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Posts posted by Uponone

  1. Imma add my 2 cents . This thread is the most stupidest thread ive seen so far. This is like asking which tastes better pepsi or coke? course 50% is gonna say pepsi and 50% is gonna say coke. Its all about what you like riding and how deep your pockets are . You can have the fastest bike in the world and be on a lil ltz 400 . Anything has the pontetial to go fast .

  2. How the hell ? :thumbsdown: how do people know my sister but not me? anywho dont listen to her shes as bright as a box of rocks . actualy thats a insult to the rocks... lol steven aka ktm didnt crash i was up at dumont with him me and him dumped our bikes a couple time but nothin serious like he said.

  3. :boxer: I dont know why you want to make your bike any faster . No ones gonna be able to touch us dune season :D . O btw , while were talking about the crf I was wondering which paddle , if any , is the best for the Crf. Ive got the brand new intimidator on a warp 9 rim (black i heard that adds 6 hp) and for some reason stevens sandstar gets better grip and not as much sqwrly up the hill.:thumbsdown:
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