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Posts posted by im337337

  1. yea i had the quad in the back of the truck.

    no it was miserable out there

    brrrrrrrrrrrrrr :laughing: it was cold...... but ill take cold for some virgin sand

    water froze in the hauler.. but no biggie..... had some awesome rhino rides..

  2. Again... I'd like to thank everyone who helped out with cleaning up comp hill this afternoon. We filled up the entire back of my truck with about 7-8 bags of trash. I can't believe some people! :slap: First...the people that leave all that trash there in the first place.... :laughoff: ...then all the people that just watched us pick up the trash and not help out at all. A few people and there kids did help us a bit. That was cool to see that SOME people care and wanted to help. Others just sat back and looked at us like we were crazy.

    At one point, I think it was sand~snake that heard a lady say, "oh look, they have people that come out here and clean this up!" :laughoff: HELLO???? No they don't have people that clean it up...other than 2 volunteers, Don & Ellen (the camp hosts), they don't have anyone other than duners like us that appreciate Dumont and want to take care of the place. You don't sh*t where ya eat, people!

    I hope more people become pro-active and try and take care of Dumont so we don't have to keep cleaning everyone's crap up! :blury:

    First off, pack it in, pack it EVEN MORE out...that's a no-brainer :stirthepot:

    Second: your last day at the dunes, grab a trash bag and go over to comp and fill your bag up. We took over about 10 of us and it took about 45 minutes WITH TEN PEOPLE. If more people helped out, teh less we would all have to do.

    Third: If you plan on partying over at comp, bring a trash bag or two with you.

    Thanks to crazymexeddie, vegas style, racnjasen, and anyone else that threw some trash in the bag of their trucks to haul back home. Even after dispersing the trash to all the trucks, Eddie's truck was STILL full!





    i will always help....

  3. I think the guy is still there. Years ago, there was nothing out there. Now, it's been built up in his area.

    if you dont like the smell... dont buy a house near the pig farm... i dont think he should have to move

  4. If you ever talk to anyone that has in the past or is running a rental biz for like PWC's or other toys,, they'll tell you people rent 'um and wreck 'um.

    A bix like that has to be far more headaches than it's worth.

    Unless ya make the bigh cash on repairs charged to the renter.

    its only $69 a month to buy a rhino...hmmmmmmmm.

  5. Your dog sh*its bigger than my dog(s). :freakin_nuts:

    another thing you could do is put your cell number on the collar.... most everyone has a cell phone.. in the last 2 years.. i have saved 2 dogs lost out down the river about 5 miles.... calling them while i rode my quad.... a puppy great dane and a aussie.. both black... we found the owners who where out looking for their dogs...thank god... just this last holloween i seen a lady driving her rhino... not knowing her littledog was running behind her... waaay behind her. i chased her down and stopped her telling her her dog was following her..... she went and picked up the little guy.... and last but not least... waking up to find a dog sitting in the front seat of our rhino... we found the owners.. 3 very happy stories.... i keep mine on a 60' rope and my eye on her at all times.. when i go for a ride.. she takes a nap in her kennel... safe and sound.. piece of mind...

  6. Glad to here he was ok. The wind and dumont makes for a scary time. Its hard enough in the day to ride with the wind pushing over the ridges, but at night, I can only imagine what that ride was like. Did a simalar thing when I broke my shoulder on my quad, it does feel like you are in the air forever!

    i was riding my banshee on a real windy day and was flying up a dune.. my boyfriend was following me on his ktm.... i was in 3rd gear.. looked like the dune went another 20 feet or so..... i flew off the top and landed some 60 feet or so down the back side .... the ground went away so fast.. but i was in the air LIKE forever... i had time to think "oh SH#T".. my front end was going under so i had time to think.... lean back... i actually landed on all four tires.. grabbed every brake i had... and some.... stopped at the bottom of the bowl... got off the bike... cursed a few times at the bike... took my helmet off.... in the mean time... my boyfriend seen me flying off the dune.. dumped his bike about 4 feet from the top thinking the whole time.. she going to crash .. he crawled up to the top and seem me standing there...a sanrail seen the whole thing and came over to see if i was alright.. i was... wish i did it on purpose..cause it was cool... i rode back to camp and took it easy the rest of the trip..

    i have been riding all my life and nothing has ever shaken me up so bad... lets just say i dont lead anymore....

  7. Saturday night my dog dedcided to go for a walk and got lost. (It is very unusual for him to leave our side at night) We were out looking for him until 3am. I was so upset that we had to go to bed knowing he was lost. And I knew my daughters heart would be broken (It is her dog). In the morning my Sister in law & Brother in law took my rhino and went out looking for him and had no luck, I was so afraid we were going to have to leave without him. So I decided to go out and look for him so my sister in law went with me. We went up to everyones camp that were any where near ours. Then I told her lets go check with the Rangers and I will leave my cell phone # with them. We were almost there and I looked over and my brother in law came up on us on his quad and said that Blue was back. I asked what happened and he said this really nice couple said they went out side to go on a ride :D in their rhino and my dog was sitting in the passenger seat. She said he jumped down and when she sat down he jumped back on into her lap. So they were on their way to the ranger station and a girl from my camp noticed them and flagged them down!! So I thought I would post this thinking maybe if these people come on here, I could tell then THANK YOU! I never got to meet them, they were gone by the time I got back. It is nice to know that someone was willing to do what they could. And by the way my dog LOVES to go for rides in the rhino. He sits in the back seat between my 2 daughters everywhere we go. So if you read this THANK YOU so much. I would have had an 8yr old little girl with a broken heart!

    you are welcome...... i would hope someone would do the same for me if my dog was lost..... ill think about that dinner...lol

  8. sorry about your dog .. hope you find her... we found a dog sitting in our rhino sunday morning... not yours sorry... we drove around with the dog and found its owners..... happy days... blue was his name....

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