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Posts posted by cycoguy

  1. my brother busted his first perfect round over the christmas holidays at the Tucson trap and skeet club :D

    best i did was 18-25 ohh well.. i was at a small disadvantage i was using a 20gauge with game loads lol.. brother was using a custom load in his 12 gauge.

    I've been out of it for a long while, but assuming you mean 25 clays a round, my norm used to be 21-23, I haven't shot trap since I was like 13 though... Although I still have some metals and trophies, awesome sport man

  2. Not a tundra fan at all and I have sold toyotas for 7 years now.

    But by the way you come across I think it will be a perfect vehicle for you, some 26" bling will be awsome. Why not get some vinyl stickers and a roof mounted spoiler to go along with rims.

    Becuase that would get in the way of the dual roof scoops man!


  3. :stick_smack:

    well then, you need to come to Bakersfield, and do some reconoidering, as the "flatbillers" here.......

    ATTEMPT to ride, but don't own chit

    climb outta their "pimped out" 87 nissan hardbody multicolored standard cab with "we want some p_zzy" blairing at the 7-11, usually with a pregnant teenage girl in the passenger seat

    beg for money in front of said store for gas money

    attempt to "prerunner" their moms 1994 honda civic 4 door in a development drainage ditch, only to extend the fender wells up another foot, due to a major miscalculation

    walkin around with crack bigger than bob's out

    talk like they have no formal education

    tend to always be gettin one timed on the side of the road by the po po for actin a fool toward the cops

    this is the flatbiller mentality i have personally seen. Now if good peeps wore their hats flat, then i wouldnt have a negative mentality toward them. I just havent seen a good flatbiller yet. ................. and im waitin



    You sure got this right cheese, my senior year I went to North, I think that school has more Bro's (thats what we called flatbillers) than any other school... All my friends rode and loved to 4 wheel and ride in the desert and such, but we all hated the Bro's at our school becuase they just acted like total douche bags... One of the main things that always got me is the ones at my school were pretty white power (of course, its north) but they all listed to KMK and rap :gayboy: , made them look like that much more of a dumb@ss

    Granted there is some cool ones out there, but thats the bad thing about stereotypes... the majorityt trash ruins it for everyone...

  4. I admire the effort that goes into building something like that Im sure if they spent more time or made some changes they'd eventually get it right... If I had a dime for everytime I have had to re do or cut something out of a race car because it didnt work or blew up I'd be a rich man...

    My thoughts exactly tword this bike

    I mean the way they set up that rear indi susp. is pretty cool... even if its not working right, right now, if they improve upon it, it could be pretty sweet!

    although id never buy it... it is pretty cool

  5. this is really too unfortunate...

    its probably the last thing those people thought would happen too, then their house is gone... I cant even imagine... :beer_bang:

  6. sweet pics man

    gotta bring your old man and the jeep to the next DDR meet and Greet

    we will deffinantnly be there, any idea of when it will be yet?

    lets go wheelin do you do barstow ???

    Oh man, that looks fun, I'm gonna talk to my dad about it, and once he sees the pics, he's probably gonna wanna go! lol :beer_bang:

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