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Posts posted by Craniacs

  1. I dont know much about henderson though...Seems it would be less "city like" right? because its pretty clogged down here and if ya didnt buy a house ten years ago its $$$$$$ but damn double the salary is pretty sweeet! and ya cant beat the weather.....but forget gettin out of town on a friday night! damn freeways!!!! ahhhhh! :beerpint:

  2. o.k. it depends...lol this subject I know very well.. I grew up here....What do you want out of life?

    further trip to dumont? closer to the beach? great weather? terrible traffic? are you willing to live in northern mexico? :D

  3. Cool fellow I.T. folks! At your level of buying your more than likely not getting bounced to India for support :laughoff: I hate that!!!!! I am all over the chart, :beerpint: I like american trucks, blonde american girls, Japanese bikes and Japanese laptops..oh and cuban cigars!

  4. I buy them for goverment agency I support...Sorry I get no deals....But its the same old song and dance when it come to PC's as well...Chevy is better than Ford, Japenese better than american...yadda yadda...it was only my two cents :( ISBB network admin? where? I probably golf with your boss...(kidding) lighten up

  5. Howdy! hey I do this for a living and I purchase technology for a lot of folks, a team of 3 thousand to be exact. Dell is pure garbage, they are not a research and design organization, they are purely a technology assembler. They throw whatever they like and can buy cheap, into thier machines.

    Kinda like a wallmart of technology. If you want a quality product stay away from Dell and Compaq.

    Fujitsu and Sony are years ahead and very dependable. You pay more but you'll be buying a quality engineered product. I have purchased them all over the years and these folks blow them all away.

    Last year I purchased 700 laptops and out of that amount only one arrived dead on arrival. To date not one has failed. Dell and Compaq has a huge failure rate....just my two cents though...

  6. That area is so small I dont think it would be worth the effort to an organization with enough money and power to make a difference. Besides if you look at those dunes up close I don't think they would be all that great to ride on.( That's what I keep telling myself anyway)

    129,000 acres? thats pretty big brutha

  7. o.k. I may be opening a big can of worms here but I keep thinking about these dunes everytime I go to dumont. This group is comprised of some smart folks and I wanted to just get everyone thinking about Kelso dunes. You can see these dunes when approaching Baker off to the south. They where closed to us in 1973 - Interim Critical Management Plan and finalized in

    1994 - Wilderness Designation, California Desert Protection Act

    I may be getting too political here and sorry if I am..... but dang these dunes sure look sweet!

    go here to to read more http://www.duneguide.com/closed_areas_kelso_dunes.htm

    do you think we could get it reopened? I'm not that grass roots savvy but what the heck? ideas?

  8. :( Two guys suffered a terrible crash in a rail near the opening to Comp late Saturday 12-3

    one I believe lived and was air lifted out. The other died still in the rail, it was a bad scene.

    Does anyone know what happened to these poor guys?

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