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Posts posted by DUNESHAUNT

  1. My kids were scared and had fun at the same time.

    Thanks so much, Your hard work dedication, and certainly the money spent were appreciated by thousands.

    You family is a huge asset to the duning community.

    Thank you. The kids are the reason we do it.

    My wife started, 3 years ago, with just a little thought of doing a haunted graveyard, and we did that, plus

    a little more. ( look back at our original post 'Haunted Graveyard at Dumont')

    Fast forward, a few years, and look where we have taken it to.

    Now we think we are getting obsessed, NO STRIKE THAT, we are possessed with doing the DunesHaunt.

    We love every minute of the planning, designing, constructing, testing, perfecting and presenting the

    DunesHaunt to all our fellow duners and their families.

    As crazy as it may sound, we are already planning DunesHaunt 2013.

    We talked to a lot of our guests Friday and Saturday night and are using that input to improve the haunt for next year.

    If you have any feedback that you would like to share with us feel free to do so, in this thread or PM me if you would

    rather keep your comments more 1 on 1. The more we hear the better we can make it.

    • Like 1
  2. Hey DDR Peeps!

    We wanted to share with you the best quote that we heard from our haunt guests.

    "I seemed to have moistened my panties!"

    That is a real compliment to us.

    Thank you, to all our fellow duners.

    We had a great haunt this year.

  3. Thank you to everyone that came through the DunesHaunt! Sorry we haven't posted any pics up yet. We slept in Sunday morning, spent the day playing and duneing. We're getting up early Monday to start the breakdown. We'll get pics posted Tuesday.

  4. We have arrived at Dumont. Had to deal with a bad trailer plug and blew one trailer tire, all in a a days work, right? Well, we are camped right at the end of the main road, across from bathroom 10 and in front of bathroom 6. We will have the tent up and start moving "stuff" inside by mid day tomorrow. Stop by and say hi or just give us a honk letting us know that you're gonna stop by and see the DunesHaunt Friday or Saturday night.

  5. "Looking for a few Good Monsters!"

    Are you going to be a Dumont for the Halloween weekend?

    Are you looking for a new diversion while you're at the dunes?

    Do you strive to making people wet themselves?

    If the answer to the above questions is yes, then we have the job for you.

    We are in need of a few good Monster/Actors for this years haunt.

    Only 3 hours on Friday night and 3 hours on Saturday night.

    Send me a PM and I'll send you back more info.



  6. Hard at work last weekend. Built a bunch of new walls for the new haunt design.post-5918-0-58271800-1347583924_thumb.jp

    My Grandson Dustin enjoyed helping on the walls.


    We put a few of the walls up to see how it was going to work.


    We're going to get all the painting done this coming weekend.post-5918-0-00990700-1347584013_thumb.jp

    Can't wait to get them all up and do our walk through!

  7. I addition to this years haunt we will be including a photo op area.

    It will include a really cool 3D background, something real, not just a cloth backdrop, some props in the

    foreground, and a live, (or almost live) Zombie, or other creature from the haunt.

  8. >>>>>>>VEGASHOTTIE76<<<<<<<<

    We are between #6 and #10 Rest Rooms.

    To the right side of the main road coming in.

    (like you were going straight to Comp from the Ranger station.)

    Come up the hill, past the Ranger station look straight ahead and you should see a large Tan military tent.

    We will be there setting up Wednesday, Thursday, and final touches on Friday day. We will be open for guests Friday and Saturday nights.We welcome you to stop by and share our passion with us.

    Here's a pic of the tent from last year.


  9. "Looking for a few Good Monsters!"

    Are you going to be a Dumont for the Halloween weekend?

    Are you looking for a new diversion while you're at the dunes?

    Do you strive to making people wet themselves?

    If the answer to the above questions is yes, then we have the job for you.

    We are in need of a few good Monster/Actors for this years haunt.

    Only 3 hours on Friday night and 3 hours on Saturday night.

    Send me a PM and I'll send you back more info.

    • Like 1
  10. Time to start giving you a little taste of what's too come this year.


    We are doing a complete revamp to the haunt for this year.

    Don't come expecting the same Duneshaunt as last year.

    Oh, you should get your "Depends" now while they're on sale.

    Guess that depends on what scares the P--- out of you.

    You will need them!!!

  11. Got the haunt Barn done!!!!!

    Two 5 foot doors on the end, we can put any of our toys in here if we need to work on them.

    I added the Gossip Door on the side so we could get some nice cross ventilation

    we have been busy getting props loaded in it. We have also be working on repairing props from last year's haunt.

    This years haunt is going to be great, Keep checking back to see our updates!!!!

    Scare Ya Later!!!

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