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Posts posted by dinicolada

  1. normal_S2010106~3.JPG

    what funny is this truck had to be pulled out with a big A** backho on tuesday

    :whistle: I bet that tow bill wasn't funny!! I'm really surprised nobody ran into the damn thing, considering it was in a high traffic area for a few days AND nights! :whistle:

    :clap: Silly me, this is Dave's log-in :offtopic:

  2. Ok I’m finally going to do my Prez day trip report have been waiting for some pics from my son but I guess that I’m not going to get them. I arrived Saturday morning and started to unload was perfect weather so I got in a good ride with my buddy Steve before others arrived, oldest son arrived with two other trucks with friends had a good day riding with them the wife showed up just in time to make it to the north pole to meet up with the end of the DDR ride, met some new and talked to some old peeps. Got two blown up quad, daughters trail blazer and my banshee again WTF :cry: . Tried to visit with Dman and Captkirk but nether was home when we went by. On Monday I went for a ride with my oldest on his YZ450R first time on a 2 wheeler in the dunes rode for about a hour and half with no wrecks, waiting for 2 wheel crew badge :drunk: j/k. all in all was a good weekend cant what for cleanup weekend. :laughing: :gayboy: :gayboy: :hello:

  3. Well it’s set I’ll be leaving Saturday Morning and the wife and kids will be coming out later in the day, They will be leave probably Sunday some time and I’ll be there it Monday.

    Will have some of the normal group out there so I’ll be camping in our usual spot but will try to get around to others.

    See you all out there and be safe


  4. Finally got time to post my weekend report, we arrived on Thursday and there was no one around where we camp. I unloaded the trailer and we where off took the Warrior on it’s madden voyage it ran great we took a trip around to the north pole then to the south pole. Then Jay and my brother Rick showed up around dinner time so we sat around the camp fire and :beercheers:. Friday was great weather so we did a morning run and Bob showed up with my Banshee around 12:00 so got in some riding on it to get it broke in then some more camp fire and :dance:. Saturday was a great Sperry wash run and the Warrior ran great on the whole trip was a blast, got back and got to take the banshee to banshee hill and see how it does, then when I got back my buddy Mike shows up in his Pinzgauer so I had to take him on his first quad ride on his first visit to Dumont. He had a blast and could not stop smiling the whole trip. Dave and Jackie (cdavego & dune smurf) came over for some dinner and some :dope: we did not make it over for Dons birthday party (sorry Don) but thought we would meet up with you guys at comp so we loaded up in mike’s Pinz and headed to comp but did not see any DDR peeps so when sat there and had some more :laughoff: . Sunday we took 1 more little rid but the wind picked up some we loaded up and came home. Here are some pics. :headbang1::laughoff::laughoff: :mc_smiley:








  5. YEP... in that picture, i dont have any air in the air bags. one of the bags has a slow leak, :laughoff: so im going to put that automatic air compressor on my truck to air up the bags when it needs it. :laughoff: :jester:

    Word of caution! If you have a slow leak and go to the auto air compressor, you'll burn up the comp. because it'll run TOO much! :laughoff::dunno::laughoff: :fro:

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