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Posts posted by Duneraider

  1. Wife just went through her second series of Lipo Zapp.

    It's a mild, yet painfull mini variation of liposuction with a boatload of micro-needles.

    Wife is a size 5, but had a small amount of something around her waist she wanted removed.

    I didn't see what she was talking about, but she did, so she booked the proceedure.

    The first set of needle stickings was just before our trip across the USA.

    She swelled up two sizes and was in a lot of pain for half the trip.

    "It's worth it" she says.

    She just had the second set and is in pain and swelling again.

    It's just like old school rabies shots around the stomach and hips.

    It works, her shape is really nice when the swelling goes down.

    Alice had the lazer face peel a few months back and was that ever brutal.

    She looks 20 years younger though.

    If the wife or G/F starts talking up this kinda work, grab your wallet, and book yourself extra work. It ain't cheap.

    She will sooner or later eventually bring it up.

  2. When the last style GMC/Chevy came out, a co-worker was beside himself that I didn't buy the truck HE liked, and bought the GMC instead.

    He really got sore at me. I couldn't understand what was in it for him?

    The 8.1 turned out to be very good with the Allison, especially compaired to what he eventually bought.

    We still drive the GMC today.

    The brand truck he relentless lobbied me to buy, and that he finally bought, burned through transmissions, and cracked cylinder liners/headgaskets.

    Anyone remember the POS Mercor?

    Oh brother was a bad car it was.

    I bought a Supra, and my parents couldn't get over that I didn't buy the Mercor.

    They were all over me to buy a Mercor.

    They quit talking to me for a spell too.

    Road and Track put the Mercor at the top of the worse cars ever built list. Right next to the Yugo and the Mazda MPV mini-van.

    Hells Angel Steves wife still drives the Supra. I sold it to them some years ago, still runs and looks great.

    Studies show people spend 80% of their socializing time trying to influence things they have no power over and that don't effect them at all.

    Human nature I recon.

    My neice needed a new car, and her side of the family urged her to buy cheap, a Yugo.

    Remember them?

    About $1600 new, and it got lots of press on the news and rags. Many people go on the strength of a glossy press release & brochure, and especially the low price.

    The Yugo was half the price of the Toyota Corolla, which she prefered.

    We gave her the difference in cash for a graduation present (plus $140 for ac, ya gotta have ac) so she could get the Corolla.

    She still drives her little Corolla today.

    People ever get worked up for you to buy the car or truck THEY wanted?

  3. My friend Mark came by and asked if I'd like to go with him to the SEMA show in Las Vegas.

    I said "sure". Mark said the plane leaves in 2 hours.

    SEMA is a major car industry trade show in Las Vegas every year.

    Marks wife was the meanest, loudest-in-your-face shrew of a wife I've ever seen in all my days. Scary mean.

    First trip ever she couldn't make and keep Mark on a short leash.

    Mark was the Ayatolla of car painters. Known and respected in the trade.

    He was so good one of the major auto paint companies hired him away to run a US sales team pushing their new, very difficult to use, enviro friendly products.

    Mark brought along a few of his sales staff.

    These guys belong to a religion that absolutely is down on Nevada, let alone forbidden to work any vice kinda 'Vegas job in the gaming industry.

    None of the guys have ever even been to Las Vegas.

    Their absolute stunningly beautiful, knock-out looks wives drop them off at the airport and just us guys board the plane.

    Guys trip.

    The plane takes off and Mark orders cocktails for us all.

    The salesguys are really weary, "we never drank liquor before",, but they get down their Gin and Tonics by the time we touch down at Mc Laren.

    And are they ever tipsy.

    Mark had reserved one of the last of the big old Caddies.

    The rent a car company girl said their is still a big interest in them, so they keep a few on hand at a premium rate.

    We got a shopworn, coppetone, Caddy Driftwood Brontosaurus with over 100K miles on it.

    "I've always wanted to do this" and Mark just steps on the gas,, pedal to the floor.

    We blow down Blue Diamond Highway and after an hour, off in the distance I see the red letter G lite up in neon in the dark desert sky.

    Then the letter I,

    then R,

    then L,

    then S lites up,

    the sign goes dark, then flashes GIRLS.

    I've had never been to an adult club, and have never been since. We arrive. I felt like Mark was Lampwick and we were all the kid donkys in the Movie Pinochio headed to Pleasure island.

    Mark does a spectacular 4 wheel drift into the gravel parking lot, and in the glow of the headlites and dust we see two of the caddys wire wheel hubcaps go bouncing off across the lot.

    We retrieve them and put them back on the car.

    The salesguys say " take us to our room", Mark says we'll just be here a short while.

    "Ok then, but don't tell our wives" the saleguys concurr.

    They took full advantage of all services offered at the club, then we headed to Little Ceasars Storefront Casino on the Strip.

    Not to be confused with Ceasars Pallace or the pizza chain, Little Ceasars was owned by a ill tempered former boxer who would punch anyone or any employee who he even slightly disagreed with.

    It's claim to fame was Bob Stupac of the Stratosphere placed and won a 1 million dollar Superbowl bet at the Little Ceasars sports book.

    So we roll into Little Ceasars for the $1 blackjack, and 25 cent dice games.

    The salestaff all amp'd and ready.

    Little Ceasars had a unique self-serve bar too. Ya pour'd your own, comp'd of course.

    So we pour drinks, and head to the craps table just as the ill tempered owner took the "rake" (stick) from the dealer and hit him with it, then fired 2 dealers on the spot.

    He was shouting, veins poping up on his neck, red faced,, just furious.

    Then a limo driver pulls up in front, and the owner goes out and shouts at the driver to move. The driver says "just a second."

    Not fast enough.

    They both go at it right there in the parking lot and the limo driver almost knocks the Little Ceasars owner out. Just pummels him deluxe, and it shut him up. We all went back to leading each other astray at the self serve bar and 25 cent craps now run by the remaining employees.

    Then to the SEMA show.

    The SEMA show is fantastic if you love cars.

    Now it's really popular with the huge interest in auto restoring and customs.

    Any business that is anything in the auto world is there, and they most all have 24 hour hospitality rooms.

    Ya wanna get to visit the hospitality rooms.

    Full bars, excellent high dollar, yet free buffetts, entertainment, and gifts.

    I mean really good gifts like Jackets, electronics ect.

    Mark having juice in the industry based on his reputation got us into as many hospitality rooms as we had time for. Dupont auto finishes is the best room to visit. I would recon their are 100's of them all over town.

    The salesguys all got hooked on gambling and skipped the hospitality rooms

    I'm pretty good at quickly teaching craps, and had them all hooked for a fun time.

    They all lost about $300 each though.

    If ya get a chance to visit the Las Vegas SEMA show and you love cars, by all means do it. An try and get passes to the hospitality rooms.

    Ya see really cool auto related tools, machinery, parts, gadgets, on and on.

    Any other SEMA stories out there?

  4. We usually camp alone.

    But sometimes someone will ask if they can join us with their rig.

    Half the time it's OK, but sometimes they invite everyone they know too.

    They invite far more than they can accomodate. They invite people with no food, no sand toys, no RV or even a tent, have never ever even been to the dunes.

    Too cold to sleep in their car,,, ain't no one loaning their toys to them.

    One time at Glamis a guy invited 12 non-duning friends, and they all showed up with even more friends.

    They wanted to borrow everyones rides, they had no place to sleep, no food, it was chaos.

    Total strangers to everyone else. They just hung around.

    My kids asked me once to stop letting strangers into our RV when others in the group over-invite.

    They had good reasons.

    Just sick of it. Lack of privacy,,, it sucked.

    It woke me up, and when others in the group over-invite, our answer is we can't accomdate you.

    You invite them, you take care of them.

    We're at the river and each one of our kids invites a friend.

    Our RV is 32' long, and can handle that.

    The boat sits 9.

    But we often get the parents wanting to come along too.

    We can't handle that.

    It's 109 outside, we're packed, and the pressure starts:

    "We'll sleep in our truck, we'll sit on the floor of the boat",,,,

    yap yap yap.

    Nah we tell them.

    Assist those in the group yes, accomodate negligence no.

  5. This used to be a helpful link, they may have changed that:


    If your old camera was an Olympus, you can send it to them and they'll usually fix it free.

    Not always, but quite often.

    What kills most Olympus cameras is a super tiny micro switch on the card door, or the door itself.

    Olympus makes either really excellent stuff, or complete junk, so they tend to fix stuff free that isn't abused.

    Anyone buying a camera, always have an eyepiece in addition to the screen on the back.

    The eyepiece is essential for accurate shots or bright day shots.

  6. Thanks for the comments.

    It is a very expensive area as mentioned.

    Even the McDonalds and Wendys outside the gate was $$.

    Everything on the menu was at least $5. More like $7 per item.


    We simply parked the trailer in the big Parking lot, turned on the A/C, and made food, and then took the 4x4 up the trails.

    We skipped the expensive campgrounds and drove to Parker, our final leg.

  7. 38122007_roadtrip__new_Tige_157-med.jpg

    This was the US Forest service trail 385 accessable from Hi 94. Small brown signs, maybe 6"x8" are along the main roads designating the trails you can turn off on.

    We took our GMC 4x4 to the rim.

    Pic taken from our flite over the Canyon.

    Many 4x4 tour services mis-lead tourists.

    Their ads tout Air conditioned, comfortable Hummer excursions, but they show up in an open air old Dodge flat bed with K mart lawn chairs fastened to the chassis.

    It was 104 deg the day we went.

    Take your own vech.


    The Bright Angel Trail

    I visited the Grand Canyon in the past, but my wife never has.

    We took the fixed wing flite over it, and visited the South rim.

    Visiting the South Rim, in our humble opinions, is the easiest & best way to see it first time, and first hand.

    The Bright Angel Trail (sometimes spelled Brite BTW) is accessable at the south rim just behind the Bright Angel Hotel.

    A U.S. senator Cameron once claimed the trail his, and charged a whopping $1 in

    1890's dollars to access the trail.

    So,,,, something had to be done to break up his corrupt act.

    The Santa Fe railroad then extended it's line a few hundred yards, and along with Fred Harvey built the El Tovar Hotel, and promptly put the Senator and his hotel out of business.

    The National Park Service re-took control of the trail and bulldozed his hotel, and the access toll was dropped.

    You really fill your heart with the canyon by just walking a few feet down the trail.

    At mile 1.5 is a rest station, and some opt to just hike this far.


    Our 7 year old, about 100 yds down the Bright Angel Trail.

    Check out how beautiful it is. This is plenty far to experience the canyon from inside.

    It's hot and high altitude, so even this short hike is tough.

    Tiny Chipmunks try and get free handouts. The local hospital (located just outside the gate, east side) treat Heat stroke number one, and Chipmunk bites number two.

    They bite deluxe, don't feed them. They don't know where the finger ends and the food starts.

    The mule trips are booked 2 years in advance, so you have plan that out.

    40 years ago, the mule trip was $250, one can imagine what it costs now.

    We didn't enquire, but it is a teriffic ride for sure.

    9.2 miles to the Phantom Ranch at the bottom of the canyon for an overnite stay.


    We snapped this pic of the mules decending into the Grand Canyon from our flite over the canyon.

    You access the South Rim from Arizona State Highway 64 traveling North from US Highway 40.

    It's all right there for you. The Grand Canyon Airport if ya want to take a flite, and the Nat. Park South Rim entrance is just a few minutes down the road.

    Absolutely walk through the El Tovar Hotel, you're welcome to. It's just a short walk from the Bright Angel Hotel and Bright Angel Trail.

    Out front is a breath taking view of the Canyon.

    If ya take the trail, read up, study up, and be equipped.

    Flites over the Canyon are popular, so be sure to pre-book a flight reservation.

    The Fixed wing flights are cheaper than the helicopters.


    One other thing we stumbled upon that really took us back:

    It was the fantastic Grand Canyon Museum, located in the Bright Angel Hotel.

    It's free, and it is something else.

    Displays with interesting items of everything about the Grand Canyons human history.

    Very well put together. A+ in our book.

    It also features in addition to other Grand Canyon subjects, one of the best Fred Harvey collections. It will certainly catch your attention.

    Fred Harvey was known for running hotels and restaurants in the west, and he runs both the Brite Angel and El Tovar at the South Rim.

    Ya think no-way would one be interested in that, but it is done so well.

    Visitors are taken back as they wander through.

    My ex mother-in law starred with Judy Garland in "The Harvey Girls" movie.

    I made an attempt to buy her awesome Harvey Girls Costume from the movie when MGM had its huge wardrobe sale some decades ago.

    Debbie Reynolds had lots more money than me so I had to lump it and concede the sale to her. The shills were running up the price too.

    Dorothys ruby slippers and the Harvey costumes were high on her MGM hit list. But that's another thread for another time.

    A genuine Harvey "uniform" is on display, and does it ever look cool.

    I mentioned to Alice it was a time when chix did what ya told them too. She said that's not a funny statement.

    Lots of other genuine artifacts are on display too.

    A few pix from our flight over the canyon. The Grand Canyon Airlines plane does a lazy, gentle figure 8 from rim to rim. Flights booked solid with international travelers with money to burn.



  8. We have that exact camera, and it isn't user friendly.

    If I bought another camera, it'd be the easy to use Kodak.

    Just getting the Panasonic eyepiece viewfinder to work is a PiTA.

    First, charge the batteries.

    Then set the top dial to A. You will usually accidently move the dial when you use the camera, so always first re-check that it is on A.

    Turn the camera on.

    Then look up how to set the switch to get the viewfinder to work. Remember how because ya always seem to have to turn the viewfinder back on. It sucks.

    Then use the telephoto switch to frame the shot.

    Point and shoot.

    Forget all the other features.


    Taken with Panasonic DMC-LZ7 Lumix.

  9. I was sitting in my truck waiting for Best Buy to open.

    A nice looking girl was standing out front in pink levis and long brown hair.

    I thought to myself how attractive she was, and reminded myself those were the days.

    The store opened, I left my truck, went in, and was searching Mp3 players.

    The girl that was standing out front walked up and asked a few questions about Ipods & mps3's.

    Later in the store we passed each other and I asked her to lunch. She accepted, one year later we married at the Stratosphere.

    It has been solid bliss since.


    Las Vegas out the windows of the top of the Strat.


  10. Is this the new Kawasaki?? My YFZ ran a little hot and pinged even after I rejetted a couple of times. I run 110 octane when it is hot and it seems to help out alot. And it smells good. :D

    I meant YFZ. Yfz 450.

    Editing/deleting is different on this forum and I couldn't fix the typo.

  11. For a few bux more Americas/Discount tire stores offer a good replacement policy.

    A good buy for your trailer tires.

    We've used our warranty several times.

    We just completed a 8000 lap around the USA and had a GoodRich TA Grenade in Shreveport Louisiana.


    I thought the rear differential blew out.

    It was loud, it was violent, it was scary.

    We put on the spare and made it into Longview texas and Discount replaced the tire free under the Americas warranty, and Michelin (parent of Goodrich), is paying for the damage to the truck according to a letter we recieved from them.

    We're bucks ahead on out truck and trailer tire X-10-DED warrantys

  12. Mac Book lets you edit photos, but when loaded to a host gallery, they revert back to the un-edited pic.

    Let's see if we can change all that:


    One of many tight passageways one must navigate at the Mesa Verde Indian Cliff Dwellings NM. Rotated 90 degrees. Not a place for those who don't like tight places. I drag'd my beer gut through it, you can too! 7 year old Maynard.


    Tunnel leads to the Balcony room, 500 plus feet from the canyon floor.

    Rotated 90 degrees.


    One of several long ladders one must climb to enter the Cliff dwellings.

    The bottom of the ladder is 500 feet above the canyon floor. Half way up you get the picture how hairy the location is.


    Our 7 year old climbing out using the orig indian hand and foot holes carved in the rock cliff facing.

    The chains and wires aren't guides to help you climb, they're a net to catch you when you fall.

    It's a hairy climb, not for those who don't like heights. It's the only way out, no chicken exit.

    Rotated 90 degrees.


    Pic rotated 90 degrees. Wife about to climb one of several hairy ladders exploring the Mesa Verde Indian Cliff dwellings. If you don't have a head for heights, this isn't the tour for you.


    National Corvette museum, Bowling Green Ky.

    Should be called the National c4 Corvette museum.

    Pic rotated 90 degrees.

    We're in Baton Rouge Louisiana. Truck is at the Goodwrench dealer getting a bad exhaust leak fixed and an oil change.

    Steamy, pure Cajun campground across the street. Nice swampy place.

    Had Cajun dinner and Cajun music last nite at a place called Beaujacques Rouge off a steamy side street.

    We skipped the barbeque'd ground gater intestines in Pork stomach casing, and had some genuine ribs and shrimp.

    Kids visiting kin.

    100% Humidity, 98 degrees, sunny skys.

    Water from the A/C is pouring off four corners of the trailers roof like garden hoses.


    On to Carlsbad Caverns NM to see the Flying Hamsters (bats) exit the caves at dusk.

  13. Today sends us west outta Florida to Baton Rouge Louisiana.

    Wife has kin there and we'll stop by to visit.

    Hangin' out on the beach in Destin, Florida was teriffic.

    Boogie boarded with the kids, and went for a cruise & a Shrimp Fry with some friends we met a while back in Catalina.

    Gulf water seem'd warm compaired to the cold water beaches in Los Angeles that will turn your feet purple.

    The campground has two excellent pools. an excellent playground for the kids, and a singer & band atop a patio that was really good.

    Lots of people just do laps all nite long around the park in their golf carts, stopping to gawk at anyone checking in. The gawking is unique to Florida we're told by the Louisiana folks.

    Must be, we've never encountered it before until WDW, St Augustine and here.

    Florida has many private beaches. Very rare in Calif, and no private beaches anyplace in Hawaii at all.

    You can spot the Florida private beaches, they're empty.

    Met lot's of Foreigners on the beach.

    We've come to the conclusion in all our travels over the years the only foreigners in the world that will ever say they don't speak english are French Canadians.

    They only say that because they think it's cool, but they do in fact speak english.

    No one from anywhere else will ever say they don't speak it, foreigners will always try like hell to communicate.

    Much stronger dog control at Southern campgrounds.

    "Ya can't reason with drunks or dog owners" I was told once.

    Starting to see no-dog campgrounds in the West. Fox's is a no-dog campground, but it's been happening here in the South for quite some time we're told.

    It's either the barking or the owners not cleaning up after them that is the problem. Maybe 1 outta 10 owners will control their dogs barking and clean-up after them we hear.

    That's pretty accurate I'd say from our experiences. Often the first chore at a campground when we check-in is cleaning up after someone elses dog.

    WDW had mostly no dog loops, and very strictly enforced controls on the camping loops where they allowed dogs. A dog hotel was at the entrance to the campground, with a walking area with bags and shovels.

    I missed one good pic in Durango. A sign said: "no second chances, irresponsible dog owners ejected first offense. They poop, you scoop."

    Another weld has pop'd on a wheel so we'll be stopping off for yet another tire & wheel repair. Most likely when we roll through Texas.

    4 year old trailer and the wheels are going south.

    OK, off for two days of mostly travel & visit kin.


  14. We're now in Destin Florida, West of Panama City on the panhandle.

    We're camp'd on the sand on the beach.

    The sand is pure white, a fine powder, absolutely beautiful looking out across the water.

    A warm breeze flows in off the Gulf of Mexico.

    Many people come up and say hello.

    Local Southern folk from Mississippi, Alabama, and especially Louisana.

    A nice change from the crusty east coasters.

    They've camped here for 20 to 30 years they all tell us.

    They all moved back a row when the park sharply raised the prices on the beachfront spots.

    They usually want to know what Californians are doing here.

    They notice our license plates:

    "Don't you have beaches and Disneyland in California?" they sometimes ask.

    I answer; "Sure, but the Civil War was fought in the South & East., and we have kin in Baton Rouge."

    I then mention we're doing a hot lap around America, and they usually mention they'd like to do the same one day.

    Often they mention Salinas Calif as a destination, so we'll have to review that furthur, that's a new one.

    10 oz beers are the choice all around the campground.

    "Yeah, we can get the 12 oz'ers, but we've always drank the 10'z. So the breweries specially can and send them here to select areas in Dixie"- we're told.

    Traditions die hard in the South.

    When I was a kid, the little green 7 oz bottles of Coke tasted better than the bigger bottles, but compairing them in this case might be a big stretch.

    We had lots of credits left on our WDW dining plan, so my wife went to the gourmet markets at WDW and Pleasure Island marketplace and cashed them in on food.

    Really good food.

    2 sandwitches were as big as the Dunlops on Petes old ATC 90. We sliced them up, and served them to the neighbors when we checked in. Killer good.

    The RV refer and freezer is stuffed and we'll be chowing it for at least the next week.

    Fireworks are serious in the South.

    Even the supermarkets sell stuff banned in most the rest of the country.

    Multi stage mortars, cherry bombs, brutal and beautiful rockets sold at fireworks stands seemly most everywhere in the South.

    There is always, everywhere, the one family that drops a weeks pay on Fireworks and a great show goes on all night.

    The kids are rolling outta bed, so if weather permitting, we'll be on a days adventure in the Gulf of Mexico.

  15. Heading West across Florida to the Gulf:

    We're heading out from Walt Disney World to the Florida Gulf Coast for 3 days camping on the beach.

    We learned alot about Disneyworld.

    With out a doubt, the best RV camping we've found anyplace.

    Nothing even comes close for plain old camping.

    But for motorsports camping, it's Dumont.

    We can see why the camping alone without even visiting the WDW theme parks is big to East Coasters.

    Many have their Golf Carts, and RV's custom painted in Disney Characters, and this kinda trip is their lifes passion. An annual, standing WDW reservation is their familys annual vacation.

    The way to see the WDW theme parks is in the morning at opening, then collect fast passes, hit the waterparks through the afternoon, then take advantage of the late magic hours and re-visit the parks.

    The Disney bars were something else. I've met some characters in my lifetime, but the Disney bars are excellent.

    The Beach Bar at Typhoon Lagoon is dripping with beautiful girls of all cultures, from all over the planet.

    Brits, Cubans, Southern Girls, French, Canadians, German, they all hang out there, and they are all chatty.

    Most seemingly want to connect with someone for the nite. String bikinis are here to stay. Other swim suit styles come and go, but butt floss, like Levi jeans, will always be in style too.

    I had several blisters on my right foot, so avoiding walking, I spent my fair share of time there with Alice who was tired of walking and turned the kids loose.

    We met one guy and his wife that had every Disney Character tattoo'd someplace on their body. You name the character, they'd point to it.

    I ran Meiko, then Cleo, Geppetos gold fish, and Dis-Honest John by them and yep,, they had the tattoos.

    They own'd a computerized machine shop in Orlando and didn't have to sweat employment interviews with all the ink.

    We met a group of airline & corporate pilots that stay at the resort often. They spend their off days meeting girls at the bars. The Typhoon Lagoon bar they say is the best daytime bar in all WDW. It's theee place from January through October.

    The chix way out-number the guys and that's always good. The single moms have sitters already lined up for the evening.

    Then the hook-ups made at the Typhoon Lagoon bar, will carry over to late nite hook ups at Pleasure Island which is full of clubs and nite life.

    The single life is alive and thriving at WDW. It's on fire.

    Food at WDW is vastly improved over our last visits.

    The Bomma Buffet dinner at the Animal Kingdom resort was recomended to us here in DDR, and it's excellent.

    Different Africian food from the norm, and they really pull it off well.

    Nice atmosphere too.

    A duck dinner, that is,, ya duck in then ya duck out and that's nice after a long theme park day.

    Absolutely have your reservation conformation numbers along with you at WDW. Line 'um up on your computer up and print them and have them in hand when you arrive at the restaurant.

    No clue why they loose the reservations, but they do.

    Your conformation number will be essential in that case. You will not get seated otherwise no matter how sore you get. All the WDW restaurants are booked up and packed.

    When you're sitting waiting to be called for your table and you're napping, other groups without reservations will hustle in and answer to your name to steal your table, so beware of that too. Expect it.

    It's usually a New York City family with 6 O'clock Mugs for faces, dads with names like Jules or Duncan or Herme.

    The pre-paid meal plan is excellent. It's good at all 135 restaurant at WDW.

    The snacks can be those big, giantic candied apples, seemed all the treats were included,,, and all gratituities too.

    Alice and I thought the MGM theme part sucked, but the kids loved it.

    The Prime Time Diner is fun, but dinner there is 2 plus hours easily, the food bland. Very bland.

    Gasoline and diesel is 50 cents a gallon cheaper on WDW property than minutes away in Orlando ($2.59 a gal).

    That's it for now, if any tips and tales pop up on this leg, we'll check back in.

  16. We're spending it at Disneyworld, Ft Wilderness Campground.

    Golf carts are huge on the east coast, especially here in the south, and decorated golf cart 4th of July parades are the BFD too.

    Fun time so far, not too crowded.

    When the 4th lands on a Wednesday, it seems to take away the big weekend crowd from the river and other vacation spots.

  17. Wife gave me a Corvette Z06 for fathers day while we were on the road.

    We'll place an order for an '08 when we return home.

    We toured the factory and the National Corvette museum in Bowling Green Kentucky Fri and Saturday.

    The factory is really cool.

    We were considering factory delivery, but the roads in Kentucky are pretty bad, and we'd like to avoid rock and stone damage if we can, so we'll just have it shipped to the dealer.

    Our Corvette will have a 427 Cu in, hand assembled aluminum 505 hp engine, an aluminum frame (our 7 year old picked up the frame BTW, I have pix), and some other items that set it apart from the standard c6 Vette.

    The museum was OK, but was mostly dedicated to the past C4 model. The C4 production ran so long it almost killed the line.

    The C5 changed all that,, now Chevy has the C6 going strong.

    We seen private Corvette museums that are streets ahead of this museum, but perhaps worth a look if you're a Corvette nut.

    On our ocean cruise last year, we met a group from Bowling Green, that worked the factory.

    They were Bible belt, genuine appreciative people.

    They treasured their jobs at the Corvette factory.

    We hooked up with them again.

    They told us that "watch your Corvette being built" program was ended because of too much drama from customers.

    Time was when the factory was in St Louis, defect cars just kept going down the assembly line and shipped like Harley Davidsons, mistakes and all.

    So now, when they kick a 'Vette off the line for corrections, the owners would get worked up,, so they ended that part of the delivery process.

    But, you can tour and watch everyone elses Corvette being made.

    So now we're in Gettysburg Pa to tour the Battlefield.

    The 8.1 GMC is towing like a champ.

    3000 miles this week, not a drop of oil added.

    Almost creamed several deer. They need to thin the heards for sure.

    Zillions of them everyplace. The Plains and Prairees, mountains,, everywhere like flies at the dump.

    Gas is about $2.79 most places, diesel $2.59.

    Ok,, report back from Disneyworld, Ft Wilderness Campground.

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