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Dune Dad

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Posts posted by Dune Dad

  1. mmm...nope. someone didn't pass kindergarten math :beercheers:

    Ron Paul...

    Ron / 1 word

    Paul / 2nd word.. Where is the 3rd word...??

    Are you kidding... Kindergarten Math.. :lol: 1-1=3 ? :old:

    However Ron Paul does have some good points.


  2. I put a set of "Tribalwhips" Lighted whips on my kids quads a few years ago...

    I think it was called Tribalwhips... There web site is on" www.PolesandHolders.com site "..... Try them out. They were not priced bad and I can spot the kids at night pretty good...


  3. I was in Barstow yesterday for the Dmv so I stopped by the Blm and bought a couple of passes for the fam and some friends.. $40.00 each .. :banghead:

    The lady I was dealing with said that they are going to have people out there selling tickets. :rockwoot:

    I didnt know if the stores in Baker will have any more when we come out...


  4. For those of you considering retirement.

    • If you had purchased $1,000.00 of Delta Air Lines stock one year ago you
      would have $49.00 left.
    • With Enron, you would have had $16.50 left of the original $1,000.00.
    • With WorldCom, you would have had less than $5.00 left.
    • But, if you had purchased $1,000.00 worth of beer, one year ago, drankall of the beer, and then turned in the cans for the aluminum recycling REFUND, you would have had $214.00.

    Based on the above, the best current investment advice is to drink heavily

    and recycle.

    It's called the 401-Keg Plan

    Happy Investing :beercheers:




    I guess were all good!!

    Thanks !!!

  5. Iv been watching the Presidential Debate. I seems like the same old :poop:

    I know this is a delicate subject... But I feel that one wants to with draw from the middle east and the other wants to finish it...

    They both address the Economic troubles :beercheers: but Im not really hearing a real solution right now.... :(

    What are you thoughts on the debate........

  6. Well since im not going to make it to glamis the week before halloween, Ill be hitting up Dumont for halloween. LOOKING FORWARD TO A SAND FIX. This and thanksgiving will be my only trips this season, gotta make my ride time count!! :pile:

    COOL!!! Look for the giant Sponge Bob on top of an Rv . . than stop in and say hi!! :angry2:


  7. weekend of will be the first trip of the season for my family. and this will be my kids first Halloween @ dumont. we will probably just drive them around in the suburban to trick or treat.

    how many kid do you all get trick or treating? i need to know how much candy to bring.

    Last year we camped at the rock pile... There were a lot of kids and teenagers most of the evening and that night... We had 20 of the big bags of candy and burned them before midnight...

    There were a couple of little kids 3 to 5 years old that I loaded down with candy... They were loving it!! :DDRrocks:

    Bring what you can and when your out thats it... :D

  8. Be carefull...!

    That could be an endangered bug....

    Dont let the Sierra Club or some Tree Hugger see that... Thay may try to shut down that area also! :porn:

    J/K!! :blink: That is kind of cool... :blink:


  9. I dont get it either...

    I know of a few people that stopped paying their mortgage for 6+ months. When repo time came around for them the bank payed them to move..!! WTF!!! :?: :?:

    I work 6-7 days a week just to get by at times and there are people that can finance the whole world then when there over it they walk away from everything... Now I know there are some people that are really having a hard time and it does help them out.... But I have seen a lot of people latley that are jumping on the "F#ck It" band wagon and think it will all go away...

    I guess im dumb for paying my bills on time... or even late sometimes....

    We just finished a customers house that is trying to sell it now... :lol: Good Luck!!

    It is a second home.. They said that they had bought it a few years ago for cheap.. The last 3 years they have refinaced the home 5 times for better that 200k... Now their :bawl::lol::lol: how broke they are and how bad they have it... :grin: Give it a BREAK!!!

    He was driving a 07 lifted Diesel and she had a 08 BMW.... The house is better that 4000 Sq Ft near the lake... I wish I was that kind of broke.... :pics:

    I just dont get what it going on today and how this so called "Bail Out" thing is going to work...

    Just my :dunno:

  10. I know its a little early but who may be going to Dumont for Thanksgiving...?

    We were going to go last year but it didnt work out... This year is a go!! :D

    What better way to give thanks than to be able to Eat, Ride, Drink, Drink, And hang out with friends Drinking...

    :banghead::mc::pissed::blink: :angry2: :blah: :argue: :sophie:

    So... Whos up thanksgiving and whos stuck at home with In-laws....?


  11. Lets see...

    Do the math....

    Dumont Dunes + :banghead: + :finger: + :mc: + :rhino: + :randog: = :pissed:

    Staying at work = :( :poop:

    Work is going to be there monday no matter what... So you might as well go and have a little fun... Dont let work win!! :blink:

    :argue: Looks like Dumont adds up to ... Good Times!! :angry2:

    Just bite the bullet and GO!!!

  12. I see a lot of people crying about closures, but I don't see many people willing to do anything about it.

    Lucerne valley is in real danger guys/gals...can you all PLEASE take one friday evening out of your schedules and join in attending a public BLM meeting in Victorville, Oct. 24th, from either 1:00-4:00 PM, or 6:00-9:00 PM?

    I am dissapointed in our "community" as a whole...bit%$ing between different "cliques" or groups and crying on the internet about closures and tree huggers is not going to do a da!@ bit of good.

    Posted also in DD.com, and GD.com

    OK... :blink:

    I get that not a lot of people do much about the areas being closed down... But what is going to be closed? Is it johnson Valley or Slash X area, Or what?

    Im not being a smart A$$.. Just really want to know whats up.. It seems like every time we go out to ride another area is being closed down or locked out for the season!!!

    I was thinking... Seeing that the Tree huggers and the Sierra "Pukes" can cry :bawl: about an endangered bug or plant that gets another riding area closed down... We should be able to have open season on these groups.. I think its only fair...

    This is :bs: if they think that they can take away another are from us!!!! What the Hell are we paying taxes for and all these off-road fees and green/Red sticker fees and :blah::blah::blah: ..... :banghead::pissed::finger:

    Dont mean to sound so :angry2: :argue: But Damn...


    Let us know whats up...

  13. Man that really SUCKS!!! Friggen Dealers Blow!!! First they over charge for everything, Than when they mess up its not their fault!! :booty::booty:

    Dealers are just PUKES anyway... :black:

    I hope they make it right... If not take them to court.... You have nothing to lose!! :whoop:

    Everyone be safe this weekend!!!

    :mc::lol::ninja::bs: :drunk2: :dayum:


  14. michndave, you're the best. I'm thinking sometime between 1 and 4 PM on Sunday I'll need my crapper tanks pumped at Dumont. :assblast: There's no need to fill my water tank or propane. I can take care of that. :beercheers:


    :laughing::laughoff::lol: .. Hey after you stop by dunefreaks camp we should be ready also ..

    LMAO!!! :blink::cry::lol::lol:

    We wont need any propane or water this time.. Just handle the :poop: ... THANKS!!!


  15. Not sure if this has ever been brought up, but thought of an excellent money making idea for holiday weekends.

    Has anyone approached the idea of having travelling water, propane and waste (sewer dumps) drive through the camps or be camped in vendor row? Whenever we were out at Nascar there are travelling trucks. If my memory serves me right it was $40 for a dump and not much for water and propane. Helped out quite a bit when you are camped out and start getting stressed over running out of water or propane or getting filled up with black/grey water.

    Just an idea.

    Ok... So why dont you start a side business there!?!? :beercheers::laughoff::dope:

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