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Posts posted by Rockinfigs

  1. agree...hate idiots who throw their cigarette butts out while driving.

    learn how to speak English if you plan on living here in the U.S.

    idiots who set up camp right next to you in Dumont when the whole place is empty.

    Tweakers and Thiefs

    ill think of some more later

  2. i was just in dumont from sat to tues and i cant believe the amount of broken glass and nails around the place. Everywhere i stopped i look down and see either broken glass or a nail...WTF! it ticks me off because last yr one of my tires on my toyhauler got flat from a nail. sorry just wanted to vent,,guess there will always be some idiot that brings wood with nails in em or put glass bottles in the fire.

  3. ok before u go over the cemet water crossing just before the permit checkpoint there is a trail off to the left...a trail that leads to like tecopa or something..anyways has anyone been on it and can u go all the way on a tank of gas on a quad?? how is the trail easy, difficult, fun?

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