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Joe Biden


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I found this article and honestly, I find it a little disturbing that a VP candidate would offer up this solution to get us out of the economic mess that we are facing. Does this guy "Get It?" I think not. I love this quote,

"It's time to be patriotic..time to jump in, time to be part of the deal, time to help get America out of the rut."

How about it's time for the Government to stop spending needlessly on BS and bailing out companies that should have known better in the first place. 2008 is starting to look more like the 1980's. I'm not getting into a political debate with anyone, but raising taxes to cover the governments mistakes just doesn't seem logical to me, not when there is $318 billion dollars in unpaid taxes by government employees, 58 of them from the White House. Hopefully we will see a Government 'FOR' the people in our lifetime :beercheers:


WASHINGTON - Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden said Thursday that paying more in taxes is the patriotic thing to do for wealthier Americans. In a new TV ad that repeats widely debunked claims about the Democratic tax plan, the Republican campaign calls Obama's tax increases "painful."


Under the economic plan proposed by Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, people earning more than $250,000 a year would pay more in taxes while those earning less — the vast majority of American taxpayers — would receive a tax cut.

Although Republican John McCain claims that Obama would raise taxes, the independent Tax Policy Center and other groups conclude that four out of five U.S. households would receive tax cuts under Obama's proposals.

"We want to take money and put it back in the pocket of middle-class people," Biden said in an interview on ABC's "Good Morning America."

Noting that wealthier Americans would indeed pay more, Biden said: "It's time to be patriotic ... time to jump in, time to be part of the deal, time to help get America out of the rut."

McCain released a television ad Thursday charging that Obama would increase the size of the federal government amid an economic crisis. Contending that "a big government casts a big shadow on us all," the ad features the image of a shadow slowly covering a sleeping baby as a narrator misstates the reach of the Obama tax proposal.

"Obama and his liberal congressional allies want a massive government, billions in spending increases, wasteful pork," the ad says. "And we would pay — painful income taxes, skyrocketing taxes on life savings, electricity and home heating oil. Can your family afford that?"

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"How about it's time for the Government to stop spending needlessly on BS and bailing out companies that should have known better in the first place."

I certainly am not a debater or a mas........never mind!

Nor am I a politician or an economist. I strugle, like most, to survive. What I do wonder is what would happen if the Gov't doesn't step up to help with the bail outs of major financial institutions.

Hope this doesn't get to deep but I am curious.

I recently retired and don't have much but don't want to lose it, the money I mean, the mind is already gone.

Input welcome, argumentative comments not, as far as I am concerned. :beercheers:

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In my opinion and that's what it is, the Government saw an opportunity to step in and offer the largest insurer in the world and sweet azz deal, as long as the Government was able to get a 79.9% stake in the company. Now, WaMU is in the same boat as Lehman and WaMU, but Wells Fargo and CitiGroup are stepping up to buy WaMU. Why didn't the Government step in there? Why not Lehman? I think it's because they decided that bailing out AIG wouldn't give another company the opportunity to get to them first. It's our tax dollars that bailed that company out. Couldn't $85 billion dollars do a lot more by pumping it into the economy and not buying stake in a company ready to go belly up?

I see the advantage to keeping a company like AIG up and running due to the impact it would have had on the economy Worldwide, but do we go further in debt to help out? I don't have a major in economics or any other related field that makes me close to an expert, but I'd like to know why someone would think raising the taxes to bail out the economic mess we are in is "Patriotic?"

My friend deploys to Iraq next month..that's Patriotic

My good friend died in Iraq two months ago..that's Patriotic

More men and women will deploy and more will die in this war...that's Patriotic

Raising taxes to get us out of debt is NOT Patriotic..it is Idiotic

I guess I'm just a pissed off Patriot :beercheers:

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In my opinion and that's what it is, the Government saw an opportunity to step in and offer the largest insurer in the world and sweet azz deal, as long as the Government was able to get a 79.9% stake in the company. Now, WaMU is in the same boat as Lehman and WaMU, but Wells Fargo and CitiGroup are stepping up to buy WaMU. Why didn't the Government step in there? Why not Lehman? I think it's because they decided that bailing out AIG wouldn't give another company the opportunity to get to them first. It's our tax dollars that bailed that company out. Couldn't $85 billion dollars do a lot more by pumping it into the economy and not buying stake in a company ready to go belly up?

I see the advantage to keeping a company like AIG up and running due to the impact it would have had on the economy Worldwide, but do we go further in debt to help out? I don't have a major in economics or any other related field that makes me close to an expert, but I'd like to know why someone would think raising the taxes to bail out the economic mess we are in is "Patriotic?"

My friend deploys to Iraq next month..that's Patriotic

My good friend died in Iraq two months ago..that's Patriotic

More men and women will deploy and more will die in this war...that's Patriotic

Raising taxes to get us out of debt is NOT Patriotic..it is Idiotic

I guess I'm just a pissed off Patriot :dayum:

I fully agree that taxes don't need to be used for bigger govt. I also am patriot, at lieast I think so.

When is the last time a politician said anything that made sence was inderstandable or fully truthfull?

A mechanical term may apply to Biden and others:

"Make sure brain is engaged before putting mouth in gear" Quite a program on Bidens history on the boob tube recently.propr to the hair job. :beercheers:

I do agree with most all of your comments.

circa 1960-64 Us Army. I got out shortly after the insident in the gulf of Tonkin, just knew they wouldn't let me out.

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