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peewee the pinstriper

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Posts posted by peewee the pinstriper

  1. Hey guys.. we're gonna drive truck and open trailer loaded with 70's and quads.. although we appreciate previous offers of using Toyhaulers (Ragdoll mx).. we want to rent a motorhome down there for the weekend.. Besides it's cheap for a 25 footer ..$300 for 3 days.. any ideas on what woukld be the closet rental place.. I called Cruise America in Bakersfield and just thought to ask you guys if you knew of a closer place to Dumont...

  2. I don't have a picture of a mad man on a 70.. .. I actually took a picture of my buddy on his 250r and made my own clip art design you see there.. a nice picture of a guy on a 70 cutting into a banked dune would be sweet..

  3. I'm doing this for the Glamis guys and i want to do some for you guys as well that way come regatta time we can tell who's who in the atc70 world! LOL! Here's what i propose to do.. make some DDR stickers that incorporate the atc70 in them... just as an example here is a layout we could use.... so what do you say? I used a suspended bike (Okay I used this on a few of my shirts as well... but hey, it looks cool!) because it kinda makes it more interesting.. You guys like something like this? or something just atc70 specific and a little less on the DDR? ..

    post-6053-045365400 1287795713_thumb.jpg

  4. Cole posted an article that was in Sand Sports magazine on his Facebook page... Me not being a Facebook user couldn't see it.. well now I can!! I created the Atc70decals.com Facebook page.. be sure and stop by and post pictures of your favorite 70 or anything 70 related you want to... once i get the hang of it I'm gonna be giving out goodies to some lucky 70 enthusiasts! I'll be looking forward to your posts... and Cole yer in big trouble boy!!! LOL!


  5. My '73.. I use it to get around carshows and this truck was there and the guy was talking to me about some Pinstriping.. Someone yells out " can we take a picture of it?" The Old guy says "sure!".... I then see them step back and get down on their knees and take a picture.... Of the 70 with the truck in the background... I then smiled at the old guy then looked over at the peeps with the camera and say "Go right ahead"... I think his poor feelings might'a got hurt.. :)Picture1641Large.jpg

  6. Is it coming up anytime soon? Just checkin... Count me in for raffle prize goodies..I use my 70 to get around carshows when i setup to Pinstripe there.. The truck isn't mine... but it made for a nice backdrop in the photo.. Picture1641Large.jpg

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