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Posts posted by farmdog

  1. i purchased my intercom ( 4 way ) and avcom race radio from jhon at mobil communication in bakersfield for 2100 $, one of the best guys you can deal with. it comes ipod ready you just need the cable 12 $ farmdog. if my whole system was 2100 im sure your race radio would be cheaper than 1800 if you want the number let me know.

  2. the only way i can think to compare glamis to dumont is... take the size of the bowls behind osborne and add the steepness of the dunes out by china wall... that should put you in perspective :D

    bowls as steep as china :bump: really looking forward to those trasitions from one razor to another everyone that rides dumont say that there really peaked out.

  3. hey farmdog dont you have a green sandwinder if so that car looks realy nice i should be out there if you see me wave me down here is a pic of mine maybe we can get a run in together.

    yes that was it at the sand show really looking forward to dumont are you pretty familar with the duning there ? shoot me your number so we can hook up, later farmdog. :boxer:

  4. Yeah, there are some large tall steep dunes with sharp razors. Defintely some fun cresting those badboys. :ban-split: I haven't been to Glamis yet so I can't really compare the two, but hopefully sometime this season I'll get down there. All I know is that at Dumont you can get some pretty fast dune runs going. We'll have to get hooked up on Halloween weekend. :DDRrocks::beercheers: Welcome to the board, farmdog.

    thanks, what days will you be heading out ? looking forward to it, farmdog.

  5. ive been told that dumont is totally different driving than glamis looking for someone to run with on the 25th of october, the rest of the group ill be with doesnt arrive till later friday so not wanting to slow the crew hopefully ill be snapped in by the time they arrive. later farmdog.

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