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Posts posted by dreamrr

  1. Put a dividing wall right down the center restraunt vs bar. Split the building into 2 suites.. When bar patrons want food... you call up and order carry out from the suite next door or have them pay a charge for delivery.. :D You already have allllll that expensive a$$ restraunt equiptment there why not find ANOTHER way to use it :D

    We have already moved equipment up to the Korner Store in the same center and are serving food out of there by delivery. There is a loop hole in the law that allows deliveries in a smoking establishment, so we are taking advantage of that. We still serve food in the bar, almost everything that we used to serve.

    If we knock down walls, we have quite a bit of room.

    Additional pool tables may be good!

    Thanks people for your ideas, Keep them coming!!!


  2. As some of you may know, there was a new law past a while back that banned smoking in places that serve food. Scoundrels has decided to let the customers continue smoking and close the restarunt. :laughoff:

    We need to come up with ideas for what we should put in place of the restaurant and kitchen (lots of empty space). So, let me hear what the customers would want to see!

    I will share some of the ideas floating around:

    Hookah Lounge

    Mechanical Bull Riding (possible bikini bull riding)

    Xbox Live Gaming Area

    Comedy Club

    Help us out... Let’s hear your input!


  3. Alright, this guy just seems strange to me. He told me where he lives and said he wants to meet this week. So, I think great. Then he says he wants a 30 refund period for any major problems. I also notice that he signs his e-mail with "The Law Offices of". This guy claims to be a lawyer.

    First of all, what does a lawyer want to buy my old crappy boat for?

    And who wants a refund period on a used private party sale. Not going to happen.

    I am thinking something is just not right.

  4. I just wanted to know if any of you have ever posted anything on craigslist.com? I was board and posted my old 1986 boat on the site with a high price. I really didn't think I would have any response but 4-5 people contacted me within a couple of hours. One guy offered me $4,000 for a boat that he has only seen a picture of. He just said bring it down to Vegas. I'm thinking that it could be fraud or something. Any input?

  5. I didn't have anything really important on the computer, except pictures. It kind of sucks, with technology these days I dont actually develop many pictures anymore. I just store them on the computer. Looks like I need to find another form of backup. Lots of memories are gone now :thumb:

    Who knows, I may get lucky and recover the pictures :happydrunks:

  6. My laptop just stopped working. So I need to get a new one! I am seriously considering getting an Apple Laptop. I am kind of worried because I have never had a Mac before. But I have heard that they run faster, get less viruses, and are great with videos and stuff. What do you think? Should I get an Apple? Or do you recommend anything else? Thanks! :D

  7. :D I finally did it! I got a picture in Sandsports! It's a small pic and write up but I have been trying to get my rails in this magazine for quite some time, so this is a small accomplishment for me! I mentioned DDR in the paper work I filled out, but they did not mention the site :(

    I know it doesn't measure up to Travis's features, but here is the picture... the rail to the left looks familiar too! :redhat:


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