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Posts posted by TCS T

  1. I just found out last night that the stolen bike was my brother-in-law's buddy, he did get it back. So thanks for all your help, im sure he appreciates it.

    My Pleasure! :laughoff:

    I just wish we could have done more to get those a-holes off the street! :happydrunks:

  2. The only F'd up part is your buddy is probably out on the $$ for the fix and the bike looks pretty bad. Nice snag though. Too bad hind sight is 20/20....I would have come out just to dig the hole! Oh...did I say that out loud.

    It's CRAZY just thinking about having these same two guys that have violated us or someone close to us right in front of me for over a half an hour arguing about the accident! It was 4:30 in the AM and I don't think anybody would have missed these PR!CKS! I can't even believe they came to retrieve the quad! They must of been afraid of fingerprinting and getting caught, which leads me to believe they have had previous run-ins with Johnny Law! DAMN DISPICKABLE DIRTBAGS!!!!!!!!!!! :laughing: The anger I feel towards these people has led my brain to crazy ideas that I could have done to them without any remorse! I feel like a PSYCHO! :laughing:

  3. Would you recognize those jerks if you saw them again?

    Maybe? :laughing:

    That sucks that the MOHO got damaged. People are just stupid. Too bad your friends out the money to fix the MOHO. Cops suck, they never do anything. Are they at least gonna return the bike to the owner?

    They were trying to contact the owners of the bike, but CHP could not gain victim contact info from LV Metro records?

  4. Damn, trav!! :dunno: Good job and good thinking! That's crazy! How hard did they hit the coach? Is it okay? At least you recovered the quad for someone. Props to you and Kenny! :thumb:

    It was mostly paint damage, and the slide seems a little out of adjustment when closed now! Pretty lucky, it should be less than a $1000 to repair? :thumb:


    Here is another pic of the path this damn thing had to take to hit the MOHO! It must of locked the throttle partially open after the nose to tail endo this D!pshit pulled off at 4:30 in the morning! :laughoff:


  5. So here is a story most of you can apprecaite or hate about my weekend. It goes like this:

    I'm sleeping like a baby in my MOHO this last Saturday night at all of our favorite place (Dumont Dunes).

    When I abruptly awake to pounding and yelling at my window at 4:30AM! It is my buddy Kenny Howard, and

    he is screaming that someone just T-boned his coach on a quad! So, it takes me a couple of minutes to get my bearings and get dressed, then I run over to find my little buddy arguing with 2 degenerate young dudes (early 20's)! So I had to take charge of the situation and explain to these Dipsh!ts that they were not taking their Raptor 700R anywhere until somebody provided us with some ID and contact info! They refused and said their buddy had crashed the quad on a finger jump (about a 1/4 mile away) and was still lying face down in the sand? So I insisted forcefully that these 2 Aholes go ck. on their friend and bring us somebody responsible with ID back to retrieve the quad! So the 2 guys double up on the remaining banshee and head into the dark without the raptor! I ask my buddy for the flashlight and start looking over the demolished brand new 700R, guess what I found? No Flag, No Registration sticker, No Paddle tires, and surprise the ignition wiring has been cut and HOTWIRED! At this point I tell my buddy to kill all the exterior lights he had lit so these guys could find their way back to reconcile the damage, and that it was probably best if we laid low, because before these Aholes left, it was very heated and some threats were somewhat thrown in their direction. And who knows what these thieving bastards would come back with? So obviously they did not return to retrieve the stolen quad, so we called the cops and they came out at 9:00am and called in the vin to find it had been stolen from Vegas on the 4th of April! If we could have just put 2 and 2 together a little ahead of time we might have been able to string these dudes up to DIE out there! The towtruck took the bike and the CHP said Vegas Metro was not interested in fingerprinting the quad because it was just a small deal! Pretty Cool Huh?!

  6. :dunno: YYYESSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumb:

    I like how in the second video clip the lookie lou guys are claiming 800 hp!

    Everybody has 800-1000 hp these days! LOL! LOL!

    It probably had 450-500 hp? And that is all it would take! No more!

    Sounded like 3rd gear mid throttle? Good calculating driver! :laughoff:

  7. Curious to see if it runs like my honda

    I don't think it is quite as powerful as the Honda?

    I was told the mtr was put together with TRD racing parts. Crank, rods, pistons ect... That was the package I was referring to. Aparently they (Toyota) have a twin screw supercharger that was said to put out something like 600hp. That would be sick in the rail you just bought. Sheldon Andree built your mtr. Cell # 714-679-5065. He knows a whole lot more than I do. I hope this helps. Now find me a kick a$$ rail for 40k.

    Thnaks for the info!

  8. Tell us what you think of that motor. Does it set you back in your seat and hall a$$ . If not will you be installing a twin supercharger on it. I was told they have dynoed this same package up to 600hp. :monkeedance2:

    I'm not really sure about the package? It accelerates hard but no where near what I am used to. I would love to see the info you have seen on this toyota, could you send me in the right direction? I have been asking around about building it up and so far no good info! Thx.

  9. Just purchased this 2 seat car this week. It is a was a prototype SU built by Larry the old owner of SU and assembled in Nor cal. Very Detailed piece! It has a supercharged Toyota V-6 and Mendeola 2-D, 4 wheel disc brakes, 934 CV's, and much more. It is an incredible dune ripping machine! It turns on a damn dime! For anybody interested it will be for sale come September of this year! Price unknown, until I see how much I do to it this summer?






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