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vegas banshee

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Posts posted by vegas banshee

  1. me and my dad have been trying this for a while now and cant find the way.. ive ridden to tacopa tho.. so if i turned left on that talc road to get to tacopa if i turn right ill go to primm? our dirtbikes are street legal so paved rodes are no prob.. just wanna find a way mainly off road.

  2. ugh we just got all of our problems fixed in our onan and it sounds like we have the same probs so heres what i did

    1. fuel filters

    2.fuel pump

    3.spark plug

    4. check fuel lines (ours had a pin hole that caused alot of problems)

    5. we had to buy a new carb (main problem)

    we took it to a shop for the new carb and they said onans carbs are really tuchy and should be started atleast once a month

    hoped this helped :headbang1:

  3. hey i am new to the atv scen i have a banshee what kind of motor up grade would anyone recomend its has t5's ,cool head ,k&n what bang for the buck. THANKS

    go to bansheehq.com/forums ... sign up and ask the pros.. these guys are cool as hell and know everything about banshees and i am also a member there :MBdance:

    as for the question when i droped down a tooth on the front sproket it did wonders in the dunes and i have about the same mods as you not to mention its a really cheap fix so next i recomend that then some vforce reeds... hope this helped :laughoff:

  4. we need a banshee smiley haha there is a dune named after it anyways .... and I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - x2 on the ford smiley




    Day :lol:

  5. i also ride a dual sport (xr650L) and the only think that helps in sand is to lean back and pin it.. also try not to super grip the bars.. controll your bike. dont let it controll you!

    but honestly the only 650 that does good in sand is the xr650r because its alot lighter and quicker (also got one of those haha)


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