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Posts posted by dinicolada

  1. Cool Raider sound like you and the family had a great time in our fabulous town, it’s always great hearing when visitors win some money here it make’s it easier to get them to come back,

    :dope::thumb::laughoff: :dance:

  2. Raptor said they are working on fixing the problem and that was it.... nothing.....big help lol


    Well this is not good advertisement for them I’m not in the market right now but if anybody asked me I will tell them to stay away from all of them (Raptor and Cal’s)

    Good luck getting it fixed


  3. Good thing auto dealers do not do this.

    Don't bet on that, bring your non dealer bought auto to the dealer when there busy and see how long it will sit there!

    Most good RV dealer's will deal with you when you price match just tell them what you can buy it for else where and compare apples to apples.

    Captnkllm call the manufacture and tell them that you are having problems getting it fixed and they will deal with the dealer.

    :beercheers::drinkbeer::beercheers: :eatdrink021:

  4. Hey Chris I'm not a house a/c guy but you might wont to ck the condenser fans and make shore there coming on if there not then the unit will run for a little time and shut off because of the head pressure.

    Need a little more info on the symptoms then I can ask our a/c tech here at work.


  5. Had a great time as usual got to hang with a lot of DDR peeps this trip more then any other weekend. Enjoyed every body's company and the parting at comp was great will have to do it more often. And yes Randy I would love to go see Roger if we can swing it.

    Sorry to any people that was waiting for the Pinz at the south pole we had to take a detour it would not make it up the hill past comp so we where going to go around but started seeing a lot of trash on the way and started picking it up. We did make it out there but it took a long time to get there but we picked up a lot of trash and that's all that mattered.

    Had some great ride's this weekend, didn't notice till Pete mentioned it but I two never made it up comp all weekend I was kind of a flatlander all weekend.

    It makes me feel great being part of a group of people like this, you guys kicked butt and I think we should keep that trophy coming to Pete's house for many years to come!!

    :redhat: :dance: :headbang1::rockwoot:

  6. Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe?

    Breakfast Club

    Can't find it Gerald you'll have to give us another hint!!

    :dunce: :idiot::offtopic: :ahhhhh:

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