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Everything posted by livininnv

  1. *********FOUND*********It's been found!!!!!!!! Thank you for everyone that shared! It had over 300! Found off of Windmill and Amigo and was completely stripped, but drivable with different tires the thieves put on it. Thanks again!
  2. *********FOUND*********It's been found 2/8/14!!!!!!!! Thank you for everyone that shared! It had over 300! Found off of Windmill and Amigo and was completely stripped, but drivable with different tires the thieves put on it. Thanks again! **STOLEN!!!!!!** last night between 1-6am near East Tropicana and the 95 in Las Vegas. White Ford F-350 with a camper shell on the bed. The back window on the shell has "got sand", Neusport, and Tabagators stickers on it. Any information regarding the truck or if you've seen it, please contact Adam @ 702-533-3910. Not sure how to upload pictures here, hopefully you can see the truck with this link: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151900194592478&set=a.10150148513587478.280236.609627477&type=1&theater
  3. REWARD! STOLEN THIS MORNING (12/4) from 5AM-9AM in Las Vegas 89121! 4 Seater Rhino Flames. Double Axle 14-16FT Carson WHITE Trailer! Big white tarp may still be on the trailer. PLEASE CALL 702-716-4147 or 702-436-6777 and leave a message please if you see it. Black, orange, red Flames on it. ...Full Roll Cage And Sound System. Black, Silver and Red KING Shocks. Thanks in advance for keeping an eye out! View photos of Rhino and trailer here: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=12113&id=609627477&l=c4595005c3
  4. Yes, I'm hoping our group and others have learned from what happened to him. He told me he will never put himself in that position again, and insurance is already replacing bike -- of course it was no where near stock lol so here goes the rebuilding of a brand new bike again -- ughh Thanks again everyone!
  5. Just wanted to post a quick note and thank everyone that was there and aided my son, John -- on Friday night at comp -- Halloween Weekend. He was the guy on the Raptor that was hit head-on coming down comp. My husband and I couldn't be there this weekend, so our boys went with some friends. They're older -- 19, 19 and 17 -- but still we were worried and then I get the call that the worst had happened! From what I'm told, he was coming down Comp, and someone was going up on the side that everyone normally comes down. He was hit head on and thrown in the air, and flipped down Comp, while his quad bounced (not rolled) all the way down over him and then some. Any number of things could have played out so differently as we all know so well. I am grateful to this very moment that he walked away from what could have been so much worse for him -- yes, his bike is trashed, but it can be replaced -- he can't. Just another testimony to the wonderful people that are always willing to lend a hand to someone in need. Best to all of you! Dayle
  6. Me and the boys will be out -- can't wait and will try and meet everyone this time!
  7. Thank you so much for starting a new thread -- very disturbing some of the other discussions. As for Charlie -- our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family/friends. My three teenaged sons witnessed the accident and came back to camp and parked it. It's something they will never forget and seeing their fear hit home. I can't imagine what Charlie's wife is going through -- my heart goes out to her as I worry about my sons and husband everytime they ride. As an extended family, the donations we give I'm sure will help them immensely. Please keep the updates coming! And, I hope that everyone donates what they can to help with their suffering.
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