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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/2010 in all areas

  1. That cant be correct........atleast 50% of the people cant vote because of their citizenship isnt usa...They dont pay taxes, they dont have to pay court fines, they dont have to live by any of the laws of the land. LOL... Im not for closing the border either. I think we should move the border to panama and make a few more states. Think of the jobs created by bringing water , business, and infrastructer to mexico....and we dont even have to go over seas to do it. It twice as good as iraq, location, location, location. And unlike iraq, they people want to come here anyways.......lets just take it to them.
    1 point
  2. Awesome vid Mike. I use Sony Vegas Pro 8.1 for my videos. You used a Gopro camera for those? I need to get me a Gopro.
    1 point
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