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Posts posted by quad~dizzle

  1. Also, when you get your new house, treat it as if you are renting. Use all the same stuff you already have. You can find yourself in a big debt hole getting a new this or new that because the house is new/yours. Does your loan include an impounds account? If you are good at saving, save the money yourself in another account and keep the interest instead of the loan company. Good luck!


    ive seen some of the pics at the parties these guys have :ninja: maybe a garage warming party :laughing:

  2. thanks guys for the input :freakin_nuts: i went out today looking and might be putting in a offer tomorrow morning. the one thing i have come to realize is try to find the most house for the least amount of money so if tthe water gets rough hopefully we can sail through it. issbb is right these fricken investors are hard to compete with :dunno: thanks again and will keep you posted :idiot:

  3. right now im in the process of buying my first home. ive already been pre qualified and the whole 9 just need to find a house. im in the construction field but been with the same employer since 02. and i should stay busy as long as we work but im kinda streesed about work and the way the economy but if i were to buy now is the time. i figured if i can by close to what i pay for rent why not and stop throwing the money out the window. i will always have to keep a roof over my head because i have a wife and two kids so moving back home to mommy and daddy is not a option :thumb: so in a nut shell would you take the chance the way the economy is or not and maybe miss your chance? thanks for your time :ninja:

  4. this last season i didnt get my quad done till new years and didnt hit a holiday weekend at all this past season. i kinda missed not going out for a holiday weekend but watching this episode reminded me of how some people act when they get a few beers in them and you never know if your paths are going to cross so i just aviod the holiday weekens now.

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