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Posts posted by EY3BA11

  1. not to common on a 4 stroke but i spose anything is possible... best to find out what elevation your at in barstow first and then we can go from there... You also might want to look into a jetting kit like JD or possibly hit up thumpertalk.com there is a particular forum for the yfz450 quad and im sure there are a few bright individuals in there to help you out with your jetting woes..

  2. Glad you found the forum... Please refrain from using all caps when posting it ensinuates that your YELLING at everyone.. :D

    Where did you buy your bike from? What elevation do you usually ride when the bike feels like it has the most power?? Typically the higher you go elevation wise the leaner you need to make your bike... BUT if you ride the deserts and what not of vegas and surrounding areas at over 2000 feet then drop down to dumont at sea level its possible that your getting TOO RICH... its hard to tell without physically hearing or seeing how the bike reacts... and any other information about it... but im willing to bet its just a jetting thing and isnt tht complicated to cure..

  3. actually the 450 you got is a pretty damn stout performer in the dune... there is a fella on here that would be able to point you in the right direction.. you might want to look in the atv/motorcycle talk section of this board.. :D

  4. How much did that 3.8 setup cost him??? i might be getting my hands on a chenoweth 4 seater chassis and was just thinking if i did what motor/trans combo would i use... its either a 4.3 and 091 or something diffrent like mikes.. the idea of a supercharged 3.8 running its own FWD tranny is neat.. push the skinny pedal and go... what shifting..

  5. :beercheers:

    Check out what window cleaner does in a fire

    What we mean by window cleaner is that PURE GRAIN ALCOHOL.. that stuff that distillery's use in thier pooty drinks... a buddy of mine (Wrench) had a buddy that used to drive a tanker for bartles and james or something like that.. and the siphoned off a 1 gallon jug of this stuff... and man... its WICKED... A lady in our camp.. took a CAPFULL like a bleach bottle cap full and put it in her mixed drink.. she had 2 of those and was OUT... done gone wasnt moving her... in fact there were some douche bags launching fireworks near by and one flew RIGHT past her and blew up in camp... and she didnt budge... it was great.. she had a hangover for the next 2 or 3 days if memory serves me right... some good stuff i tell ya..

  6. you better show up tonight...

    eddie im not your boss but i fit the description.. :D

    285, farts in my office bad enough to run people out.. :D yup sounds about right... maybe i should come work for your boss instead... would be more fun... i would be on the ramp doin loops and rolls w/ the helecopters in the parking lot.. lol

  7. The old board was a free service that would not let you have access to the RAW INFORMATION I.E. the database tables... if they would have givin me access to that im sure i could have found a way to keep all the old data... but since they were tightwads and dont want anyone leaving they dont let you have access to it... so in essence if something happens to your board.. your screwed.. w/ this software and hosted by me we have FULL control of that stuff...

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