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Posts posted by TCS T

  1. man the guy that just walked into my office WREAKS of horrid cheap a$$ cigarette smoke and booze... I sure hope i dont smell like that at the end of the night... definatley no chance of me gettin laid.

    :headbang: :flipoff::laughoff: :talk030: :laughing:

  2. :thumb: im with ya there, there are a lot of dum a$$$$ out there esp, in rhinos.!!! esp the one with stars on it and its got some black i see that guy jumping with no helmet>> and hes on this forum all the time :D

    What about the Dork :laughoff: that PUT-PUT'S so slow that he almost gets run over by speeding 50cc motorcycles?

    He is a real traffic inhibitor that needs a citation issued for dangerously slow duning! You all should watch out for him, his rhino is white with some stars, and I think he is on the boards and also a Steelers fan! :grin:

  3. Hey Pete,

    I also switched to Verizon about two years ago for the service at Dumont!

    It works great in certain areas of the Dunes, and not at all in others. My only problem is

    they lost my old # so I had to get a new #, VERY BAD for my business and old friends!!!!

    That pissed me off beyond belief, and I lost alot of old contacts! One other thing, the service

    is very spotty in Havasu!

    Also just my .02 cents! Good luck either way you go!

  4. Yep that sh*t pisses me off. People just don't get it. They get all wrapped up in the fun sometimes and forget about safety. :thumbsdown: While sitting on the bottom of the big face hill for the DDR ride, 3rotortrav & I spotted a pickup blasting over some whoops with a chick sitting half way out of the truck. She was barley hanging on too! :thumbsdown: It looked like she was about to fall out when they went over bumps. We noticed that and were like holy crap- look at those fools! :blury:

    Those Fools need to go home! Before they worsen our reputation more than it allready is!

  5. Here it is: The epitome of a HillBilly!

    I'm pretty sure if you go to Webster's Dictionary and look up the definition

    of a Redneck, this would be a sample photo of a vehicle one might be seen in!

    We just sold the owner of this new red SS chevy a snow plow! :thumbsdown: Here is

    a picture of the device installed! :thumbsdown:



    So, what do you think?

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