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Posts posted by NicoleinVegas

  1. Oh wow...what a weekend.

    I met more awesome people, everyone rules!

    Our camp was hard to find, but wasn't really far from the main one...just over a finger dune.

    Warrior it was great to meet you and your wife...I know you probably think we are all crazy.

    Dave and Jackie I had a blast again.

    My Air Force crazies...it was fun again, and so random that one had a extra belt for a Ranger that shredded. Yay!

    Stacey...thanks for the drunk cruise in the Burb...even though you did disappear and never came back...lol.

    Gatorade = no bueno in the morning, should have just had a beer again.

    Our 20 footer had more people in it than the bigger haulers in camp...talk about a grub feast and buffet!

    I am still going to bowl in Craig and Tiff's hauler, and put a slip and slide in Renner's...the Tiki Hut.

    I did two long rides, once to the North Pole on my quad and then to the meet and greet, met more people on that.

    The next day on the Ranger...that was fun too. 3 people ate it and not one got hurt. My second group of riders thought I was being funny about there being a South Pole...until I took them there.

    Everyone left us on Sunday, so we moved camps over to Amanda, Angela, and Paul's camp...just chilled that night.

    Found out yesterday...my hauler can hold 3 700s easily. I was impressed.

    Got home and rested last night. Have lots of laundry to do this week.

    Thanks all, it was really a blast. I have some pics, I will try to post them later.

  2. Next person that says shenanigans...j.k.

    I want to leave work, the day is flying by, and work still has to be finished. I am excited. Bud Light is 15.99 for a 30 pack at Smart & Final...and I am hitting it hard on the way home. Hopefully packing will be a quick hit...then off we go!!! Can't Waitttttttttt!

    Can I go now?

  3. Just to let you all know. Pulled the GFI plug, the wiring looked weird, bought a new one, figured out it was wired wrong from a diagram online, and now we have outlets!!! So the new one is going back, but thanks for the help.

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