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Posts posted by sirtatum

  1. :thumb:

    When I first read this post I just shook my head and said WHY? Now after reading the remainder of the posts I shake my head and say WHY?

    WHY would you bring this to a family type area where age control is impossible. Second, why would you bring something that you are going to get hassled for right under the Law Enforcement Officers noses and than b*tch that "they shut you down" Last thing I had heard about the t-day incident was it cost you $1300.00 in fines and you were lucky that they wern't pushing stiffer charges against you. Now you want to come back and do it again?

    What part of this equasion am I missing? Or maybe I am not the one missing it?

    I stopped going to comp hill on Thanksgiving 2005 just because of this incident. It showed me that all the things that I don't like happening at the dunes were there all in one place and by me going it was being a hypocrit.

    So do what you want but I personally hope they write you, book you and take your rig as evidence.

    I fight to keep Dumont open for my kids and grandkids and I don't want to see yahoo's like this ruin it for them.

    Now I am off my soapbox!

    I agree dumont is for family :blury:

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