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Posts posted by dirtprincess

  1. We have a couple of pair of Oakley sand goggles and they work great! Only $35, or experiment like I did. Get craft foam, cut to fit your old gogles and glue. Cost, less than a buck. You can always buy new lenses for most frames too. I finally decided to get an extra pair of goggles one for day lenses and one for night lenses. What a set up.

  2. I was there this weekend and I tell you it was a mess. The semis hauling in the stuff were getting stuck doing u's, a th got stuck and broke trying to go around. Funny seeing our friend in his chevy with the rhino in the bed unstick one of the semis. We were still there about 45 mins waiting.

    The black stuff was laying all down the middle of the road. We had to cross it several times. It looks like it will compact ok but in long run will loosen quickly also, depending on how the spread it. (not bein a pro) It looks like they were laying it over all the washboard and potholes. It will be exciting to see how it all ends up. Anything will be better than it was. Thanks to all.

    Just some of what I saw.

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