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Posts posted by dinicolady

  1. Well I always thought Spring Break was early April. That's what it was when I was in school. :dunno:

    You're excused, this time!! :mischevious: Really tho, it's the week before Easter, whenever that happens to fall, and they go back to school that Monday. I do believe the folks in Cali have it opposite.....Easter then a week off. SOOOO, with any luck, we plan on staying out there 'til Tues., if the weather and tanks hold out that is. :drunk:

  2. A similar incident happened a season or two ago. A man was taken to the ER at the Pahrump hospital and sent home with "cracked" ribs. He died at home a few days later from a ruptured spleen.

    So sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and :praying: are with his friends and family. Take care.

  3. Sweet ride! Just beware, those 700s are heavy and scary fast!

    Thanx, been on one a few times!! They weigh in at 516 lbs, which is a bit lighter than my ol' Trail Boss 325. My issue with them is the weight is in the back (fuel tank), so the front end really likes to come up on you. Could get sticky rock climbing in Logandale. :beercheers:

    Funny story, our last trip out to Dumont was the first time I ran with paddles on the Polaris, it felt like I had gained some hp! I actually took Banshee Hill!! Granted, I was crawlin' towards the top, but I thought, "this is cool"..... until I jumped on my sister in-law's 700. Didn't even "feel" like I was on a hill. SaWeeeeeet!! :eatdrink021:

  4. Congrats Kelly!!! It's a beautiful bike!! I'm so happy for you!! So, is Davey going to put your big "cooler/picnic/first aid/everything you need" pack on the back of it like your Trail Boss??? That thing comes in quite handy (for everyone)!! :DDRrocks:

    Can't wait to go riding again with ya!! :boyyy:

    I am gonna miss that big ol' bag!! Seriously. And so are the kids.....the cooler part, they stuff jackets in there, well you know, a little bit of everything! We could do an overnight campout as much as that thing holds. :assblast:

    It's funny you asked that, 'cause I was online the other day and found a neat bag that hangs over the fender, but at least I do already have the new six pack rack installed.


    We will be doing a big girls-only ride cleanup weekend, right?!? I'll now be able to keep up with the best of ya's! :kissass: (And my kids too :beat: )

  5. We don't stop for every little plastic water bottle we cruise by, but whenever we stop for a break, our youngest likes to hike around and gather up other people's toss aways. (It's the O-C-D in him) We seem to always come back to camp with more crap than we left with. Havin' a mombo quad bag comes in handy. :think:

  6. Congrats, I always liked the orange color as well..... :think:

    Thanks Mike! Fell in love with the blue w/black marbling when it first came out, but color is only cosmetic and what's "under the hood" is what counts!

    I agree with Woods. ^^^ Dig on the orange.

    Congrats Kelly. How exciting. super clean. Good job being patient. :thumb:

    Time to go get it all dirty. :bawl:

    :shake::laughing: :angry2: :dope:

    Gotta be seen while out riding! Kids, "Look, there goes Mom, gotta catch up!" :skeet:

    Can't wait till cleanup weekend to get it dirty, have to "test" run it out at Amargosa before then.

    Damn, it's hard to look at it sitting here in the garage. :skeet:

  7. Congrats on the new ride Kelly!!! Very nice looking bike!! Tax returns rock dont they?? :think:

    Thanks Stacey, maybe I can keep up with you in the sand now?!? :shake:

    And YES they do!! Too bad the IRS doesn't give it back to ya with interest, tho!

    Way Sweet! Pretty nice to have a new toy huh. Can I call it the

    Screamin' Tangerine

    Yes it is, been waitin' a loooooong time for one! :angry2: Screamin' Tangerine huh, :laughing: I kinda like that. I want to fine some cool graphics for it......found some flame ones I like but not sure that's quite my style. Suits the quad tho.

  8. I said bye bye to my tax refund...thoug I didnt get a quad out if it :angry2:

    Effin student loans I forgot about when I moved last year :dope:

    I'm sorry 'bout that, but good use of the funds anyway!!

    congrats! :think: and what tax refund :bawl::laughing:

    Thanx! and by the sound of your recent posts, they sure like to screw with your paperwork!! :shake:

    Hope you can get it all straightened out.

  9. Thanks Pete and YES, it doesn't look 4 years old. The guy said he had maybe 60 hours on it and maintained it well! Been parked in his garage for the past year. I'm ready to ride! :think:

    Orange wasn't my first color choice, but visibility is what counted most!

  10. .........and HELLOOOOOO to my new "toy"!! Been waitin' for the right time/deal and here it is. Good things come to those who wait. :D It's an '04 KFX 700, super clean and didn't arrive home as a basket case, unlike my TrailBoss. Planned on taking it out to Amargosa this weekend, but with the changes in the weather, decided to postpone. Besides, we had to order the cooler rack and the twist throttle, both installed since the pics were taken.






    And for $200 more, a complete set of sand tires!! (Barely used, nippies not worn off)


  11. All I was doing by putting in this topic was trying to see how the over all trades are holding up... It looks like california has been hit real hard so far.

    Im still in amazement on how many Repos & Foreclosures that Im seeing!! :flipoff: WOW!!

    Nevada has been hard hit also, made the top of the national list for foreclosures. :rockon: It trickles down and affects virtually everyone....gas prices, interest rates, unemployment, you name it. I work part time and with a 34 mile a day commute, I'm not sure I CAN afford to work there anymore. I drive a Burb (paid-in-full, BTW ;) ) and sometimes I feel I have more equity in the gas tank than I do in my house! :dope:

    not to make this a political thing but vote for someone in past history that has kept the buss. alive in the us not china (hint clinton ) :idiot:

    Ditto, howEVER, what dream world is Bush living in that makes him think the economy is so damn strong!?! Must be some really good chit he's :banghead: 'cause most of the world disagrees with him.

    :thumb: Oh, duh!! He's in the oil business, my bad. :thumb:

  12. :thumb:

    Sorry, I updated them as soon as I got the e-mail, Kelly.

    I wouldn't toss the old ones. The only difference is that it states that it is a free weekend. If that is the only reason they would come out, then I doubt they'd pickup trash anyhow. :D:banghead:

    No biggy, Dave probably printed them up as soon as you posted the flyer. I just hand wrote it on a few for the kids to give to their friends.

    Just hopin' for a good turn out and if advertising there is no admission fee that weekend, it could get a few folks there that otherwise may not of come out ....the fee INcrease this season ya know! :flipoff: (I know some cheap azzes)

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