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Posts posted by dinicolady

  1. Sorry I missed everyone! Didn't feel well and decided to stay home! See y'all out there the next time!

    I was happy that Blue Steel won a Dumont pass for next year! That's the bomb!!! :barf:

    I asked about you when Blue Steel came up to register. Sorry you missed out...turned out to be a successful event despite the winds!! He did score at the raffle and harassed me about how I "dress" my hotdog in the lunch line. He'll explain. :headbang1: And oh yea, we won a pass too!! :P

    I hope BLM continues to donate season passes (6 total)...most awesome prize IMO!

  2. It was pretty bad.

    If it wasnt bad this morning they had virgin dunes for sure.

    Yeppers, Saturday night sucked...errrr....blew!! No campfire time and thank goodness an indoor dinner was already planned. Our hauler was parked broadside to the wind so we did some major rockin' aaalllll night long! This morning was still pretty breezy but not enough to keep us outta the dunes. The riding was AMAZING, but in some places the wind blew away the soft dry stuff and exposed the still wet and packed sand. Made for some rough riding spots here and there, but all in all really glad I didn't wimp out and stay at camp!! :barf:

  3. The biggest thing people can do though is prevent the trash from hitting the ground in the first place. I think we'll get a banner up on the site somewhere as a reminder to "bring a trash bag with you to comp at night to party". Alot of people just head over there with a cooler full of beer and firewood. They don't even think of where the empties and trash will go once they get there.


    Actually, I've thought about doing that...bring trash bags out to the hill with us and walk around handing them out to those obviously in need. However, it also occured to me that the true azzhats may want to kick my a$$! :old: 99% of the time we have at least one vehicle with us (a truck, Razor, etc.) that can carry back more than what we bring out with us, so we'll grab anything in the vicinity and haul it back to camp. That's the 1 thing I miss about my old Trail Boss....the big a$$ quad bag on the back that always came back to camp with trash picked up along the ride. When will people ever getta clue!? :thumb:

  4. Thanks for the update on Chris. Whitney told us he's already working from his cell phone :beer_bang: . Actually I didn't even see him at the top, I went over, my friend Steve is the one that saw him and dropped off another friend Steve who is a volunteer for the Ski Patrol in Big Bear. He stayed with Chris while the other Steve went back down the hill. When I didn't see Steve follow I got a bad feeling :(. Like you said it tears you apart when you see one of your friends like that. But it's great to hear he's doing well.

    Whenever word of an injured duner gets around, I get a sinking feeling. You know when that chopper is flying in/out, it's not good. No one wants things like this to happen to anyone, but that's why they're called accidents; it's never planned. It's when it happens to someone you know and care about that feeling sinks a lot further down. In a perfect world, there would be no need for that chopper, but the world is far from perfect!!

    On the upside, Davey and I went to the hospital to see Chris this evening. For what he's been through and what lies ahead, he's doing remarkably well! This young man has a guardian angel looking over him and we're all very lucky that angel kept up with him on that hill Saturday! :D

    :think: to a full recovery Chris!

  5. We are interested :thumbsdown: .

    Okey dokey then....here goes:

    2009 Receipts.....$598,156 (Down about $200,000 compared to 2008)

    2008 Carry over...$26,639 (Sweet considering it's not -$26,639)

    Available funds= $624,795

    2009 Expenditures...$601,871

    Balance remaining....$22,924

    Of this remaining balance, they estimate it will cost $5,000 to hardwire the generator to the lights at the heli-pad (you know, the one paid for with grant money). This is the TOP priority project because it is a health and safety matter and the season is soon to begin. The sub-group would like at least 1 more estimate before going forward....licensed/certified electricians need to step up! ;) They will also need the contractor throughout the season for emergency repairs and maintenance, so they should be located in close proximity (such as Pahrump).

    I cannot completely breakdown the expenditures because of 2 reasons. One, Eleanor is no longer at the Barstow field office and she always did a wonderful job of showing us the budget breakdown. Two, Roxi explained that their new system would not let her do a line for line breakdown (still learning) but she did tell us that aproximately $375,000 went to labor costs and feels that is pretty accurate. Other expenditures include travel but she gave no other $$ amounts. Sorry :(

    The Barstow field office received a total of 11 grants including a $150,000 grant for ground operations, however, it will be January before they even begin to spend grant $$$!

    In the meantime, those who want to buy a season pass need to get out and buy it this month so you can save $10. Hey, 10 bucks is 10 bucks! :D

  6. Yup yup yup....lots of discussion....not a lot of conclusions but still glad we attended nonetheless. I took some notes on some $$ matters and can post them up if anyone is interested.

    And YES Jason, Saturday meeting(s) were discussed and almost got one scheduled as soon as December. BUT some key members could not attend a weekend meeting so it's scheduled for the 2nd Tuesday in Dec. A Sat. meeting will be scheduled for mid-season so more "public" can attend. The DAC is going to meet Dec 11th and the sub-group wants to meet again BEfore that date, however, the 5th was not feasible so they decided on the 8th. Oh well.

    All in all, it was worth my time and the drive to and from to attend. The next one will be more Dumont specific since the "elections" and details about what can and cannot be discussed were the main agenda this time around.

    Lunch with Mike and Terry following the meeting was icing on the cake. :D

  7. AWESOME weekend!! Spring break, so we headed out on Wednesday....solo....no one else came out with us. <Too bad for them ;) > Got there about 2:00, set up bare necessities and headed out for the first run. The sand was as smooth as a baby's buns and the razors as sharp as......ummm, :mex: razors!! :beerpint: Amazing changes in the conditions since clean-up weekend.....WOW!! Davey and the girls did another run before dinner time...he got them up on the backside of comp. Taylor is LOVING her new <to her> LTZ400, Kelsey was on Davey's Banshee, and Davey was on his bro's 450. Little David has now graduated to the Warrior350 (caught on SO fast clean-up weekend) and will probably not want to ride the Trailblazer ever again. :beerpint: The night was clear and the moon was bright, so we did a complete circle around the dunes after dinner. By the time we got back to camp, we didn't even bother with a campfire...too pooped!!

    Thursday was more of the same...NO traffic, amazing conditions, perfect weather, and rode the hell outta the dunes. The hills were a blast too...hardly a soul around. I can't believe my kids are hopping razors! :beerpint: I had no choice, keep up or get left in their dust!! :shoot: Me and Davey paid a visit to Brice and Mike's camp before dark and had a good chuckle with the Wingnut! Good seeing you guys again, even for a short visit!

    Lots more folks had rolled in by Friday, but still lighter traffic and lots of elbow room. Spotted Skyz at vendor row when we went for ice and she flashed Davey's helmet cam...well, just about until he told her it was still rolling! :idea: Ran into Malcom (sp?) and some of his DSD Crew out at the N. pole. They had been there since Wed. also, but didn't recognize Davey 'cause he wasn't riding his Banshee. He asked about a meet-n-greet for Saturday, we weren't sure if one was planned, but if we were still out there we would be at the S. pole at 2:00. Cool peeps fo sho!! The weather was getting chilly and the clouds getting dark, so we buzzed back to camp to grab some jackets before hitting taledaga. I ran out of time on the helmet cam and missed getting the lightening shots!! :lol: Headed to Comp...then the WINDS hit!! Kelsey and I raced back to camp 'cause I remembered I left windows open to keep the hauler cool!! We had dunes in the hauler...sand everywhere!! Visibility was down to 0 when Taylor and the 2 Davey's returned....he almost hit the hauler...literally!! We battoned down the hatches and rode out the storm with dinner and a movie. It did blow out as fast as it blew in, but whatta mess in the meantime! Turned out to be a nice night, despite the light rain, but I sure felt sorry for those just rolling in during the storm....tenters were sure hating life. Had planned to camp hop and go visiting Friday night, but figured most were in for the night due to the sandstorm.

    REALLY wanted to head out for the meet-n-greet on Saturday, but we were 'bout out of fuel! Wasn't even sure I had enough to get the generator running in the morning. The Warrior was already on reserve, nothing left to mix for the Banshee <thirsty biotch>, :bs: 'bout the 400 and 450, but my low fuel light wasn't on....YET! :mex: Was tempting to hang out, but wouldn't have been fair to leave the kiddos at camp. We lingered over breakfast and decided to get ready to rock-n-roll. Hit the highway by noon. One helluva trip to end this riding season!! :dope:

  8. It does not matter what race you are. What matters is that the dunes are for everyone and we all need to be responsible for our actions. The parents of the kids driving the LT car were wrong for letting them drive it without adult supervision in the car, and the parents of the kids on the quads were wrong for not riding with them in their direct sight. AND THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR LEAVING TRASH NO MATTER WHAT LANGUAGE YOU SPEAK OR READ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

    I :beerpint: this whole post!! I was reading this thread over Davey's shoulder last night and we were both wondering why NObody had said anything about the lack of supervision for the kids on the quads!! The parents (of the boy) had to DRIVE their truck to the scene?!? Come on!! Our 12 year old son is a good and considerate rider, BUT we would never EVER let him ride anything out of our line of vision at the dunes!! If he drops out of our line for whatever reason, I drop out too (I'm always the caboose :shoot: ) and stay with him or guide him out another way. This was the first season we let our teen girls ride out of sight....either to go back to camp or go pee....BUT they had to stay together!!

    I still cannot grasp the idea of letting 10 year olds drive sandrails. :beerpint: I'm sorry, but if you're not old enough to obtain a driver's license, I don't think one should be behind the wheel of any car, on or off road. Even Rhinos, Razors, any sideXside, I'm still not comfortable with the idea. I've seen TOO many little kids reaking havoc with those things in the sand and on the flats, with no adult supervision let alone one in the vehicle!

    Oh well, rant over. SO glad the outcome wasn't any worse and hope all involved recover fully and quickly!!

  9. ok kids now that we all know the date for sure, we are going to be looking for volunteers.

    help with setup and tear down

    as well as help at the registration booth.

    Please post up here or PM me if your able to help us out at registration. The past few years have been fantastic with all the DDR members stepping up!

    You know I'm in at the registration booth Stacey!! Davey gets poker run, I get clean up. Leaves one of us to escort the kiddos. ;)

    We're thinkin' we just might let the kids ditch school Friday so we can make a 3-dayer out of it!!

    :beercheers: Looking forward to it! :D

  10. Holy cow!! Whatta weekend!!!!!! We rolled in about an hour ago. :DDRrocks: Hit the 127 at 3:30, got home at 8:30. Pain in the butt keepin' 3 motorhomes plus our hauler focused on GETTING HOME!! Not even gonna unload tonight. Took the bare essentials off the hauler, set the motion detector and locked it up for the night. Too tired and sore for much of anything else. (So much for Davey's day off tomorrow, he has his work cut out for him. I'm going to work to relax. ;) ) Got some great pictures also....will share tomorrow!! :D

  11. Sounds great!!!! I can stop cleaning my tires with used budweiser...

    Or just sell tampons.... you'll be everyones friend LOL


    That has been the topic of conversation many times in our little group!! A convenience store out at the dunes. Sell the stuff folks forget or run out of. Milk, soda, bread, batteries, cigarettes, toilet paper, tampons, LOL, but NOT booze. If you run outta that, it's your own damn fault!! :D (Not to mention the licensing for that. :usa: ) We really like the idea but none of us want to give up our ride time to work at the store. :headbang1:

  12. Thanks guys. My notes that I took at the meeting helped out alot with relaying the info.

    Yeah that was in my notes too but chose not to post it because I could already hear the whining of how the money was spent. "whaaat 815,000 doollllarrs??....where did that go....wahhhh" :bawl::blah::blah::blah:


    No kidding!! Believe me, there was much hesitation before clicking the 'Add Reply' button for that exact reason. You and I know the money is well spent and NO WHINING allowed!

    :shout: Buy your season pass before the end of September and save $10.00!! <Every little bit helps these days> :D

  13. haha no chit huh? Definitley a heavy southern accent there. Vic is good peeps fo sho though! :laughing:

    No doubt about that!! :D

    :blah: When I met him a while back I was blown away too. I thought it was gonna be this skinny dork. Instead it was a big azz dork! :blah: j/k, d*ck no cheese andshhiat :blah:

    :bawl: Yeppers, and balding on top too!! :jester2: :flipoff:

  14. -Next time dont be a clutz with your food and knock over the LAST ICE COLD BUDLIGHT in the house.

    Now THAT was alcohol abuse!! :lol::lol:

    -Everyone be in the parking lot at 9:45... YAAA fk yo starbucks traffic richard_cheese

    Yea yea, likely story! ;) Cheese and his buddy sure do know how to make an entrance!! :whoop:

    -woods totally forgot about his diet everytime we turned around the server was calling for MIKE.. and i thought i was fat.


    Had an excellent trip i hope the blm and trt see the huge support and can plan at least another saturday TRT meeting DURING the season and maybe make this a twice a year occurance.

    I second that motion!! They were genuinely surprised to see all those faces lookin' back at 'em! :D

    i wasnt aware that DDR had their own table @ the slash X :barf:

    Own table?!? Hell, we took over a WHOLE section! Pete did a good job of marking his territory tho. :D

    fuggin grizzly adams, errrrrrrrrrr Woody used to be a fur trapper. :lol:

    :lol: That was just too :whoop: hilarious!! "Sir, excuse me sir, is that your kid hanging from the wall over there?" :lol:

    i kinda kept my mouth shut @ the TRT cause i was HUNGRY

    :grin: That was a bigger surprise than the concrete slabs poured for the rangers!

    DDR drank the slash x dry of bud light. they had to run into town to pick up another case while we were there. :barf:

    Wouldn't have been an issue if :shout: they would have had Budlight on tap!! :whoop:

    in the future, i would like to see an even bigger turn out at the next saturday TRT, it would be awesome to have to change the venue due to too many peeps trying to stay informed on their riding area

    I second that motion!! :tmi:

    Good azz times fo sho! :lol:

    Holy crap, Woods. How much more food did you order??? :lol:

    Me and ISBB, "How long does it take to make french frys and melt some fuggin cheese on top?" Woody, " Oh chit, are these YOUR'S??? " :lol::lol::blink:

    Shanna(sp?) and Mike: :lol: "Where's the chili?!?" :lol:

    dinicolada almost lost an ear in the Woody bear trap

    That was making me nervous.... Davey, move over...Hey DAVE...MOVE over!!

    The new pay machines are a hole in the ground, Mike Trost. "just throw your money in there" :thumb:

    :lol: Gotta LOVE that slideshow!! :lol:

    one whole pitcher of ice tea just for sandchick :lol:

    Thanks Jodi for my tea "jug" refill, lasted me the whole trip home!! :tmi:

    I didn't make to Slasher X cause I was :lol: rich after my recycling adventure and was afraid someone might rob me.

    Nah, we would've said the pitchers are on Skyz!! <Except, of course, there was NO good beer on tap!!> ;)

    Learned alot about the processes. WOW! Hope I didn't ask to many stupid questions. :lol:

    NO such thing as stupid questions!! You did good! :D

    :clap: Not much to add to the above, but:

    Take the Jean exit.....dear, it's the next one....yep, yep, turn right, gas station on the left!

    Translation: WE GOTTA PEE!!!

    Two guys and a 12 pack of Budlight in the back seat add up to too many potty stops on the way home. :tmi:

    Just a bit over ½ tank of gas there and back.....not bad for a Burb!! :booty:

    Good company along for the drive....priceless :D

    Good times, good times!!

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