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Posts posted by CaptNkllm

  1. just got here from there :D sand was great :ahhhhh: my wife and i had a great time :laughoff: :assrock: i always have fun with her and no kids lol. that banshee was crazy and the no helmet guy was even worse. quad with no headlights almost clipped the guy ahead of me and when he turned i thought i was next but he turned just in time :assrock: faggott!! he came outta no where :laughoff: !! thanks to Dman my good friend i was able to meet some more DDR peeps always meeting good ppl :stirthepot: . after we raced till about 130 or so we headed to the trailer and just relaxed till about 430 am and went to bed!! damn wind suked felt like someone trying to break in my trailer all night, i didnt sleep to good. time i think to work on another motor for the raptor. 1st time ive been beat by a yfz 450 that thing was fast3 to 4 more hp's and i think i might have it but i am thinking of going a little bigger than that next. the goal is to keep up with the banshees or real close. i was almost the last 1 to leave dumont just 1 motorhome there with a trailer left empty empty kinda unreal after having 150 ppl there. all in all another great trip cant wait for the next 1 nad some please call someone responsible that will actually bring the lights and also lets plan on a full moon also. thanks pete i didnt get a chance to say hi to ya but my wife and i appreciate you working on these get togethers and anyone else involved :ahhhhh: :dunno::drunk: .


  2. Its a fuel control managment system Or as alot of people say a chip..it helps adjust the fuel injection especially after changing the exhaust to aftermarket.."I think I said that right"

    yes ur right and read ur other post i left ya some info


  3. NICE!!


    with the tuner u can switch how it runs from the pods (or the dials) tfi isnt the best but it works. with a pc3 there are maps on dynojets website u can download that u can choose from ( each map has a explaination of what was on the bike it was made for i.e. exhaust, intake any engine mods exc.) go to this forum and read up it is pretty simple to do

    http://www.raptorforum.com/ great site full of raptor stuff!!

    congrats on the 700 they are great bikes.. i should know i have 3 of them 2 are mine and 1 is my wifes. if you are going to dumont for the night ride i will be there.. ps get a set ofnerf bars

    http://store.albaaction.com/shop/AL120-133.html they are cheap here and they will bolt right up..

    watch ebay for some yfz front shocks with the resevoir and get ya a set (they bolt up) and watch for a rear se (special edition or rear yfz shock with resevoir) if it doesnt have 1 cant see in the pic.

    do a little engine work and eat all the yfz up on the hill muahahahaha have fun.. :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

    Capt :flipoff::flipoff::dunno:

  4. Off-road recreation is one of the fastest growing sports and industries in the United States with 75-80% of that being on the west coast. Basically there are more people riding everyday. The problem with that is there is more and more land being taken away by the eco-terrorist everyday too. That's why any place you can legally ride has become over crowded. Which in turn causes more problems which gives the eco-terrorist more ammo to close more places. Unless an effort is made to unite the off-road community, our sport and hobby will be taken away from us by not letting us have access to land that rightfully belongs to the people. Some of the bigger corporations also need to get involved with this but they are afraid to offend the eco-terrorist faction. I know this sounds like a rant but check into it. That's why we must appreciate and support the people that our tring to keep ANY off-road area open. I have much much more but I'll leave it at that. :wedgie:

    Hey Don with that said.. That makes the Eco-terrorists resposible for every over blown dust trail (as the there are more and more ppl driving on the dirt road breaking it up). Resposible for every accident (that is a result of over crowding). If we had more places to ride then maybe alot of there complaints would go away. Now all they have done (like you said ) is centralized the problem to make it bigger than it ever should or would have been. they are resposible for alot of the traffic problems and congestion at the dunes and in your cities for that matter. I say that the gov't needs to make them pay for any changes that are needed make it come out of there pockets for the (clean up, overtime, doctors, ect). then we see how much they really care about it after they have to pay for all the things they want!!! They are a little voice that is non-stop and the gov't does whatever to pacify them. BS


  5. dunefreak




    Joe Duner




    GWH & her dad, Mike


    buggychick & Budlight Bob


    redswr + 2 (my brother and a friend)

    sandseeker & wife


    Ocean 03







    DuneLover (my wife)

    vegas style

    justntime & oranges

  6. My wife and i arrived fri at about 9pm. Unloaded and went for a ride fri night. Nice and dark. My bro-inlaw and his new wife arrived about 11pm and we went for another ride(it was her 1st time out ever) i think we created a monster. Those tractor trailers where there filming a jeep commercial and that hole in the ground by turd #7 is from them for there filming. Tractors up front are from them also. The road FriGGiN suks arse. 8 to 12 mph max. Sand smooth as silk. Dman you didnt come over and say high at all over the weekend????? :driver: i am not feeling the love man ;) . Razors sharp and steep for sho. Hot and i mean HOT. All in all we had a great time,relaxed and slept part of the hot afternoons and rode a bit. If you drove past the semi trailers and kept going straight and to your left a bit i was about 600' from them, i havethe raptor trailer with the GMC truck (if anyone cares lol). I think i seen you Dman out on sat runnin around comp and banshee about dusk on sat. Didnt know it was you.. was that Donnie from school? On the way back 2 trucks past me on the road out and i was laughing watching them bounce appart. So hi to the guys in the trucks 1 with a flat bed and 1 with the hauler we played leap frog up to the pahrump turn off( had to let them pass me 3 times) i think the drank alot and had to pull over to drain the radiator :thumb: . Cant wait for the night drags.


  7. call or come by my office 105 w charleston on the corner of charleston and commerce just west of main st.

    artistic iron works 387-8688

    David Spruell

    i can sell you the pieces or i can install them.

    take some running footages and maybe take a pic and we will put something together for you. thanks


  8. :drinkbeer: :shout:

    :beatup: that's funny you should ask that, that's what alot of people say right before it beats them :drunk: heres another--->post-1291-1178936652.jpg

    its the yellow color :laughoff: makes it scary fast :D or maybe its the nobbies? :laughoff::bs::grin: remember its not a yamaha :dope::laughoff: yamaha is like a :laughoff::flipoff: :shout: :laughing:


  9. but if the battery goes dead doesnt that mean no efi?


    i get that alot

    is it cause im only 15???

    last time i checked whether the battery was charged or not the efi is always on the bike :laughing:

    now if its dead then a good push start is in order and i dont suggest doing it with paddles(wears the wifes out to fast when she's pullin the rope) :D jump start always gets err done.


    15 PFFFFFT!!!!

  10. wut if ur batery goes dead then u cant even bumpstart the raptorbecause of the fuel injection

    banshe=engine problems and all that :pissed:

    but Banshee=ford=first on race day :boxer:

    iv never ben to amargosa

    ya maby not a 450 i got a little caried away sorry

    If battery dies i push start or put on the charger= easy fix or jump it i have a couple times as the key was left on thanks to my son.

    first on race day= last to finish?

    next season lol :laughoff: all in fun but its serious on the hill :D

    banshees will always have a place with me...

    behind my yellow streak :laughoff:

    just messin... always good times pickin


  11. Dunefreak and all u dmax owners.

    the best Programer is the efi live (hands down). i have both edge and efi live. 1 thing to watch for is the hp and tq overload on your tranny. to much and u will limp it. after you limp its wi9ll eventually wear it out. If you have the edge you need to upgrade the tranny atleast a trans jr kit and eventually to a suncoast or whatever brand you like. the stock tranny can handle about 80 hp max on average over stock. With efi live they have a dsp5 switch which works like the edge u just turn the switch for the tunes you loaded. efi also is able to adjust the speedo for tires, larger gas tanks 1 million other things and it runs about the same as the edge.


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