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Posts posted by NicoleinVegas

  1. LOL...we all want to go find it now. I seriously think when mine got stolen it was the kids that kept driving by...cause they would slow down and look all 3 times they came by then squeal their tires.

  2. I think she should do the time. If we did the same thing we would go to jail and that would cost us time from our jobs and money, why should she be any different? She does stupid stuff all the time.

  3. A bunch of my friends are in Iraq right now and the good thing, they can still stay in contact through the web...makes it easier to deal. More are leaving in a week or so, you guys know some of them. If you do have to go, be safe, if not...that is great. No matter what you're in my thoughts and prayers (even if you stay, cause that leg has to heal!)

  4. That's fuggin right!!! A little of this... :thumb: ... a little of this... :handshake: ... and a little of this... :laughing: (and probably a lot of this... :drinkbeer:) :clap::drinkbeer:

    I got to hear some of that on the phone...hee hee. Sounded like you guys were in a club, but nooo, you were in the limo!

  5. Yeah to get down here again I wouldn't look at the screen! I guess the camel spider will jump on a camel's belly, and when it bites it numbs the area, the camel doesn't know it is there. So it keeps eating and next thing you know the camels insides fall out and it kills the camel. I know someone that was in Iraq and he told me that, they are hideous and I am glad they aren't here, they look huge and freaky!

  6. I'm reading along looking at pictures, then bam...that ugly ugly spider!! I couldn't look or hardly touch the mouse. It also could have been a camel spider if it was really really big...like the ones they have in the Middle East? I know vinegaroons are so ugly too. They will chase you.

  7. I will Stacey, we should all go out there sometime, bring some shade and just have fun on the trails. Thanks everyone...I think I keep pinching myself that it is mine.

  8. Thanks everyone. I didn't expect to own one this soon, but I'm very happy with it. So if you see me around the camps or something come say hi, might be easy to distinguish who I am now...lol. R.I.P. little 350.

  9. Thanks...I was getting so frustrated not having one and waiting for all the paperwork to go through. Then I thought I would have to wait longer to find the one I wanted. Finally it all happened. I just wanted to go riding again ya know?

  10. Well my Raptor 350 had been stolen, and this past weekend I finally was able to pick up the replacement.

    Here she is:


    2007 Raptor 700 SE2 Went to Apex yesterday and I was having a ball!

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