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Posts posted by dinicolady

  1. i have been known to break out the sharpie at times on people who pass out by the fire...

    Yup, sharpies, never leave home without 'em!!


    And never EVER pass out next to the camp fire!! :no_no:

    (This pic was included in Tim's season recap video :DDRrocks: )

  2. $39.96 @amazon.......

    Yup, good price too BUT I didn't have to pay shipping. :DDRrocks:

    :no_no: 5.90 miles x 2=11.8 miles round trip, about 1 gal gas @ 3.48 (last time I filled up), so I still came out ahead! :lol::DDRrocks:

    Mini corndogs and tater tots=priceless!! post-1889-1209236591_thumb.gif

  3. :rolleyes: We have officially joined the Pizzazzzzzz Club!! Justin and Danielle gave me a Target giftcard for my birthday and I decided THIS is what I wanted. They can be hard to find so I went online and found 'em at Target Greatland up on Skypoint. Best part, advertised (online) for $49.99, bought mine for $39.79. And just in time too. Summer vacation soon enough and the kiddos can use it instead of the oven.....no heating up the WHOLE kitchen!! :laughing:
  4. The only problem I see is what do you do with the extra waste water? :laughing:

    Grey = 40gal

    Black= 40gal


    That leaves 20gal of fresh with no room left in the waste tanks.

    Yeppers, I have to conserve on the gray as it is. Haven't run out of fresh yet. I use a dish pan (Rubbermaid, of course) in the kitchen sink so I can dump that into the black tank.

    Cool set up tho, would definately come in handy for extended stays, just.......in.......case! :D

  5. Heck yeah, come on down.

    I like their phillys and their burgers are kick a$$ too. :6pak: Their steak salad is good too, crasher always gets that. :clap:

    Thanks for the feedback Pete!! Yeppers, heard her rave about that salad on more than one occasion! :laughoff:

  6. 36%= moderately liberal

    You believe in governmental action to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all but not at the expense of the rights of others and you're cautious of that. You believe its the duty of the state to protect civil liberties and individual and human rights.

    :laughoff: Musta been that gay marriage question. :6pak:

  7. I don't know what works, but I can give some ideas on what doesn't. (2 times divorced)

    Don't marry for love.

    Don't marry for money.

    Don't marry because your going to be a mom/dad.........

    ..........There is so much more. I'm sure the other "not so lucky on the 1st try" people can add.

    A few words from my old man (3 times married) "Marriage is like a business each person has responsibilities and if they drop the ball it hurts the business. You must decide who is in charge of each part of the business and refer to the board of directors when changes need to be put in place. All decisions must be made together and each member has an equal say so. Never belittle your business partner and always treat them with respect and work as a team. Admit when your wrong and apologize." Oh and "yes dear" goes a long way.

    Some GREAT advice there Dr. Phil.....err.....Darby!! :6pak:

  8. Good question!! Lots of good answers too, but one size definately does not fit all. What works for some, may not work for all. There are obvious common threads in this thread, and I agree with most.

    only 2 big blow out type fights in 10+ years

    never any infidelity

    Only 1 "blow out" type fight in this roller rink and we're approaching 15 years married, 18 together!! Don't get me wrong, we do piss eachother off occasionally, but we never made a habit out of arguing "over the most stupid and insignificant things."

    No infidelity here either, but we do have an ongoing joke about my boyfriend or his girlfriend......like when I find a long blonde hair on his clothing. post-1889-1208472679_thumb.gif

    A good friendship has been our secret. Almost 21 years married coming up. :6pak:

    A sense of humor doesn't hurt either. ;)

    Yep yep yep!! We share a solid friendship also. <Congrats on the big 2~1 there Gerald!!>

    We know how to make eachother laugh. post-1889-1208473050_thumb.gif

    Bottom line is...we LOVE, TRUST, RESPECT, and COUNT on echother everyday.

    and we have a new baby with us now...

    And this might be the icing on the cake.

    Important words right there!! All marriages should have that foundation. Ours sure does!

    IMO, I think having a child(ren) can increase the bond between a couple. Like you said, the 'icing'.

    (Again, ONE size does NOT fit all, and babies should not be conceived to save a marriage.)

    I think we fit the definition of "soul mates". The 24th of this month marks our 15th wedding anniversary.

    Sounds longer than it feels. post-1889-1208474098_thumb.gif

  9. Have had some really great jobs, enjoyed working with the majority of co-workers, and gained new experience and memories at each.

    One that comes to mind as a favorite is when I worked at J&P Thermal Glass. Got hired on virtue of personality, no previous experience in the construction business nor much front office for that matter. A great gal (the one I was replacing) trained me in the basics and I took the ball and ran with it. The shop supervisor was awesome--I got spoiled 'cause being the only female in the shop, I got away with all kinds of chit. The owner (Jimmy Franco) was a NY Italian and had the biggest heart, gangsta style!! post-1889-1208414215_thumb.gif Even when business took a major hit, he gave all us employees a Christmas party to remember. Soon after the new year, he had to start laying off employees, and I was one of them. Since his wife could do the job I was doing, me and 3 glaziers had to go. Broke my heart but will always appreciate the experience and confidence I gained! Broke my heart once again when I found out Jimmy died a few days after our first daughter was born in '93.

    Went to Acme Equipment soon after the lay-off. Again, SPOILED. I set my own hours, the owner was a sweetheart (TOO sweet, pricing himself out of business) so the shop supervisor and I did what we could to make him some money. Worked there 'til above^^^daughter was due.

    Stayed home with her and daughter #2 followed 18 months later. Went back to work for awhile.....at a Daycare center of all places.....until I was too pregnant with our youngest to be lifting other peoples' kids. Probably the hardest job I ever had, but very rewarding!

    Went back to work after 9-11. I got hired on at the County part-time. Dropped kids off at school, went to work, off in time to pick them up and get back to the real job, being "mommy". Still there 6½ years later, still part time because I am SPOILED by the flexibility I have. I really enjoy the job, the people, the connections, but ............................................

    The best job I ever had was being a MOM. I only had one daughter and to see her with her two boys sure makes me feel like I really did something good. She turned out to be not only a great mom but a good person. I have accomplished at least one of my goals in life.

    Didn't make much money though.

    ...............as I always say when I'm leaving for the day, "Off to the REAL job now!!" :D

  10. :DDRrocks: Well, seeing that it is my birthday tomorrow, AND Woody will be there, AND the helluva week at work, AND...........shouldn't be too difficult to convince me!! Dammit tho, wish it could be Friday night instead. :laughing: "Thirsty Friday" just doesn't have the same ring to it. :jester2:
  11. I got a 3 drawer Rubbermaid thing for my clothes closet. Great for socks, underwear, etc.... :D

    Yup, Rubbermaid is a camper's best friend!! I have two of the 3 drawer jobbers. One is mine; dishtowels, hotpads, etc., that don't fit in those teeny-tiny kitchen drawers. The bottom drawer is REALLY deep and stores spare goggles, gloves, and a couple cool flashlights. It sits right next to the door with a basket on it for keys, phone chargers, phones, camera and other small objects. The other one is for the girls to use for their clothes that don't hang in the closet.

    Have totes for oil, tools, spare quad battery, rags, yadda yadda yadda.

    Little tote for batteries that fits in the cabinet, my "battery box". And one more for the gadgets that came with or are used for the hauler.

    Rubbermaid made the trash can I keep outside to collect my indoor trash bags in. Lid snaps on so it won't blow away. Toss it in the hauler, leave it on the curb, bye bye trash. :D

  12. funny thing...i was thinking of the bad jobs i had, but i kept thinking of the good jobs, fun jobs I had...imma start a new thread for that one! :laughing:

    I've been pretty lucky as jobs go, nothing REALLY bad, but one I do consider the worst. Working at a dry cleaning satelite store on the corner of Martin Luther King Blvd. and Alta. Local folks would better understand the point of that location. :jester2: My customers were cool people, just handling their dirty laundry was nasty!! You've never seen ring around the collar like that before!! :DDRrocks:

  13. Or @ 3am in the middle of winter laying on the ground with your arm inside of a sow or cow or horse feeling around trying to get ahold of a tail or foot or anything, so you can pull the baby out and save both their lives.

    plus, you act like none of us have ever had our arm up a cows a$$ before!!

    :laughing: Wrong orifice there Liberty. :DDRrocks::D

  14. Determining what solar system to use is like figuring what quad to buy, it all depends on what you want to use it for and how much money you want to spend. There is a lot of different system out there to buy and a lot of info to read. With panels from $500 to $700 dollars appease at 4 to 5 amps each it can get very costly.

    When I did mine I read till me eyes popped out and still did not know enough. If I use some of the charts that are available I would need 10 batteries and 20 panels just to last the weekend. So I got what I could afford and a good controller and hoped for the best.

    The batteries to me were a no brainier. I got the Trojan T105 because of the cost to capacity ratio. It seemed to be the best for the money.

    I could not get myself to drill holes in my roof for the panels. So I carry them loose and just set them out when we arrive. I have three 45 watt panels and we still have to run the generator but not as long.

    If you only want some thing to keep the batteries up when you have them in storage get a small package from a supplier and set it up but it won’t keep up with high battery uses like we do.

    Here is a good web sight that I have read and seems to be pretty good. solar

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