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Posts posted by CashmanCaterpillarLasVegas

  1. i have been getting flooded with effin recordings... with no option to remove my number from the list... have been called by this brian dirtyscrotum guy here in vegas at least a 1/2 a dozen times... im bout ready to find out where this a$$hats office is and read him a piece of the riot act!!!

    Haha my girlfriend is fed up with them too!!

    Check this, so we're in line at the Von's on craig and losee for early voting and theres a long @ss line. So we're (my girlfriend and i) standing there and some volunteers are randomly walking up to us and handing us little cards and crap about who to vote for :laughing: blah blah blah. And we're being polite about it even though we've already made our choices, etc. Then this one light skinned (?mexican?) girl comes up to us and starts speaking spanish to us :?: and hands us a pamphlet to vote for this one dude for justice of the peace. Mind you, i'm as white as they come and my girl is half brown. Doesn't speak spanish, doesn't claim to....etc. So she moves on and i start laughing about the girl assuming she speaks the language and my girl gets PISSED :dunno: . She turns around and tells the girl she shouldn't judge people by their appearance :dope: and for that reason, we were no longer voting for the candidate she was pushing. And my girl doesn't even look of spanish descent at all. She gets "Persian" alot instead even though she's half italian / half spanish (as in Spain). She's got a problem about having to push "1" for english too :laughoff: . haha. Can't wait for the election to be over :dunno:

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