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Posts posted by quad~dizzle

  1. im in need of a set of rear knobbies to run on the dyno at powerhouse (im not sure if dan has a set). it would only be for that only, im really trying to avoid having to by some and willing to leave a deposit or rent from somebody. i need 4/110 bult pattern (suzuki 450). i would need them the end of next and any help is much appreciated. :laughoff::dunno:

  2. Name calling is against the rules! Why can't everyone have civil discussions anymore? If this name calling and arguing continues this topic will be closed and people are going to start getting suspended.

    And BTW, superdave has a couple kids (and grandchild) and is smart enough to camp far away from finger dunes where there are high traffic areas. This topic has been discussed before on here and there is never going to be an agreement on this so let it go, people. :bs: This includes you, Dave. There is no need to get all worked up about such a thing. :shocked2:

    your right it not cool to name call sorry about that dave but your rant about riding the finger dunes with all the kids in the way where are they supposed to play comp or banshee hill? considering the finger dunes are in the camping area and the speed limit is 15 mph and the kids are not ready to go out in the big dunes just let them have them by the way im not saying tape them off i cant stand that but i do respect the family and the kids trying to have a fun and SAFE weekend. finger dune racers are wannabe, look at me im cool posers! dumont is a big place go ride with the big kids!

  3. ah, duh. because the fingers are for riding too. i have had little ones and have a little grandkid now. talk about keeping the little ones safe, then camp away from the sh*t! jesus christ! its not a damn playground for kids. people actually love to ride the fingers without having to run into kids. jesus f*ckin christ! :shocked2:

    its people like you that people with kids that go out to have a good time have to worry about. your a idoit

  4. yeaa

    i figured i'd get that quad power kit thing, it'd add 10-15% horsepower to my bike and its only $137

    or i should just save up for an exhaust and a slip on.

    which shall i do??

    ct racing offers a big bore 440 kit for 1,400 bucks thats piston ,cam, pipe and i think carb. on thier dyno chart it shows you would be at 41hp stock is 27hp. diffrence of 14hp so for the price its about 100 bucks per hp. check out thier site ctracing.com if anything thier pipes work great (on paper)

  5. Yeah, there are several different threads on this whole thing and we've tried to let people know from the beginning that the road is not (and never will be) paved.

    Paving the road costs, no kidding, $1,000,000 per mile. One million! Sorry... but that's just not in the Dumont budget.

    The problem we all share is, the EPA is targeting 'dust' problems and we have (had?) a big one at Dumont along the entrance road. The BLM tried several substances and methods but none seemed to be working. Using this product to lay a surface down was relatively inexpensive and paying for it didn't come from user fees.

    The dust problem could have caused Dumont some serious capacity limit issues at the least, closures at the worst... so the washboard surface remains until someone can come up with $1,000,000 (per mile) to pave the darn thing. ;)


    is that all 1,000,000 per mile......j/k

    how much for a bike lane?

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