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Posts posted by rushjunkie

  1. The, perhaps originally intended, scientific answer is that no, the tree does not make a "sound". It makes sound waves, that without an instrument such as an ear, do not convert to actual sound. The common sense answer, as the question has mostly come to rely on, is that yes, it obviously makes a sound since we know that a tree falling makes noise regardless of whether anyone is around or not. The metaphysical, and perhaps first roughly proposed, answer is that no, the tree does not make a sound if no one is there to witness it falling. And indeed the act of making a sound isn't even a quandary, all that matters is that the tree in fact ceases to exist if no one is there to witness it.

    Now leave me alone, I'm going outside to look for clouds that look like dunes... :thumb:

  2. I'm a couple of weeks late with these pics (camera died shortly after arriving, so i only have a few), but here they are. We were there for a midweek trip because of work, but we rode all Wednesday and Thursday morning until it began to get windy. Blew real hard all day, we finally gave up waiting for it and bailed about 3pm. New job meant that this will be the only trip this season, but I am already planning for next season...

    PS. happy to hear a fellow duner is doing ok because there were other duners there to help. :lol:

    Finger dune before the wind


    Our camp out by chitter 3



    our daughter's first time to D



  3. Green Movement.

    You dont know how to "save" the planet. You can't "save" the planet. You don't even KNOW if the planet needs "saving". Find a new way to get attention, leave the "saving" to scientists who know what they are talking about ( and not looking for their 15 minutes), and leave me and my 2-stroke alone... :dope:

  4. I dont reply to most political threads, but this one I have been particularly sensitive about.

    I used to work at a Hummer dealer and would get crap from "greenies" all the time. They would paintball our Hummers, egg them, and leave nice notes for us. But when I sat and talked to some of these, they didn't know any FACTS. Just like most in the capital, they just say and do what SOUNDS good and makes them SEEM like they care. This jag-off Gore REALLY slaps alot of educated people right in the face with his hipocritical practices.

    I agree with the Cheese, my truck will probably emit less bad fumes in its lifetime, than 1 cross country trip in a plane.

    We are supposed to have a government for the people BY the people. Last time I checked, the majority of the poeple were not flying around in private jets and being chauffered around. I understand if a successful business person or even 12cent has the means to do so, but how is an elected official supposed to understand how life is for the MOST of us if they live like the LEAST of us. Sorry, got a little :dope: but it's all part of the same elitist attitude that put alot of people in a bad situation.

  5. You need a Class "A" license with a doubles endorsement. There are different forms of the class "A" license. You need to do the regular stuff to get a class A. Test, physical, etc. The driving test is the kicker. You need to take the test with what you will be driving under the A. When you pass you will be able to drive only what you tested for. (An A for a P/U and trailer won't let you drive a big rig) Then you get a doubles endorsement which I believe is only a written test. Oh yeah, anyone that is towing a triple axle RV trailer or fiver is legally supposed to have a Class A.

    There is a maximum length. Similar to the Motorhome with a trailer length. People push the limits but usually don't get messed with unless they do stupid stuff.

    I am interested in towing doubles as well. I figure if some of these characters that drive big rigs can get an A license, then, almost anybody with a pulse can get one!

    Yeah, I think you are talking about a Commercial A vs. Non-Commercial A. I think you can only get a doubles endorsement with the commercial one, so the driving test has to be taken with a commercial vehicle. Not sure though :beercheers:

    I just printed the 144 page CA Commercial Driver Handbook, so I have crapper reading for a while :DDRrocks:

    There are weight limits on having to have a class A with any trailer regardless of # of axles. In CA i think its 10k# for tag trailers and 15k# for fivers.

    You're right though, there are some guys that have no business driving a rig...

    I will keep everyone updated on my findings...

  6. Before I start going through the DMV website, does anybody already tow doubles in CA? Just wondering about the rules. I know I need to upgrade to a CDL w/doubles endorsement, and about staying under max length. I was wondering if there are rules about the second trailer. Could I flat tow a Jeep behind the fifth wheel? :grin: It doesn't look like I'm gonna be able to sell my 5er in this selling atmosphere and Im gonna need more room if I am to upgrade to farm equipment, jeep or rail. :whistle:


  7. I guess you won't have to worry about trailer tire blow outs if it never sees the road. lol :assblast: :freakin_nuts:

    I saw this last week and forgot to post it until now.

    Pretty damn scary if you ask me! It didn't even fit on the ramp and the left side tires of the hauler were up on the side rail! :dayum: It barely fit length-wise too. :blink::shake:


    Can you say "repo"?? These guys must have found it and instead of waiting around for somebody with a proper hitch, they popped it while they could. Repo guys are having to do some crazy chit right now with people hiding their toys, cars, etc...

  8. i asked this a while back but i havent got around to actually doing it. there are some wires going into the clutch perch. do I have to do anything with these, other than unplug them when i dump the stock perch for an asv? I dont know if they need to be spliced or kept apart. :clap:

  9. Hey Eric Eddy, :blink:

    Check out this topic for straightening the frame. Click here >>> topic

    Jeremy added pics of how to do it.

    Just keep in mind:

    Anyone who uses his method has to buy him new overalls. :smoker:

    :blink: JK Jeremy....Don't eat my childeren. lol . Have a beer brotha :sleeping:

    As far as THAT axle just sliding out??????

    It's probably all rusted up and you'll probably be hammering on it to get it out.

    Just don't bugger-up the threads.

    Leave the nut on the end and use wood between the nut and the sledge hammer.

    Good luck Eric Eddy. :whoop: Dammit, I did it again.


    :lol: Im actually a little relieved, i thought i would have to WEAR overalls while doing that method. I got the axle out that exact way. it worked like a charm.

    :smoker: hahaaaa. I must have mixed you and raspadoo up. Both your screen names start with "r" and both your real names start with "e". Plus you both have a 70! :laughoff: Hey gimme a break. It's been a long azz week and I'm still recovered from that damn regatta! :blury: :angry2: :blury: I could use a :smoker: right now. Stupid job! :angry2: :laughoff:

    Sorry EDDY. :drunk::banghead:

    no sweat, as long as the wife doesnt slip up and call me something different, im good. :banghead:

  10. sweet, keep us posted on the progress Eric. I'd like to do the same with another atc. I might sell my trx if I pick up another atc. These atcs are just too much fun! :beercheers:

    Who's Eric? Presidente, have you been :laughing: ? :headbang1: This is my first complete tear down of a bike. Other than a couple of things rusted beyond salvation, its been pretty straight forward so far.

    Cole told you how to straighten the frame, but the crack in the head by the exhaust, seems to be a common issue and does not affect the way that it runs.

    Yeah, the flanges at the exhaust seem to seal it up ok, but Cole is gonna hook me up with another head anyway. Might mess with some porting. good to have a spare anyway.

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