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Posts posted by EY3BA11

  1. sorry to hear about that Tim. That would suck big time.

    We have a house alarm, not sure which brand, but we have motion detector, and all the doors/windows pinned. When the alarm is off, if a door/window is open, the alarm gives 3 little blips...lets you know someone is coming or going.

    We have never had ours monitored, though I do have a SECURE sign in my flowerbed with my address on it to make it look like it is. My neighbors HAD theirs monitored. They stopped because they said it was a waste of money.

    The new thing here in Bako is that the thieves are using code rollers. They drive around a neighborhood with an electronic device that spits out codes. they drive around until they get a garage door to open up. they back their truck into the garage, shut the door, ransack the house, pull out of the garage, and BAIL

    It has happened a couple of times in the last 3 months in my neighborhood. I figure that's what insurance is for.

    "So, you say you had 24 PRE-BAN AK-47's with 50 rd clips?"

    Motion sensor in my garage to prevent that from happening. if there is ANY motion in the garage the sirens and house alarm go off :D plus i dont have a garage door opener lol

  2. Paul the details are on the store. Or I should say WERE. :laughing: Until the store decided to crash.

    The VIP mega meal deal is pre-order only, $25 and


    1) Fri night 4 rib dinner, ranch beans, and cole slaw

    2) Sat AM breakfast burrito

    3) Sat lunch pulled pork or tri-tip sandwich, potato salad and drink

    Otherwise, lunch is $6 for trip-tip or pulled pork sandwich.

    Nick is working on reinstalling the store so it will be a little bit before the link is active again. Nothing like telling everyone to hurry up and register then say aww crap hold on! :dope: damnit! laughing.gif

    were duners man.. we expect strange crap like this lol.. the store just got stuck in a witche's eye or bathtub if your sanddunesaddict and were diggin the bastard out.. just hang on and we will be back to duning in no time :P

  3. every tech has their own opinion.. whats that old saying.. opinions are like azzholes everyone has one :P Im sure he will figure it out. I have done firmware upgrades with no problem myself as well.. but i have seen numerous people grab the wrong firmware and trash a router because they didnt know what they were doin thats why i simply suggested buy a new one if it works great if not return it.. better than getting frustrated over a firmware upgrade. Alot of the older routers dont have the nice fancy wizard to do it for you. Gotta load it the hard way. Another reason for why i said what i said :P

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