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Posts posted by ItsWeeks

  1. I have one. Great working breed. Most police departments use them amongst the shepherds of course and the military. Typically have a high drive, I say they are like shepherds on crack. Some call them maligators

  2. so the sheriffs conduct the search, they find johns firearm it is a common weapon ( lets say an m4 carbine) the sheriffs retrieve it and inform john that in california you cant carry a weapon concealed. or have a loaded clip in it, to make matters worse it has a 20 round clip in it, further it had no bullet button.

    Um, if an m4 is a common weapon in a trailer at the dunes I'm gonna start bringing all my tactical gear. Because my pistol just isn't gonna cut it. I would like to think that any gun owner knows the where abouts of their firearms at all times especially their long guns.

  3. Well I have sunday-tuesday off, but my lady is buggin to go as well and she is off monday, tuesday... Unfortunately we didn't go today because my moms car decided to throw a timing belt. So today was tear motor apart and get head off to see damage... Def would have rather been duning...

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