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Posts posted by Kitcat

  1. We will be there on Sunday. Hopefully it doesn't rain. Should be interesting, esp all this talk about Danica on Saturday.

    I'll probably have some buzzed moment and buy some souvenir - like my #11 flag Mark retrofitted for my quad or another coozie! :lol:


  2. Thanks Pete - yeah no drama on my thread! :lol::lol:

    I'm glad Danny is doing better. And Griz's uncle too! :clap::clap:

    Yeah, the accident our camp saw was during the day on the big dune (near the white #6 on the map in a previous post). We tried to get a close look, but couldn't see much with the binoculars. I think we're all getting old because none of us could keep the binoculars still. I didn't see a medivac, so hopefully everyone was ok from that accident. :D

  3. What's the capacity of the black tank in the FS2300? I love our Raptor tow behind trailer, but the black tank is only 28 gallons. We do okay on long weekends and just spent a week in Dumont, but it was close. We don't bring friends because we filled the black once when friends join us (I think they used too much TP). Plus it makes a good excuse to go with just the 2 of us! :DDRrocks:

    Our friend bought a Jayco 24 ft trailer. He towed it okay with his F150, but finally gave in and bought a F250 (which is much easier for him to tow). With the F150, he couldn't exceed 40 MPH going up the Baker grade.

    I'd check the gen hours on whatever trailer you purchase. Also, talk to OGP as he often has some good repos for sale. :watching:

  4. The weekend was awesome - well, for us it lasted a week! We arrived on Wednesday, just me and Blue Steel. We set up camp and had a few drinks! :flipoff:

    Some of our crew arrived on Thursday, the rest on Friday. It was awesome to see Chopjaw and his 4 seater RZR! Welcome to the club! :ban-split: Thanks to Big Dave and Becki for getting us some propane for our BBQ, so we didn't go hungry! :ban-split: We had a great camp group! Everyone got along great!

    We watched a little of the hill climbs, but didn't catch the drags. Didn't know that they were racing RZR's. Oh well, next time!

    Had a fun time at the Meet & Greet. :isbb: I got to meet a few more DDR peeps. Missed the naked guy the first time he drove by, but got him the 2nd time around (he was too fast for the camera though)!

    We got our new Mercedes flag - Woo Hoo! :beercheers: Had a few issues with the mount, but got it fixed thanks to the awesome folks at Dune Mart! :headbang1:

    The last night was a blast. We went on a firewood safari and found bits and pieces left over from other camps. Had a huge burn! Chopjaw would have been proud!

    We stayed until Tuesday morning. Went the Tecopa way. We heard about the cops in Tecopa, so didn't drip fresh water. I like the Tecopa way, but had no cell reception which created some issues for us.

    All in all, it was a great weekend. Got to spend a lot of time with friends and family and saw a bunch of other friends, too! And - I got my Girl Scout Cookies!!! Thanks OGP!!! :headbang1:

  5. We saw a rail roll over on the big dunes to the right side of the entrance to comp yesterday. :beercheers: We couldn't see much because we saw it from our camp site. Didn't look like any ambulance or medics took people away. Hope everyone was okay.

    Also, saw someone had an accident at comp last night. Hope they were okay too!

    The sand is wet and very choppy out here this weekend! Hope everyone is safe!!!! :laughoff:

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