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Posts posted by Dunelover

  1. I Have a Question This is Smokin Als BBQ would you peps be intressed in have us out their serving Pulled Pork Sand and tri tip ? let me know if it would be worth It or not I would also bring drinks ?????

    I say bring it on !!!A bunch of day trippers that aren't bringing there trailers would love that and anyone camping in my trailer would like it because I think I'll just refuse to cook lol

    Keep us posted on what you decide so i can plan on it :)

  2. Can't make it this Memorial Day cause I'll be at St Anthony's for 2 weeks and possibly a few days at KILLPECKER in Wyoming. But we'll be at Coral for 4 days in July for the 4th and 5 days in Sept. for Labor day.

    neener neener neeeeeeeeeeeeeeener !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I want your job you guys travel more then anyone I know lol> Good Times!!

  3. to make a long story short I was not able to make the tripp to dumont this last weekend that I had planned for my friends to come out from Colorado due to a new fat paying job, any ways to go from bad to worse :dope: they showed up Thursday morning and from what I understand from what the wife said :blah: they woke up Saturday morning and some frickin frakin :laughing::loser: walked off with two CRF 450's from there camp I can tell you if i was there there would be some :guns: involved

    so If anybody was there this weekend and seen some Colorado license plates and some dirtbags pushing some bikes off in the middle of the night please let me know Thanks. when I get more info I will post an update

    Sorry to hear that. :( We were out on sunday but there wasn't very many peeps there.

  4. LOL!! I lost all my pics with the phone :lol::loser: (but i know where it is if anyone goes to that one hill with the sand look for it lol )

    It was one of the best trips out there.

    and going 97.5 on the flats is :ah:

    Driving rzrs like sandrails a little scary ( Craig and Tiff sliding down a hill sideways me yelling at David don't you do that too lol )

    Good Times for sure :)

  5. i have a set of led lights for 2008 ranger ,now i took them of off cause i bought the rzr s

    so i"m wordering if :hatdance: they fit...

    also should i buy smoothies in the front or stay with the stock ones? all i do is sand no dirt..what do u think?

    I heard that sand tires make a big difference .I haven't invested in them yet tho :D

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