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Posts posted by BigBoreVegas

  1. We were at the hill Sat night and I can't believe some people are so stupid that they start on the right shoot the hill and then cut accros the top at hi speed (well as fast as a _hitty rear engine can go) then cut down the left in front of all the quads as they ride there wheelies. I watched as they almost hit a few quads a couple different times. Why is it so hard to shoot up the hill turn around then come down. It's smoother on the left anyway. I'm not picking on the rails because I have 2 of them but use some common cense people. You're not cool when you run some kid over!

    OMG a one poster! Yeah why is it that quads go straight up turn around and come right back down. can they please just go sidways on the hill with us.

  2. I've decided to take the Rhino and go out for the day to help where I can. If anybody is still here that can tell me what to do it would be appreciated!!!! Any Hendertucky people that want to ride to save gas let me know!!! Don't have any plan and might even stay the night if I need to. It all up in the air as of now!!!!

    Would take you up on the ride, but I may need to leave at a certain time, if business calls. I will be heading out of here about 6am picking the quad up at 515 damn early but i am stoke for a ride!

  3. Just wanted to give everyone a heads up. You can get your hands on some cool stuff at the poker run.

    Performance Rhino has donated a complete set of ITP Sand Stars on black wheels with the bead gaurds. They are very nice! Also donated was a complete set of RZR skid plates (a-arm and underside skid plates). We also have a handful of lighted whips as well. There will be a small raffle separate from the poker run winnings for these prizes. Details at the poker run registration booth.

    One more thing: There will be a grip of DDR stickers at signup as well. They are free with registration. Grab one or grab a handful. They are the full color ultra think DDR logo stickers made by AMRracing.net. Performance Rhino will have some of their stickers there as well.

    I have a few of the old skool DDR "stamp" shirts we will be throwing out into the crowd at random also.

    So in addition to the CASH prizes for poker run, there are some extra goodies you can look forward to at the 1st annual Dumont Dunes poker run! Most importantly it's gonna be a great time and we should be able to hopefully raise some awareness about the liazrd issue and the out of bounds areas. We look forward to seeing you guys there. Have fun. :thumb:

    You bring a t shirt launcher??? How big of crowd are we talking?

  4. he didn't "drop out"...the american people were too dumb to listen to what he had to say, so he lost in the primary...now we get the president we deserve.....and as far as who's fault this "butt crack of doom" we are looking into.... its bushes fault. he and the republicans stood by during the housing bubble..2001 to mid 2005 and looked the other way while the banks and wall street raped and ruined this country, with no regulation. do yourselves a favor and do a google on the "housing bubble" if you still don't know what kinda trouble our country is in. we just sang the national anthem on this thing(did i mention it's a double header)? so pull up a chair and get popcorn....it's about to get mighty interesting.

    Hmm BUSH Bashing YAY my favorite. It was not bush, but the House and Senate Mainly controlled by the DEMS who turned a cold shoulder to the issue! Now they have 57 seats to run things how they see fit.

  5. :shout: i feel a lock down coming on. lock down lock down all prisoners back in your cells red a$$ alert red a$$ alert :yiah:


    :shout: to all boarder patroll personell please open all gates and knock down all fences then return to your home for your obama bucks .

    thank you...................... :shout:

    better get your riding done now cause here come the :?: democraps :B

    Yes, the tree huggers and sierra club have more support now.

  6. That leaves us all out then. We weren't born when that was written into the Bill of Rights. It wasn't voted on.

    The most recent Freedom of Speech issue voted upon as far as I know, Is people wanted to alter the pledge of alegiance, to take out one nation under GOD. <- I believe that is in every document from our founding fathers, and challenged every single day. So everytime you cast a vote it has everything to do with it, because someone will challenge.

  7. This started as a topic regarding capm safety and people try to get others to act in a manner that is safer. I stated that safty should start with yourself first then worry about the other guy. I also said that 99.9 % of the rails (even on this site) are unsafe , as an example. Pete, challenged that statement, thats when it went pretty sideways. I m glad you agree with me.

    What do we do about it? I dont know, but a good start would be , not being defensive, not making blanket insulting statements with no support.

    Whats my goal here? Id like to see fewer rip threads, or I laid out there for 3 hrs with a broken back.

    So far, I m told I have pos sammy that is unsafe, I ve pratically begged for them to come over and pick it apart, but I have received no pm. I even offered to show in person the problem I saw.

    NO pm probably means avoidance for deniability. Nobody wants to be shown or even think to believe that their equipment is unsafe. Instead of saying this is why yours is unsafe, maybe offer as I can show you how to improve the safety. Lets face it, having harnesses is safer than none, regardless. If you straight up tell someone there chit is unsafe you will get ripped, this isnt the place for it.

  8. Did George Bush become a fukup or was the economy the best it had ever been and the market strong 2 1/2 years ago? 2 years ago when the senate became democratic lead the economy crashed! Is it Bushes fault or is it the democratic senates fault? What really bothers me, is that people seem to have no idea how this country runs but jumps on the band wagon pointing fingers. IGNORANCE IS OBVIOUSLY BLISS HERE! And if you arent from this country, you really should shut your mouth. Did you vote? If you didnt, then again you should shut your mouth. Freedom of speech should be reserved for the people who VOTED FOR IT

    nuff said

  9. ronpaul



    he makes waaay to much sense to ever get elected...

    i heard he's even interested in legalizing mary-j!!!

    Yes sir He was my choice until I heard he was dropping out, sad because he had a good majority of the younger genereations vote, the ones who screwed this election up.

  10. jeeeeezuz people... all I did is post up a pic that I thought was funny, and look what this thread has regressed to...a fuggin religion free-for-all


    damn...im gonna have to think twice before posting something funny anymore. :dunno:

    wanna argue about religion??? go to a religious forum

    need i remind you we are in a DUNING forum...a DUMONT DUNE forum for riders of GODS DUNES??? :flipoff:

    I thought that pic was fudging hilarious i still cant stop laughing.

  11. I agree Pat. I don't like seeing topics about religion or politics on here either, but (in general chat) we gotta let everyone talk about what's on their minds whether we like it or not (unfortunatley). :flipoff: The worst part is that us moderators are kinda forced to read these garbage topics because THEY are usually the ones that turn into personal attacks and need moderating. :dunno:

    I usually try derailing those threads with posts like "I like eggrolls". :argue:

    WHAT!! that was way off topic PETE cmon now.

  12. Yea what he said! I dont hate 'O' not one bit. He was elected by the "citizens" of this country. Alot were not on an educated basis but of the race they were, these same people also gave a chit less about how this country was being ran and also did not vote previously and would not have voted not if two white dudes ran . But that is where we live, unfortunately that is how it will be.

  13. if there is all this talk about doing wheeleies to prove your not small, Then you better tell the quad riders who are wheeling on purpose the same thing. When I am on my quad on the hill i look around for any buggies that might be coming and wait for them then I go. Most of the quad riders are careless and just care about that race and getting to the top first no matter if there are buggies to the right. This can go on and on and on. Wheelies are fine, the people I know do them in a safe manner. Almost every incident or close call that I have seen is the quads fault and could have been prevented.

  14. Awe fun times, I had no idea about that mcflurry party inside great times. Pretty much just cruised around in one of the MOGS met a few ddr peeps had a blast as usual. It seemed like a pretty safe weekend did not see any Flight for Life or any bad crashes.

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