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Everything posted by TCS T

  1. See ya there.... :headbang: I'm heading out on Fri. night with all my Usual Suspects!
  2. Allright, I am still at the office so what's another hour? I have to go to dinner at 6:30 so if you guys are up for it, it's looking like 5-6:30 at my office! Let me know.
  3. Oh Hell No!!!! Kenny your busted! :yeah_whatever:
  4. Do you really expect me to work till 5pm on a beautiful Fri afternoon? :yeah_whatever:
  5. Oh Boy! This Shiat is getting out of control!!!!!!!! :yeah_whatever:
  6. What does this have to do with where you work? Are you tring to change the subject? :yeah_whatever:
  7. Nepotism=favortism towards a relative in employment!
  8. Why? Who do you work for? Is there any nepotism involved? :yeah_whatever:
  9. Would you girls Knock off this little lover's quarrel! :yeah_whatever:
  10. Did you notice the Budweiser can in the passenger's hand?!
  11. Hey ISBB, The reason you have not seen Sponge Bob lately is, I came across a collection of cars that I have had my eye on! I am pleased to anounce that I made a straight trade, the Sponge Bob Tatum for 4 complete turnkey hot rod buggies! I have enclosed pics of my latest and greatest collection:
  12. Are you on crack ISBB? :rainbow1:
  13. Are you ready for the LT kit? Go Big Kenny! Cause you know the next time you see me, my brother, and Kenny Howard we are going to be runnin the LT kits!
  14. You better widen that thing up some to help avoid rollovers Kenny! Give us a buzz, Oh by the way, I have a long travel kit for you in stock (Kings,Gorillas,Billet and all)! Did you really use the rhino to pull out a vehicle?
  15. Looking good! But, looks like you need to widen the stance up to help eleviate your rollover situation.
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