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Ross and Alice

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Posts posted by Ross and Alice

  1. We just pulled the trigger on the new for '06 Honda 90 Quad.

    We bought it at Simi Valley Honda Motorcycles and it was a snap.

    We Ducked in, then quickly ducked out with a fast transaction.

    Alice had spent the last 12 hours graveyard shift taking care of a cancer patient, a young LAPD officer. Alice was exausted when she walked into Simi Honda/ATK.

    He has the most brutal type of cancer for both the patient, loved ones , and the hospital staff. It sux the life outta everyone,, just brutal.

    The treatment intense, and he's not expected to survive. His wife has crawled up in bed with him,,, it's so sad.

    Alice being so spent and beat - the duck in / duck out service at Simi Honda was really appreciated.

    The quad was comb'd and polished and ready & loaded on the truck and she "ducked" out.

    The price was right too.

    The Honda 90 is a nice quad with electric start, lots of pep, great ride and handling,, 4 stroke. They sell them as fast as they can uncrate them.

    I'd wager in 30 years it'll still be putting around the dunes.

    Everyone in our riding group found found out about the cheapie China quads the hard way.

    Ya get what ya pay for. China quality is where British quality was in 1949.

    The Brits drink their beer warm because their refrigerators are made by Lucas.

    When we bought our Zuki 50 last month at Berts, we arrived at 11:30 Am and didn't make it out until dark, on a cash sale, quad sitting on the showroom floor, price agreed on before we arrived. Not worth the $100 we saved, and ya have to add in the long drive too.

    I try to show brand loyalty to Honda too:

    Back in the mid 1960's, the Euro riders showed up to a motorcross race in Simi Valley.

    They kicked our butts deluxe.

    Lapping us, annihating us, elbo-ing us and all kinds of other cheap shots too.

    An arrogant obnoxious bunch of Euro riders/teams if anyone remembers.

    We didn't know what hit us.

    They had better suspentions, riding skills, more experience,, better performance engine tricks, and dirty tricks too.

    Then Honda sponsored American Marty Smith and we creamed the Euros here and over there in every race he rode in.

    It really pissed off the arrogant Euros. They hated Americans even worse back then,, nothings changed, and we still usually beat them in MX.


  2. Beautiful pix.

    I love the changes in weather during the winter in Dumont,, then again when we visit Parker in the summer.

    It's part of the character, the changing character of our holidays.

    To me, Dumont is one of the most awsum looking places on earth,, and I've been just about everywhere.

    My kids love it,, but take it like it's like this for everybody.

    I've started to make them realize how lucky we are for being able to camp and enjoy it, and that most people never have the opportunity.

    My GF has fallen in love with the dunes too.

    I'm buying her the new Zuki 450 when it hits the showroom floor,, cold turkey,, blind purchase.

    Just think about it,, almost no one gets to do the cool things we on this board get to do.

    I appreciate every second I'm there,, and your pix remind me of what we're missing.

    Worth fighting the enviros for.

  3. perfect jetting for dumont for a yfz450 on gas is 175 main,45 pilot,and 1 3/4 turns out of the fuel screw.worked perfect on mine until i switched fuels.

    Thats what I use except 2 turns on the screw,, and the Yami needle, with 1 click more on the clip.

    Any more jetting tends to add a lag, or flat spot in the low end.

    We use the Yoshi pipe, and found the med silencer insert gave the best low and top end results.

    Don't take the jets / pipe insert advise from Yoshi, they have no clue how to super tune a YFZ, and they know it.

    No silencer insert and we lost low end big time.

    The smallest insert seemed to effect top end.

    Also have the Alba high rev black box that added 1000 RPM, and the very first mod before you do anything to a YFZ should be a different airfilter other than stock.

    Sandstars are very nice tires,, but Haulers give ya the uphill edge if you have a head for wheelies,, which I don't but wish I did,, so I run sandstars.

    People running haulers seem to stick to the side of bowls better at high speed than us running starz,, but damfino on that observation,,,






    Plus 100 octane race gas cut 40% with 91 octane.

    No matter what you do,, there will always be someone out there who is faster.

    No one could beat us our first weekend out until a guy on a DS 650 showed up with a snomobile motor on it and he annihilated every sand vehicle out there. Incredably fast.

    So my feelings are just a powerfull,, good handling, fun to ride, comfortable quad that'll keep up with your friends on group rides fits our needs,, and it has to be dependable too.

    Everyone I know that has run NOS has grenaded their engine.

  4. My son and I were on top of Comp when a rider on a Orange/red Predator that had a wheelie wheel/bar and another one a white one with NOS bottles on the back were roosting people challenging to race up comp. Just riding around and roosting spectators, doing donuts, generally obnoxious to everyone,, ect ect

    Often I sit in the same spot with several Hells Angels who bring their families to the Dunes for fun.

    If it wasn't my son,, and it was Hells Angel Steve, Dennis and Axel I was sitting on our quads with,,, those guys with the Predators would still be in Las Vegas in the hospital, with red and white flowers (81's colors) being delivered to their beds,,, and would spend the next seven months in rehab., and the rest of their lives re-living what happened everytime they looked in the mirror in the morning.

    The Moral:

    Ya don't know who you're roosting with sand,, if ya wanna race up comp,, simply line up at the base and challengers will gladly take you on,, Dis-respect will eventually get one in big trouble.

    But this new fad of roosting,,,

    Just remember a broken jaw and fractured eye sockets take almost a year to heal, new teeth are expensive and uncomfortable, and a Polaris Quad with its Magnesium and tupperware would burn pretty quick in your campfire.


    Hells Angel Steve and his old lady Terry at the Little Dunes Gold Mines.

    Bench presses 450#+ daily, has a very quick temper, extreemly tough, visits Dumont often, and both would give you the shirt off their back if you were in need.

    Most the HA's don't wear their 'Colors" on the dunes,, and helmets and all, ya just don't know who you're messin' with.

    We were in Laughlin 10 years before the famous bike run "Incident."

    Several gang bangers were knocking on hotel room doors challenging who ever answered to a fight.

    Well,, they knocked on the "Members" Steve and Travis and Jimmy Martinez room door,, and the punks got the beating of their lives.

    When Hotel security got word of it,, they never responded until it was way over, paramedics hauling off the results.

    We got our rooms comp'd BTW.

    Respect of others will never let you down, on the dunes,, anyplace.

    You can always go back to nice. Being a jerk burns a bridge.

    So if a story of couple of guys on Predators got beat up and flown out of Dumont, their quads sawsall'd & melted on their campfire circulates, ya have an idea that they probably asked for it.

  5. I have seen that trailer in person and it's very impressive. You can also add up to 5' to the garage if you want.

    As far gas smell in the trailer I have never had a problem as long as you turn the gas off on the bikes. I roll my carpet up every time I put the bikes in so I have never had a problem with it staying in the carpet.

    Be careful with Fleetwood products. I think they make a nice trailer but there customer service leaves a little to be desired. It took us a year and a half to settle a problem on my last trailer that was a Gear Box.

    I've owned several Fleetwoods and Customer service has never come through for us.

    The owners brochure says the number to call,, then they ask "Why are you calling us with this problem?"

    But then, my neighbor has a WW and is going through the same thing.

  6. When did you last see it out there? You said your ride was Sunday. Like ynot said, he got his days mixed up and he said it was trashed Sun night or Mon morning. Were you out there after that? Just want to make sure. :huh:

    We we're out Sunday about lunchtime.

  7. Dimestorhood,

    What you are looking for are Skat-Trak paddle tires. Those are what I have on my kids LT80.

    Here is the manufacturer's web site. The tire you are looking for is the Exciter..


    By the way Rocky Mountain does have them...

    Under "Tires and Wheels", "Tires (ATV), then pick Skat~Trak then Exciter... $52.99 each.

    Or search by part number: 59410

    Hope this helps.


    We called RM earlier this week and the girl on the phone was lost,,,,

    I called skat trak and found the exciters on a aluminum rim,, 5 paddle

    thanks for the tips

  8. Think of it this way:

    If you have a larger rear sprocket on your quad,, then you have a slower top but more powerful low end.

    The same principal should apply to the larger dia tire and wheel.

    Bigger dia rear tire and wheel = increased low end power lower top end speed

    Smaller dia tire and wheel = less low end power but more top end

  9. OK now,, it seems to me that if you go to a larger dia rear tire and wheel, this will slightly increase your power, but decrease your top speed slightly.

    Perhaps not even noticeable,,,, but bigger is slower with power, smaller is faster with less power.

    The tire store guy disagrees,,,

    Who's correct???

  10. That's a very nice rig Ross. Does WW offer that unit without the garage? Since you have 5 quads, you'll need something without a garage.

    I like our garage, but we only have 3 quads. Our garage is 12' long so it can fit our 3 quads, 3 coolers, and all our riding gear and tools. I keep the inside door closed when towing and open the roof vent to let any gas/oil smell out.

    Yea,, I'll have to get serious with them and perhaps they'll build it without the garage, or something similar.

    An aluminum roll up door would work like in my trucks at work.

    We're just learning,,

    I'm retiring soon, and want to get something awsum with lots of room because our trips will be of epic lengths of times.

    I don't want to make the mistake of buying the wrong unit.

    Fleetwood is introducing a new line of Toyboxes called Redline this April, so we'll wait to see what that brings to market.

    The WW rep bragged they've sold 95 site-unseen of the FT like I pictured above,, but then quickly cut $25.000 off the price, and loaded up the unit too.

    I've heard that a removable carpet will draw out the gas odors as well, by removing it when you camp,, then replacing it and rolling the quads in on top.

    Wives tale or fact???

  11. It's a really cool swap.

    A 500 motor with lots of snap, into a light 450 frame with good geometry and feel.

    I bumped into three guys in Paradise at Gordons Well and they had it done at a specialty shop in Orange County.

    They said this shop is Da Kine place to have it done.

    They were all Three Stooges slapin' each others face happy with the results.

    A friend is seriously interested in this, and us being quad-ers, I didn't catch where it was done.

    Thanks if anyone knows,,

  12. You better have a SEMI to haul that thing its gonna be HEAVY...

    I kid you not,, honestly,, you could show up in a f 150 6 cylinder, or even a Tacoma, and I wouldn't be surprised if they told you: "Yeah,, it'll handle it".


    Sleeps 10 people,, but can handle 2 (maybe) quads,, yeah,, that oughta work.

    I have 5 quads,, and am waiting on the new Rhino,,,,

    Maybe look closer at Gearbox,,,,,, then I can keep my existing truck too.

    Patience time and thought,,, the best way to move into this.

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