed up here...do my 8...retire by the time iam 43..or 44...and go duning!

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