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90+ PLUS

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Posts posted by 90+ PLUS

  1. ya it was

    me and my cousin went to a friends camp

    and we got lost comin back

    took us almost an hour to find our camp!!

    but this year our friends have some walk-through blow up haunted house ahahaha


    this trips gonna be interesting :D

    who andrew?

  2. yea, were definately camping with you guys, but idk whats up anymore cuz my dad wentto apex by himself with his quad to get his leak fixed and i guess when he was pullin it out he tore an ACL in his good knee, :flipoff: his other knee has already had that happen to it b4 :lol: he just got back from the hospital. but im pretty sure we'll still be out ther next weekend so the rest of us can start mobin'... :grin:

    dam dude i cant believe that so what did they do with his leg, is he gonna be able to drive the car??

  3. I would if I could, I need to buy a new editing program for the new computer with :stick_smack::laughing: Windows Vista. I'll send it when I can.

    is just of our friends car taking a turd?

  4. Hey where you the one riding the yellow raptor with twin yellow pipes? if so you were racing ktm kid XD.

    no i was on a white raptor with twin chrome pipes, and my friend was on a suzuki 450

  5. Hey man I saw your car helpin out the guy that broke down at comp on sat. I got it on video too. What happened. Sounded pretty ugly.

    reallly can you send me the video? the alternator on his car was bad and there was not enough voltage going to the computer for the motor and it goes in to default and it only runs on 4 cylinders. but he got it all fixed now its $pocketchange$'s dads car

  6. yea it was franks car.

    the belt was poppin off and over heating when we first took it out. and we got it stuck, but frank burried it for us after he hopped in.haha

    then we figured out the radiator was crap.so we got a new radiator and a new belt. its runnin at 185 now so that problems fixed. but last saturday we found out that we needed a new alternator. now thats in and runnin good. hopefully it runs good for halloween weekend.

    we gotta go on some cool rhino and quad rides. man i cant wait. hey wheres the pics of the 804?!?!

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