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Posts posted by fctryblack84

  1. that is truly effin sad to see, just when you think its bad here in vegas on "the streets" or anywhere else it may be that these punk a$$ douche bags have to go and tear up property. But now its happening in the middle of f*ckin no where. really, whom ever did this, i hope i mean really i do hope you get caught and your insides rot for the rest of your life. you def do deserve the DB! award for the year.

  2. Right on, Jon! Congrats. Any job is something these days. :dunno:

    no doubt man, im already guaranteed 40+ hours a week, they might move me up to lube tech which is about 11 to 12 an hour. its a far a$$ drive 25 miles one way! but luckily my truck pretty good gas mileage. bout 20-24mpg

  3. Since i haven't posted on here in a bit i figured i would. i have finally scored a job working at team ford on Ann and 95, as a porter, its something and im not gonna complain. :dunno:

  4. me...

    tryin to find work still, sucks unemployment ran out and still no one will hire me after a year of looking.

    been working on the mazda here and there but cant do much to it that i really wanna do with no funds.

    other then that video games have kept me occupied for the mean time.

  5. Not that I care much about NASCAR, but where's the pics guys? :driver:

    not much excitement in pictures, because there making left turns goooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiinnnggg in one gigantic circle, oval, whatever you wanna call it. lol hope everyone had a fun time. :ahhhhh:

  6. i remember a time a few years ago when it had rained a lot we got on the gravel road and right away we encountered big potholes every couple of feet....i'm here to tell you it was a nightmare. 50mph is normal for me, but you wouldn't be able to go 5mph that day! i'm pretty sure it was a big weekend.....huge backup of traffic, but that wasnt why you werent moving very fast.....it was those potholes. then maybe halfway in the grader was coming out. thank effen gawwwwd! not sure if that was the same time i encountered maybe 12 inches of water raging in the creek, but lots of peeps not willing to cross it. made a trip over to the mines near little dunes and noticed a toyhauler in the baby DUNES. rode over to see if we could help. it was a huge toyhauler maybe 30 feet or so and he had a broken tierod. he was on the phone to triple a and we laugh about what kind of bill he got in the end :ahhhhh: so yes it can be VERY bad when it rains a lot, whitch it's sposed to do this week.

    people like that need to have some patience

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