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Posts posted by CaptNkllm

  1. I am not going to say how I really feel but you sound like an irrational egotistical cocky arrogant AzzHat!!!! From reading your posts you sound like you ACT ON THE MOMENT!!.... Grow up! I agree with the Post above... whats $120 bucks to a guy that pays more in taxes than most ppl make? Cheap Azz! Its attitudes like yours that breeds ignorance!

    OBTW... you should find a better Accountant.....when I am done with my taxes I always have money for a pass.... dont really care how much it is.. its worth it for my family... Well ok I have to go now... I just rubbed 2 nickles together and made a buck so I have to separate them before I make to much money


  2. I have to say ... that was a very thorough Trip Report right there!!!!.... Good times for sure...Dont forget a sand Samich is better for you than SEX!!!! HAaaaaa


    (MO’s – Missouri Crew / Military)

    Yea, Yea it’s Dumont time! I was so eager to get to Dumont, so I left Thursday night by myself. But before I could leave, I had water over flow issues. Marble MD to the rescue! I left the day before my husband & kid. Yep, I towed everything myself, I even stopped and got gas in the dark. On my arrival I found Becky, Dave, MO friends & their friends all settled in around the camp fire.

    Dave & a few friends assisted me with unloading the toys. Now it’s DUMONT TIME!!!

    I started the night with a bottle of homemade “cherry” wine, brought out by one of the MO’s. The wine went down my throat smooth with no bitterness. It was like gliding across a sand dune after a nice wind storm.

    Took a cruise over to comp-hill to show a couple Dumont Virgin’s around. One of the MO’s had a brand new, never on the sand XP. We took it up comp and when we shut the engine off the battery died. A nice guy (Brandon) jumped started it and we headed back to camp. The three minute ride back caused the muffler to light up like an orange glow stick. I’m not really sure what was wrong with it, but after driving over 24hrs to Dumont, I would be beside myself if my toy broke down the first night. The guys spent half the day on the phone with the dealer and messing with it – They got it fixed. J

    Good Morning Friday … Let’s go on a RZR ride! Becky and I took two of the MO girlz out for a ride. Becky led us to see comp. Up & Down a couple of times - WeeeeeeeeeeeWeeeeeeeeeee. My passenger (Dumont newbie) screaming “This is Awesome”, then we headed over to North Pole. We relaxed for a few minutes; the MO’s arrived on dirt bikes & quads, so we chatted for a few minutes. Off we went around North Road to camp. “It’s going to be a fun-static weekend”

    Later that afternoon Steve pulled up and asked; what do we had to offer? Good-Times and my kid will be making jalapeño poppers tomorrow night. Steve made his way around and settled in. When he unloaded his RZR, my eyes popped out of my head looking at his new cage. Beautiful black radius cage, bas a$$ speakers for great tunes, awesome doors … But later that day or the next (can’t remember its dune time), he came back to camp with a light bar on the top. His RZR looked complete! When asked who did the cage, he was eager to say H-TOWN. Not to mention they are friendly J that says a lot, I will have to keep them in mind for future toys. Also during this weekend H-TOWN had a booth at vendors where they repaired a few tires of other Duners in our group.

    It’s Friday night and everyone arrived safely J … 10 “campers” (aka-toy hauler, motorhome, toy box) all made for a great camp circle. Time for some Camp fire love songs, jokes, pranks, drinks and fun!!!

    Rise in shine Saturday morning. Capt friends arrived and they were shortly after. Here we go!!! As I sit here and think about how to describe this ride … I am lost for words and a little speechless … But I will try. We started out up over the finger dune, the flats and then; when he hit the accelerator and went from probably 10-20mph to God knows how fast in 2seconds, my head flew against the back of the seat, my hands trying to pull the harness tighter, I knew I better keep my hands inside at all times! At one point my knuckles where so white from holding on so tight. Awww, just when I thought we were going to stop … Nope … Here we go again … My fingers crossed, my heart pounding, thinking is my husband still behind us? (He was driving a RZR) … during my moment of thought, it was distracted by the razor back we just went over that sand blasted me… Dang, my goggles are even being filled with sand! Now, my eyes are closed and didn’t want to see what was coming. But when we hit a witch’s eye, my eyes popped out and there was no more closing them. –Hey, I see my husband, he caught up at somewhere along the way- Arrive, North Pole! J We headed back to camp for a fuel. Oh’ I almost forgot, if anyone finds a cotton black face mask – it might be mine. I flew out before I could react to reach for it! LMAO

    Second ride with Capt “THE JUMP”…. Not wearing a mask (lost it), my goggles are as tight as I can get them, head set covering my ears, seat built tight as I can get it, hands in . . . Not knowing it was coming until the last second . . . my mouth flew open, eyes wide open, all I seen was blue skies for a split second and then beautiful natural tan DUMONT sand while floating in the air!!!! Needless to say – I had sand for lunch! Thank you for an experience of a life time!

    Now that’s a “CORVETTE ON STERIODS”

    Back at camp…which I have not seen most of the day… we headed over to Vendor’s to do a little shopping. I enjoyed walking around with a Capt’s wife, their friend’s wife + the kids.

    After a long day … I decided to have a RoCkStAr (I cut back a few months ago) … It kept me awake enough to enjoy a few “cartwheels” at comp … But then I hear someone say “NIGHT RIDE” … Let’s do it! I won’t bore you with the first part of the ride. I am in the passenger seat with my husband following Paully… We started out nice and slow… and then, “The sailor mouth in me came out” … we hit some virgin sand, razor backs, slip & slide all over the place. We were following a RINO, and at times I swear it was going over. This is my second favorite night ride in ten years; it would be my first favorite. But I jumped out of a Ranger while it was moving because I was so scared! -Night duning is a sick mental “exciting” torture- After all my screaming at my husband to get me out of this thing … we arrived at the North Pole, where I jumped out so and sat on the ground… I was so scared on that ride, I begged my husband to take the flats back to comp! As I’m hearing “Oh’ we were only going 32mph, that’s when my governor kicks on” LMAO!!!! I swore a few months ago, I would never do night rides again! “I lied”

    Why go to DISNEYLAND, we just created our own ride? Thanks Paully for the free heart attack.

    Hello Sunday … final day … Steve and my husband headed out for a ride … They started out behind comp, I didn’t want to follow so I headed towards comp. I arrived just on time to watch them come over comp J and then I followed them around for a little while. They started taking the dunes that I don’t feel taking on the RZR…bad choice to get out of their line… I now was lost! GPS would have been nice. *just sayin’ I seen a sand car go by and I’m lost, so I followed it until I seen a row of approx 8 quads, I jumped into their line until I seen familiar Dunes. I made my way back to the flats and over to the Drag Races…Yep, I was about 20-30min behind Bill & Steve.

    After this much fun and such a great weekend – Bad News … Something is wrong with our generator! This made me moody and I took it out on a few people/friends that did not deserve it… I do owe a few people an apology and I will make sure I will do this privately when I see ya J But with every great adventure and if this is the only “drama” we had!!! “We have it better than we think”

    Our adventure was absolute amazing… We definitely made “Unforgettable Memories” with an M80, Dog pile on a tent, kids sliding, adult sand boarding, generator & pizzazz at the camp fire, diesel Short Bus, nice talk with Dunesmurf while waiting for my husband, Sincity_Blondie I missed the burb ride, but thank you for taking Drea with you to the drags… Memories -To be continue next trip…

    Thank you everyone for such a fabulous weekend… *no offense if you are on DDR and I do not know your screen name.*

  3. Kinda what I thought...


    It wasn't all over the place by any means. Maybe you aren't used to a car that turns and slides. :laughing: j/k

    No but seriously, I was sliding it alot that day on purpose because of all the soft, virgin sand. I was having fun. That and you can't really tell how steep I was sidehilling some of those dunes. ;)

  4. We met Al on vendors row a few years ago and I have to say.. after the first meeting he made you feel like family.... I remember him making a breakfast burritos for the family and he told me he was going to make them special... and he did.. Man those things were huge. We always looked for him to help support him and the food. We enjoyed talking to him through the screen while he cooked... kinda like dont pay attention to the man behind the curtain thing...Outside of the tent he was the same.. happy and tried to get everyone to eat.. He was a Great Man in my eyes... that title is not held by very many in my life.. I feel a part of our Dune family is gone and he will be missed. Not so good with words at these times but ... Al, Better Days are ahead big buddy!!!

    David, Tina, Marissa, Caleb......

  5. We went to the 70's Regatta yesterday.. BTW Pete.. fantastic job.. and crew!!

    As we ligned up to get some awesome food from Smoking Al BBQ, they anounced that Al was sick with cancer and in stage 4. They are not sure if he would make it the rest of the week. I have personally talked with Al many times and I would have to say one of the nicest guys I have ever met and the absolute best vendor with BBQ. His Portions are always big and he is always willing to help with special events...If I remember correctly he catered to Woody's Party a few yrs ago.

    Anyways, take a min say a Prayer or good thought or however you personally do it... Al needs it... I had heard he was having issues but this was not what I expected. We donated to his cause yesterday but I know that will not be enough so maybe a prayer for his health, family and friends or for there to be no pain and so on..I hope to se Al next time we are out

    Fight the good Fight Brother!


  6. You guys are like my wife... I cant ever be right.. lol.. guess I should watch closer lol.. Good call.. I dont care what they say about you getting old :old: ...your long term memory is still working.. :slap: :poo: :whistle:


    HA HA Dave, I know that place better than you!!

  7. They just updated the system.. took them like a week and now it is up.. I loaded a couple things yesterday.. it took a couple tries to get one of them installed but after it did it was fine..not going to complain for free apps...I realy dont have many apps that I use or want to use but it is fun to have something for free every now and then


    Tried it a couple months ago.............. every time I'd try to download an app it would fail. Deleted it.

  8. My rail is paid for and wasnt financed...I invested and made money and when the economy tanked I was fortunate enough to still have everything but the 5er...


    I think the truth to a lot of people is they finance....How can there be so many high dollar sand cars out there......people spend more than what they have...I do sometimes, but it gets payed off in a mo or two.....but I dont buy 80,000$ sand buggies

  9. ever since that update on my droid it has had issues.. I just downloaded that OBD engine reader code reader program and someothers.. you have that 1 for free?.. try it and see what ya think


    Most or all the apps I use are already free and downloaded to my phone. "Only crashes a little"... :laughing: oh lemme download it right now then! lol

  10. no one tried yet? It does crash a little on my phone but other than that I have downloaded a few apps for free.. they dont charge for any of them.. I cant believe no one has tried it yet.. if you dont like it just delete.. it was given to my by a friend that is a manager for Verizon..


  11. applanet.net ... download and install.... after you get it .. report back here... I am willing to bet that this is the absolute best app for the droid....I challenge you to prove me wrong...


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