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Big Fella

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Posts posted by Big Fella

  1. If only everyone was proactive. Just imagine what so many people with a common passion (the dunes) could do if they would just stop expecting everything to BE perfect and do something about it. How many people do you think go out on a ride and throw their trash in the sand? I would guess about the same amount that expect riding out there to be free. I have just recently started going out to Dumont and absolutely love it. I think of the thousands of us that also love it we need to do our part to keep this place as pristine as possible. There's always going to be idiots that will take advantage of it. There's no getting around that. But for us non idiots lets pick up their slack. Isn't that how this world works???

  2. Dunefreak....no we probably didn't need another thread about this. I'm new to this stuff and it was just one thing that I noticed alot of. And one that I had a strong opinion on. I did read somewhere on this site that most of the people that complain don't actually do anything about it. They just complain on here. If they feel so strongly about it find a way to make a difference....if at all possible, with the right people. I know this has probably been talked about as well so I'll shut my trap now.

    Paul Rob........Big Enough!!

  3. Thanks Paul Rob.

    When it comes down to it for $40/Rig my friends and family know we'll have a great time. I spend more than that for a movie I may or may not like. All the while some movie star is making millions for a couple months of work. But man do we love those movie stars!! I don't think any of those movie stars are going to help my kid when she's choking on her popcorn....ok i'm getting stupid now. You get my point.

  4. Because I have investments there I pay taxes there every year. If your friend is paying %50 in taxes then he might want to get some help by someone or someone else when filing. That is ridiculously high. I have never paid even close to that. Anyway back to the topic. I do agree with you about our health care system here. They are in it to make money....absolutley.....millions and millions of it. As far as Dumont and the state of California I also agree they are probably making money. How much I don't know (guessing not much from what I have briefly read about the BLM's expenses out there) but maybe they should make some money. I mean they are providing services for us are they not? Grated road, watered road, toilets, law enforcement and imo most importantly medical services. Everything in this world now days is about business. So when you say they're in it to make money first......name one person or business in this day and age then doesn't have that attitude. I'm guessing there are very few. They own that land don't they?? Maybe I'm wrong and they don't?? If someone on here knows how much money the BLM is making from us can you let me know. If they're making millions then I might start complaining too....

  5. All of this complaining reminds me somewhat of the health care system in this country. Where I grew up (Canada) we all pay a little more in taxes....and I mean just a little more. And you know who benefits form that little extra? Everyone!!! When your kid gets really sick and NEEDS to see a doctor....everyone pays for it. When you step off a curb the wrong way and break your ankle and NEED to see a doctor....everyone pays for it.

    So I ask the people who complain or wonder what we pay for at the dunes a question or two....

    If a random child was run over by some machine at Dumont and NEEDED immediate medical attention and had to be flown out on a helicopter to save his/her life would you chip in $40 to make sure that happened?

    If you or someone else were being harrassed all day and night by some drunk or drunks and had someone there to help you rid of them legally would you pay for that?

    I have never read up on what exactly the BLM and the people being payed out there do for us. I don't have to. I see it. It's common sense. They are out there to MAKE SURE *EVERYONE* (not just you) has a fun and safe time. Regardless of whether they help you directly I can guarantee they are making someones stay a little better. And I will gladly pay for that.

  6. Could you imagine if every third person out there took and hour of their time to do a little clean up? I personally am going to get all three in my family to grab a trash bag next time we are out there and take a simple hour to do some good for dumont. I think we should all try this. If you see someone doing this give them a honk, a thumbs up or stop and give them a pat on the back or hand shake. I challenge everyone to try it. Who knows what good will come of it (clean dunes) but I know it can't hurt. Just a Canadian thought....

  7. Wow!! Everyone has alot of problems with this place. Granted I am fairly new to the dunes but I have not had any real problems worth complaining about. I was out on Prez day weekend for four days. Yeah there were people parked literally within 6 feet of our trailer, people actually driving right through a tight circle of our trailers, people kickin up dust 10 feet from our trucks and people just bein plain old idiots. Welcome to planet earth!! I have lived in many countries all over the world and every single one of them has inconsiderate morons....why should the dunes be any different. Yes when I drive out to Comp or just to Vendor row I have to weave my way there never really taking the same route dodging tape, cones, kids, dogs and even the odd drunk. But I don't mind....I love being out there. If I really want to ride I head out to the vast area of sand where no one is camping and no kids are riding. Simple. Try to avoid the idiots as best you can. As far as roping off the dunes.....I saw a few 100 acres of them that were wide open. I rode on them not worrying for one second about hitting a kid or a cone. Sorry.....I'm done.

  8. I've got Jackpot sanitation coming to suck the sh@t out of it Monday. Its already been stewing since last Monday!! I know I know $40 bucks but I'm extremely busy and from what everyone here has said I need to get it done.

  9. I did fill it with quite a bit of water. They were maybe a third full then I put at least another 10 gallons of fresh water in each. Thought that might dilute the solution a bit and make it a little more manageable. Thanks for the suggestions.

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